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Sales of Mosquito Repellent Market in USA

High Compound Annual Growth Rate by the year 2031

By RoshanPublished about a year ago 20 min read
Sales of Mosquito Repellent Market in USA
Photo by Angela Handfest on Unsplash

Sales of Mosquito Repellent Market

I. Introduction

Brief overview of the article

The article discusses the predicted increase in the sales of mosquito repellents in the market at a high CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 5.9% by the year 2031, as stated in a report by TMR (Transparency Market Research). It provides an overview of the market, including its size, growth projections, and key players. The article also discusses the factors driving the market, such as the increase in mosquito-borne diseases, rise in consumer awareness, and technological advancements. It highlights the challenges faced by the market, including health and environmental concerns, competition from alternative products, and economic instability. The article provides a segmentation of the market, regional analysis, and competitive landscape. Finally, it discusses the future outlook of the market, including opportunities and predictions for future growth, along with suggestions for future research.

Importance of mosquito repellents

Mosquito repellents are important because they help protect individuals from mosquito bites, which can cause a range of diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. Mosquitoes are carriers of these diseases and can transmit them to humans through their bites. Mosquito repellents contain active ingredients that help to repel mosquitoes and prevent them from biting. Using mosquito repellents can also help to reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases, particularly in areas where the incidence of such diseases is high. Therefore, mosquito repellents are an important tool in protecting individuals from the health risks associated with mosquito bites.

Background information on the mosquito repellent market

The mosquito repellent market is a segment of the insect repellent market, which includes products that are used to prevent insects from biting or landing on the skin. Mosquito repellents are specifically designed to repel mosquitoes and are available in a variety of forms, including lotions, sprays, coils, vaporizers, and patches. The market for mosquito repellents has grown significantly in recent years, driven by an increase in the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus. The market is also driven by rising awareness about the importance of protecting oneself from mosquito bites, as well as advances in technology that have led to the development of more effective and convenient products. The market is highly competitive, with a large number of players offering a range of products at different price points. The market is also influenced by regulatory factors, such as restrictions on the use of certain active ingredients in some regions.

II. Market Overview

Market size and growth projections

According to a report by translucency Market Research, the global mosquito repellent market was valued atUS$4.2 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of5.9 during the cast period( 2021- 2031). By the end of 2031, the market is anticipated to be worthUS$7.3 billion.

The growth of the mosquito repellent market is being driven by variegated factors such as an increase in the frequence of mosquito- borne illnesses, rising mindfulness about the significance of guarding oneself from mosquito bites, and technological advancements that have led to the development of further effective and accessible products.

The Asia- Pacific region is anticipated to dominate the mosquito repellent market during the cast period, owing to a large population, a high prevalence of mosquito- borne illnesses, and increasing observation about the use of mosquito repellents. North America and Europe are also anticipated to see significant growth in the market due to rising concerns about mosquito- borne conditions and increasing consumer spending on health and wellness products.

Key players in the mosquito repellent market

The mosquito repellent market is broadly competitive, with a large number of players offering a range of products at different price points. Some of the main players in the mosquito repellent market include:

1. SC Johnson & Son Inc.

2. Reckitt Benckiser Group plc.

3. Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc.

4. Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

5. Dabur International Ltd.

6. Jyothy Laboratories Ltd.

7. Enesis Group

8. Quantum Health Group LLC

9. Coghlan's Ltd.

10. PIC Corporation

These companies operate encyclopedically and offer a wide range of mosquito repellent products, including sprays, lotions, coils, vaporizers, and patches. They also invest heavily in research and development to improve the effectiveness and convenience of their products and to introduce new and innovative products to the market.

Geographical analysis of the market

1. North America: North America is a significant request for mosquito repellents, driven by rising awareness about the health risks associated with mosquito bites and the prevalence of mosquito- borne diseases in the region. The United States is the biggest market in North America, followed by Canada.

2. Europe: The mosquito repellent market in Europe is anticipated to see significant growth due to increasing concerns about mosquito- borne conditions and rising consumer spending on health and wellness products. The United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy are the major markets for mosquito repellents in Europe.

3. Asia-Pacific: The Asia- Pacific region is anticipated to dominate the mosquito repellent market during the forecast period, owing to a large population, a high prevalence of mosquito- borne conditions, and increasing awareness about the use of mosquito repellents. India, China, and Indonesia are the major markets for mosquito repellents in the Asia- Pacific region.

4. Middle East & Africa: The mosquito repellent market in the Middle East & Africa is anticipated to grow due to the high incidence of mosquito- borne conditions in the region. South Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt are the major markets for mosquito repellents in the Middle East & Africa.

