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'Star Wars' Shows Off New Footage Of The Fourth Sister In 'Kenobi' Trailer

Shining A Little More Light On The Shadowy Figure

By Culture SlatePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

As we celebrated May 4th, the unofficial Star Wars holiday, fans were treated to an abundance of content starting off with the release of a new trailer for the upcoming show Obi-Wan Kenobi, which is set to release in a few weeks on May 27. In that trailer, we get our second glimpse of Fortress Inquisitorius and the Inquisitors. While this new trailer and the first teaser trailer heavily featured the Grand Inquisitor, the Third Sister (Reva), and the Fifth Brother, there is some footage of another Inquisitor in the room. She has now been identified as the Fourth Sister.

The Inquisitors made their first canonical appearance in Star Wars: Rebels. However, their first appearance was way back in 1987 in a sourcebook for West End Games’ Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. They were a group of pseudo-Sith apprentices who carry out the will of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader.

RELATED: Things You Didn't Know About Darth Vader's Inquisitors

Through Rebels, the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and the comics, we have come across several inquisitors: the Grand Inquisitor, the Second Sister, the Fourth Sister, the Fifth Brother, the Sixth Brother, the Seventh Sister, the Eighth Brother, the Ninth Sister, and the Tenth Brother. They were all former Jedi who fell to the dark side. The Grand Inquisitor himself was a former Temple Guard. Palpatine and Vader put them to use as tools for their oppressive hunt against dissension. Fans of Rebels would remember the Grand Inquisitor, the Fifth Brother, the Seventh Sister, and even the Eighth Brother dogging the crew of the Ghost. Although, our heroes gave them enough grief that Vader himself had to be called into the hunt. Fans of Fallen Order would remember the Second Sister and the Ninth Sister relentlessly pursuing Cal Kestis and his friends on their journey to find a Jedi Holocron containing a list of Force-sensitive children in the galaxy.

The Fourth Sister is more of a mystery. There is little known about her, other than she is female and appears to have green skin. She had appeared in live-action twice now in the Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer. In the first trailer, we were treated to a glimpse of her sitting at what looks like a conference table in the Fortress Inquisitorius. From that angle, we could see that the Fourth Sister appears to have some sort of head-tails, commonly seen on Twi'leks and Togrutas. However, hers were nowhere near as pronounced and long as those species. There was also a short segment in the trailer with the Fourth Sister walking before a lineup of people on the planet Daiyu flanked by a stormtrooper. She was wearing a helmet that concealed much of her head. This time, we got a closer look at her head-tails. 

In the second trailer, we see her again at the same conference table as in the first trailer, looking at a map with the Third Sister. Again, not much is revealed about her, but we do notice she has slightly different armor than the other Inquisitors. The last bit we get to see of the Fourth Sister is her walking with the Fifth Brother and an Imperial officer, with other officers and stormtroopers in the background of what looks like the Fortress Inquisitorius. They seem to be headed somewhere with intent.

Beyond that, her only other appearance had been in the comics, and even there it was fleeting. In Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle, Rebel Alliance Commander Lina Graf managed to acquire the Fourth Sister's armor and infiltrate Vader's castle on Mustafar. The Fourth Sister’s helmet seemed to have a Mandalorian vibe with its glowing T-shaped visor.

Hopefully, we will learn more about this mysterious member of the interesting Inquisitorius over the six episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Catch Obi-Wan Kenobi’s two-episode series premiere when it airs on Disney+ on May 27, 2022.

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Written By Jeremy Brown

Source(s): Wookieepedia

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