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By seek coinPublished about a year ago 4 min read


Seek Coin (SEEK) is a BP20 deflationary coin that is designed to serve as the primary cryptocurrency within the Seek Global Network (SGN) ecosystem. A deflationary coin is designed to decrease in supply over time, which means that the number of Seek Coins in circulation will gradually decrease as more coins are burned or destroyed. This is achieved through a mechanism called coin burning, where a certain percentage of the coins are removed from circulation, usually by sending them to an inaccessible smart contract address. SGN is a global platform that offers a variety of services, including online advertising, crowdfunding, and e-commerce. SEEK is the native cryptocurrency of the platform, and it is designed to be used as a means of payment, reward, and governance.

One of the key features of SEEK is its deflationary nature. Unlike traditional currencies that are subject to inflation, SEEK has a fixed supply of 500 million coins, with no additional coins ever to be minted. As a result, the value of SEEK is designed to appreciate over time as the demand for cryptocurrency increases.

Another unique feature of SEEK is its coin burn mechanism. Whenever SEEK is used for transactions within SGN, a percentage of the coin used is burned, effectively reducing the overall supply of SEEK. This burning mechanism is designed to ensure that the value of SEEK appreciates over time, as the overall supply of the cryptocurrency decreases. SEEK holders are incentivized to hold onto their coins and participate in the SGN ecosystem to earn rewards and use the cryptocurrency for various purposes; staking, purchasing goods and services on Seek Shop, participating in the Seek Lottery, and many more.

Seek Global Network: Seek Global Network (SGN) is an online advertising platform that provides advertisers with access to a global network of websites and social media platforms. Advertisers can pay for ad space using SEEK along with other types of cryptocurrencies, which provides faster and more secure transactions compared to traditional payment methods. SEEK can also be used to reward website owners and social media influencers for promoting products and services on behalf of advertisers.

Seek Swap: Seek Swap is a decentralized exchange platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without the need for intermediaries. SEEK can be used as a trading pair on Seek Swap; for example SEEK could be swapped with ETH or BNB, which provides liquidity to the SEEK market and enables users to earn rewards for providing liquidity.

Seek Shop: Seek Shop is an e-commerce platform that allows users to buy and sell goods and services using SEEK & BNB. SEEK provides a fast and secure way to transact on the platform, and users can also earn rewards for making purchases and leaving reviews.

Seek Gold: Seek Gold is a crowdfunding and financial support ecosystem that allows users to stake SEEK and BNB to earn rewards and participate in crowdfunding campaigns.

Seek Lottery: Seek Lottery is a lottery drawing that rewards lucky winners with SEEK coins. SEEK holders can purchase lottery tickets using SEEK and increase their chances of winning the jackpot.

Overall, SEEK serves as a versatile and valuable cryptocurrency within the SGN ecosystem, providing benefits to both users and merchants who participate in the platform. SGN has a unique economic system that is designed to decrease the number of coins in circulation over time, which may lead to an increase in value. This, along with the ways in which the coin can be used for e-commerce, advertising, and crowdfunding, makes it a promising investment opportunity. Additionally, SGN rewards its users for holding onto their coins, which can further increase its appeal to investors.


Our vision for SEEK coin is to create a decentralized ecosystem that empowers individuals and businesses to transact, advertise, and participate in crowdfunding campaigns in a fast, secure, and cost-effective manner. We aim to provide a robust set of use cases for SEEK, including e-commerce, online advertising, and decentralized finance, that will drive the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Our goal is to establish SEEK as a deflationary token that rewards holders for participating in the SGN ecosystem, while also providing liquidity and governance capabilities on our decentralized exchange platform. Ultimately, we believe that SEEK will play a key role in enabling a more decentralized and equitable global economy that benefits individuals and businesses of all sizes.


500 Million Total Supply

10% tax on transactions

  • 3% distributed to all token holders.
  • 2% burn until 150 million tokens.
  • 5% dedicated to SGN

No burns after the supply have been reduced to 150 million

Once the 150 million total supply is reached, the tax is reduced to 8% on all transactions.

During private sales and pre-sales, 50% of all sales are used for liquidity. SEEK will be paired automatically with BNB and added as a liquidity pair to Seekswap.

The ICO Pre-Sale

150,000,000 SEEK (reserved for Private Sale/Seek Rewards Members who deposit BNB)

  • Initial private sale value:$0.02 (2 cents).
  • Pre-sale value: $0.04 or (4 cents ).
  • Listing price on Seekswap.co & Bakeryswap.finance: $0.05 (5 cents)
  • Private sale begins on 15th of March 2023( price 2 cents, $0.02).
  • Public/presale starts on the 15th of April (price 4 cents, $0.04).

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About the Creator

seek coin

SeekCoin is a new cryptocurrency that promises fast and secure transactions with low fees.

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