III. Factors Driving the Market

Increase in mosquito-borne diseases

There has been a significant increase in the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases globally in recent years.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), malaria alone caused an estimated 229 million cases and 409,000 deaths globally in 2019. Dengue fever is another major mosquito-borne disease, with an estimated 390 million cases reported worldwide each year. The Zika virus, which emerged as a major public health threat in 2015, has caused significant concern due to its link to birth defects in newborns.

The increase in mosquito-borne diseases has led to rising awareness about the importance of protecting oneself from mosquito bites. Mosquito repellents are an effective way to prevent mosquito bites and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases. The growing awareness about the health risks associated with mosquito bites has led to an increase in demand for mosquito repellents, which is driving the growth of the mosquito repellent market.

Rise in consumer awareness

There has been a significant rise in consumer awareness about the risks associated with mosquito-borne diseases in recent years. This has been driven by various factors such as increased media coverage of outbreaks, rising incidence of mosquito-borne diseases, and growing awareness campaigns by health organizations.

Consumers are now more informed about the risks associated with mosquito bites and are taking steps to protect themselves and their families. Mosquito repellents are an important tool in this regard, as they provide a convenient and effective way to prevent mosquito bites.

In addition to mosquito repellents, consumers are also using other methods to protect themselves from mosquito-borne diseases, such as wearing protective clothing, using mosquito nets, and avoiding areas with high mosquito populations.

The rise in consumer awareness about mosquito-borne diseases has led to an increase in demand for mosquito repellents, which is driving the growth of the mosquito repellent market. Manufacturers are responding to this demand by introducing new and innovative products that are more effective and convenient to use.

Technological advancements

Technological advancements have played a significant role in the development of mosquito repellents, leading to more effective and convenient products for consumers. Some of the key technological advancements in mosquito repellents include:

1. Chemical formulations: Mosquito repellents are formulated using various chemical compounds such as DEET, picaridin, and IR3535. Advances in chemistry have enabled the development of more effective formulations that offer long-lasting protection against mosquito bites.

2. Plant-based repellents: Plant-based repellents such as citronella, eucalyptus, and lemongrass have been used for centuries as natural insect repellents. Recent advancements in plant-based formulations have led to the development of more effective and longer-lasting products.

3. Microencapsulation: Microencapsulation is a process in which the active ingredient in a mosquito repellent is encapsulated in a microsphere. This technology enables controlled release of the active ingredient, resulting in longer-lasting protection against mosquito bites.

4. Electronic repellents: Electronic mosquito repellents use ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves to repel mosquitoes. These devices have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and effectiveness, especially in outdoor settings.

5. Wearable repellents: Wearable mosquito repellents such as wristbands and patches are becoming increasingly popular. These products offer a convenient and non-invasive way to protect oneself from mosquito bites, especially for outdoor activities.

These technological advancements have led to the development of a wide range of mosquito repellent products that offer effective and convenient protection against mosquito bites.

Government initiatives and regulations

Governments around the world have implemented various initiatives and regulations related to mosquito repellents, with a focus on ensuring their safety and efficacy. Some of the key initiatives and regulations related to mosquito repellents include:

1. Product registration: Many countries require mosquito repellents to be registered with regulatory authorities before they can be sold in the market. This registration process ensures that the products are safe for use and meet specific efficacy standards.

2. Labelling requirements: Mosquito repellents must include specific labelling requirements such as the active ingredient, usage instructions, and precautions for use. This ensures that consumers are informed about the product's composition and how to use it safely and effectively.

3. Restrictions on certain chemicals: Some countries have placed restrictions on the use of certain chemicals in mosquito repellents due to safety concerns. For example, the European Union has placed restrictions on the use of DEET in cosmetic products, limiting its concentration to 50%.

4. Public awareness campaigns: Governments have launched public awareness campaigns to educate consumers about the risks associated with mosquito-borne diseases and the importance of using mosquito repellents. These campaigns often include information about the proper use of mosquito repellents and other methods to prevent mosquito bites.

5. Research and development funding: Governments have provided funding for research and development of new and innovative mosquito repellent products. This funding has enabled the development of more effective and safer products, contributing to the growth of the mosquito repellent market.

Overall, government initiatives and regulations play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of mosquito repellent products, and in raising awareness about the importance of protecting oneself from mosquito-borne diseases.

IV. Challenges Faced by the Market

Health and environmental concerns

The mosquito repellent market faces several challenges related to health and environmental concerns. Some of these challenges include:

1. Health concerns:

Some consumers have raised concerns about the potential health risks associated with the use of certain mosquito repellent chemicals such as DEET. While most repellents are considered safe when used according to instructions, concerns about their long-term effects on human health remain.

2. Environmental concerns:

The use of mosquito repellents can have environmental implications, such as the potential toxicity to non-target organisms and the impact on ecosystems. Some chemicals used in mosquito repellents can be harmful to aquatic life and other wildlife, leading to concerns about their impact on the environment.

