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Take you into the inner world of Virgo part 1 Virgo

Comprehensive analysis of Virgo

By GiovanniPublished about a year ago 8 min read

Hello everyone, I am super white ah, today take you into the inner world of Virgo ah. First of all, ah, once you hear Virgo strong ah, proud ah, learning ah, growth ah such better positive words, in fact, there are some also do not know whether you pay attention to, will be sandwiched in the middle of the word, sensitive ah, fragile ah, look at other people's ideas ah, intermittent collapse ah, and from time to time self-sensitivity, self-doubt, self-denial ah, in fact, all these things will be hidden in the middle of the compliment, and then The beginning is hair, the first bit is hair, why is such a structure? I have been emphasizing a problem, that is, I write the analysis of the horoscope, there will be a different structure for different horoscopes, in the hope that they can be more rational to be able to read in, to read the end. So why is a front first boast, and then the middle to say some sensitive, let the end again boast, must remember a problem, why so many people will go to black Virgo? Said Virgo bad communication ah, easy to get into conflict with the virgin, it is because Virgo he is a sensitive to not admit that they are sensitive, then this sentence can be understood.

Virgo is a particularly strong sense of self-defense of a person, he this self-defense is not the exterior of the external self-defense, but the inner self-defense. First, as long as his heart is a little stimulated and hurt, he will be wrapped up inside, and then use the rational brain and shell to forcefully take over the control of his body, then as I said, as long as he feels hurt, he will immediately start to defend. So why is it that Virgo is good at brainwashing others, but no one can count up the virgins? It is that once Virgo feels that he may be brainwashed, feels that he does not want to understand things, feels that he does not want to receive this information, he will simply not listen, and then refute, and then brainwash him ah, do not listen to him, do not listen to him, do not listen to him, do not listen to him, he needs to control himself, control the whole situation, control the pace. Then also I just said that problem, that why you have to start saying good things, then say those shortcomings of his again, he will admit, then finally praise, he will think, this is the attitude of Virgo life, such as the attitude of Virgo to get along with people. If you look at the Ming luck constellation and.

Reason down the first paragraph of Virgo this kind of person it, is sensitive ah, is glassy-hearted ah, is always because of other people's doubt and self-doubt, you will recognize my first paragraph to see this kind of words, Virgo will absolutely deny, why he came up if he received this kind of information, feel that this article is attacking him, let him feel uncomfortable words, he will immediately switch into a defensive posture, you said later I all refute, is I now take you is a kind of rebuttal mentality, with you, with your debate, no matter what you say, no matter what you write, I will be able to find reasons to refute you, because I think what you say is not right, then not right is not a sentence is not right, a paragraph is not right, but I think your point is not right, your attitude is not right, you want to express the concept is not right, so I have to refute you, then you come up first with him, hey, the I think Virgo, he is actually a ah, very very proud of a person, but this over-proud will make his heart become particularly sensitive, because he wants to achieve perfection, want more people like him, so when not more people like, he will doubt himself, because his own requirements are particularly high, so he will be sensitive, you can only say sensitive, he will admit that he is sensitive, then This thing it's not just about pride or.

The sophistry, or stubbornness, or to save face or something, so do his so-called let many people feel bad communication, not get along, is because he will especially to bite words, will key words, then he key words purpose is not to say root people debate, but he is a detail empty, that this detail for Virgo is particularly important, on these two words, right? You are a particularly sensitive person, because you are particularly the pursuit of perfection, so you are suspicious of other people's views of you, so you are particularly sensitive, these two words it is not, although the results express you are very sensitive, but not the same, because sensitive he is not the starting point of the initiative, but a passive self-protection, so he will go to deduct the word in the purpose is that he is not stubborn with you, and you dry, is that he really is so think, you say I'm sensitive I'm not sensitive, right, you say I care about other people's views, I don't care about other people's views, I never care about other people's views, right, I never care how others think I, how others look at me, then you say in another sentence, because Virgo is a special right.

The pursuit of word of mouth, the pursuit of results, so he tainted is not to make more people like him, but to make more people recognize him, you say so, yes, this is me, you say to this point, define it right, you say he is good or bad, you say how about it, through a result, through this one sentence to define it, which is not any meaningful, then you can understand because of this very complex and very contradictory mentality, so Virgo is actually a particularly difficult to understand people, that is because of this, then I just said right, he is sensitive and he wants more people like, so sensitive he can go to feel that it is not right, then you get along with him, in the process will produce endless contradictions, friction and misunderstanding, than some Virgo playing games, you said to him to go out at six o'clock in the evening Out to dinner, he ended up playing the game until 6:30, you told him that you do not care about me, you think he will admit his fault? Do you think he will bow down? He will not, why, because you can say I play games until 6:30 unpunctual, but you can not say I do not care, whether you are tired or outside, is the mouth or brain, he all think so.

You go to argue with him, you go to argue with him, he is not any sense, why? Because the point of your quarrel is different, you are talking about you don't care, and he just wants to talk about the whole thing, right? So I called 6:30 because of what, right? Because I was not hungry just now, because I also think you are not hungry, although we agreed to six o'clock, but I saw six o'clock has not yet left, as if not very hungry, it just so happens that I did not, did not finish playing, I played an extra 20 minutes, you have to say you are hungry, you told me I will turn off, but you did not tell me, how can you say I do not care about you? He said such things, then you he said such things, you can say he sophistry? Do you say he is not reasonable? In his opinion is not logical, he will feel that if you say I have said so, you still say I do not care about you, then it is you nonsense, then I am also not polite, then he is also angry. So all this proves one thing, Virgo he is a bad person, I honestly is a person who is easy to be misunderstood, bad people, easy to get into trouble, and then live a very tired person, because he always wants to let others know that he is right, on this sentence can say that he is such a person, you say he does not care about the views of others.

Is it? He does not care about the views of others, but he does not want others to feel that they are not a good person, so although he does not care about the views of others, but he will certainly find ways to change the views of others, then so Virgo in the process of growing up, the vast majority of troubles and pain are derived from his desire to change the views of others, often the more he wants to let others change, others on his view the worse, he will be more painful. Because he will indeed not because this person does not like himself and sad, he will be because this person does not like himself and doubt themselves, then this is a macro and a micro-contradiction, right? Virgo is such a person, right? I will not be angry, I will not be sad, I will not be aggrieved, I will study, I grow, but I will doubt if I can't do it next time because of this failure, it will make me lose courage, it will make me cower, and then because of cowering makes me doubt if I am not brave enough, because It makes me wonder if I'm not brave enough to make it. And he would be because of that.

These new results because of this too do not care about the results of the ground to produce denial and doubt, then this thing he has to digest by himself, no one can help him. With a person quarrel, I did not sad, with classmates handed, I did not angry ah, with people broke up, I did not suffer ah, but the real angry, painful, hard are he, he does not admit, he will think I suffer and you have no relationship ah, I suffer is he lost, lost love is not because you ah, this is a pseudo-logic. And Virgo in the process of growing up, through the use of this countless pseudo-logic way to brainwash themselves, hoping that they can live less tired, but often make him more tired.


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