3. Resistance: Mosquitoes can develop resistance to certain chemicals used in mosquito repellents over time, making them less effective. This can lead to a decline in the efficacy of existing products and the need for the development of new and innovative repellents.

4. Competition from alternative methods: Mosquito repellents face competition from alternative methods of mosquito control such as mosquito nets, screens, and indoor residual spraying. These methods may be more effective in certain situations and may be preferred by some consumers.

5. Economic factors: Economic factors such as fluctuations in raw material prices and production costs can impact the pricing of mosquito repellents, affecting their affordability for consumers.

Addressing these challenges requires the development of safer and more effective mosquito repellent products that are environmentally sustainable, along with consumer education on the safe and effective use of mosquito repellents.

Competition from alternative products

The mosquito repellent market faces stiff competition from alternative products that offer similar or better mosquito control. Some of these alternative products include:

1. Mosquito nets: Mosquito nets are a popular alternative to mosquito repellents, particularly in regions with high malaria prevalence. They provide physical protection against mosquito bites and are considered an effective method of mosquito control.

2. Indoor residual spraying: Indoor residual spraying involves spraying insecticides on walls and other surfaces in the home to kill mosquitoes that come into contact with them. This method of mosquito control is particularly effective in areas with high malaria prevalence.

3. Electric mosquito repellent devices: Electric mosquito repellent devices, such as mosquito zappers and ultrasonic devices, use electronic means to repel or kill mosquitoes. While some of these devices have been found to be effective in certain situations, their efficacy varies and they may not be as effective as traditional mosquito repellents.

4. Natural mosquito repellents: Natural mosquito repellents, such as citronella oil, neem oil, and eucalyptus oil, are becoming increasingly popular as consumers seek safer and more environmentally-friendly alternatives to chemical-based repellents.

To remain competitive, mosquito repellent manufacturers must continue to innovate and develop new and improved products that offer better efficacy, safety, and convenience. They must also educate consumers on the benefits of their products and provide information on how to use them effectively.

Economic instability

Economic instability is another challenge faced by the mosquito repellent market. Economic instability can impact the affordability of mosquito repellents for consumers, and lead to fluctuations in demand and pricing. Some of the factors that contribute to economic instability in the mosquito repellent market include:

1. Fluctuations in raw material prices: The cost of raw materials used in mosquito repellents, such as citronella oil, can be impacted by factors such as weather conditions, natural disasters, and geopolitical events. Fluctuations in raw material prices can impact the pricing of mosquito repellents, making them less affordable for consumers.

2. Production costs: The cost of producing mosquito repellents can also be impacted by factors such as labor costs, energy costs, and transportation costs. These costs can fluctuate over time, impacting the pricing and profitability of mosquito repellents.

3. Exchange rates: The mosquito repellent market is global, with manufacturers and suppliers operating in different countries and regions. Fluctuations in exchange rates can impact the pricing and profitability of mosquito repellents, particularly for manufacturers who import or export their products.

4. Consumer purchasing power: Economic instability can impact the purchasing power of consumers, making it more difficult for them to afford mosquito repellents. This can lead to fluctuations in demand and pricing for mosquito repellents.

To address economic instability, mosquito repellent manufacturers must remain agile and responsive to changes in the market. They must also prioritize cost control and efficiency in their operations to maintain profitability in the face of economic challenges.

V. Segmentation of the Market

Product type

The mosquito repellent market can be segmented based on product type. Some of the common product types in the market include:

1. Spray/Aerosol: Spray or aerosol mosquito repellents are applied directly onto the skin or clothing. They are convenient and easy to use, and provide effective protection against mosquito bites.

2. Cream/Lotion: Cream or lotion mosquito repellents are applied directly onto the skin. They are easy to apply and provide longer-lasting protection compared to sprays or aerosols.

3. Vaporizers/Mats: Vaporizer or mat mosquito repellents are designed to be used indoors. They work by releasing insecticides into the air, which repel or kill mosquitoes. They are popular in areas with high mosquito prevalence and are considered effective in reducing mosquito populations.

4. Coil: Mosquito coils are made of a spiral of dried paste, which is lit and releases smoke that repels mosquitoes. They are popular in regions with high mosquito prevalence and are considered effective in reducing mosquito populations.

5. Others: Other types of mosquito repellents include mosquito repellent wristbands, patches, and stickers. These products are designed to be worn on the body and provide targeted protection against mosquito bites.

Segmentation of the mosquito repellent market based on product type allows manufacturers to develop products that cater to the specific needs and preferences of different consumers. It also enables manufacturers to differentiate their products and compete more effectively in the market.

Distribution channels

The mosquito repellent market can also be segmented based on distribution channels. Some of the common distribution channels for mosquito repellents include:

1. Supermarkets/Hypermarkets: Supermarkets and hypermarkets are large retail stores that offer a wide range of products, including mosquito repellents. These stores offer consumers the convenience of buying multiple products in one place, and also provide a wide variety of brands to choose from.

2. Convenience stores: Convenience stores are smaller retail stores that are typically located in residential areas. They offer a limited range of products, including mosquito repellents, and are convenient for consumers who need to make quick purchases.

3. Online retail: Online retail is a growing distribution channel for mosquito repellents. Online retailers offer consumers the convenience of shopping from home, and also provide a wide range of brands to choose from.

4. Others: Other distribution channels for mosquito repellents include specialty stores, such as outdoor and camping stores, and direct sales channels, such as door-to-door sales and network marketing.

Segmentation of the mosquito repellent market based on distribution channels allows manufacturers to reach consumers through multiple channels and increase their market penetration. It also enables manufacturers to tailor their marketing strategies and product offerings to specific distribution channels, based on consumer behavior and preferences


The mosquito repellent market can also be segmented based on end-users. Some of the common end-users for mosquito repellents include:

1. Residential: Mosquito repellents are commonly used in households, particularly in regions with high mosquito prevalence. Residential consumers may use a variety of mosquito repellent products, including sprays, lotions, coils, and vaporizers.

2. Commercial: Mosquito repellents are also used in commercial settings, such as hotels, restaurants, and outdoor events. Commercial consumers may use mosquito repellent products to protect their guests or customers from mosquito bites.

3. Government/Public health agencies: Mosquito repellents are also used by government agencies and public health organizations to control mosquito populations and prevent the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. These organizations may use a variety of mosquito repellent products, including vaporizers, sprays, and larvicides.

4. Others: Other end-users for mosquito repellents include military and outdoor enthusiasts, who use mosquito repellent products to protect themselves from mosquito bites during outdoor activities.

Segmentation of the mosquito repellent market based on end-users allows manufacturers to develop products that cater to the specific needs and preferences of different consumer groups. It also enables manufacturers to tailor their marketing strategies and product offerings to specific end-users, based on their behavior and preferences.

VI. Regional Analysis

North America

North America is one of the major markets for mosquito repellents, with the United States being the largest contributor to the regional market. The market in North America is primarily driven by the high prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases, such as West Nile virus, and the increasing awareness among consumers about the importance of protection from mosquito bites.

In addition, the demand for natural and organic mosquito repellents is also increasing in the region, as consumers are becoming more conscious about the health and environmental impacts of synthetic repellents. Manufacturers in the region are increasingly focusing on developing natural and organic mosquito repellents to cater to this growing demand.

The market in North America is also characterized by the presence of several key players, such as Reckitt Benckiser Group plc, Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc., and S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. These companies are investing heavily in research and development to introduce innovative products and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Overall, the market for mosquito repellents in North America is expected to grow at a steady pace over the forecast period, driven by the increasing awareness about mosquito-borne diseases and the demand for natural and organic mosquito repellents.


Europe is another significant market for mosquito repellents, with countries like Germany, the UK, and France being major contributors to the regional market. The market in Europe is driven by factors such as the rising prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases, increasing tourism activities, and the growing awareness among consumers about the importance of protection from mosquito bites.

The demand for natural and organic mosquito repellents is also on the rise in Europe, as consumers are becoming more concerned about the health and environmental impacts of synthetic repellents. Manufacturers in the region are responding to this trend by developing natural and organic mosquito repellents and marketing them as safer and more eco-friendly alternatives.

The market in Europe is characterized by the presence of several established players, such as Godrej Consumer Products Ltd., SC Johnson & Son Inc., and Henkel AG & Co. KGaA. These companies are focusing on expanding their product portfolios and distribution networks to cater to the growing demand for mosquito repellents in the region.

Overall, the market for mosquito repellents in Europe is expected to grow at a moderate pace over the forecast period, driven by factors such as increasing awareness about mosquito-borne diseases, growing demand for natural and organic repellents, and rising tourism activities in the region.

Asia Pacific

The Asia Pacific region is a rapidly growing market for mosquito repellents, driven by a range of factors including the high incidence of mosquito-borne diseases, rising population, and growing awareness of the importance of protection against mosquito bites. The market in the region is also characterized by increasing demand for natural and organic repellents due to concerns about the health and environmental impacts of synthetic alternatives.

Major players in the Asia Pacific mosquito repellent market include Godrej Consumer Products Ltd., Reckitt Benckiser Group plc, and Dabur India Ltd., who are investing heavily in R&D to develop new products and stay competitive. India, China, and Indonesia are significant contributors to the market, with growing demand expected in these countries and across the region in the coming years.

Despite challenges such as health and environmental concerns and competition from alternative products, the Asia Pacific mosquito repellent market is projected to continue growing at a significant rate, making it a key area of interest for businesses and investors alike.

Middle East and Africa

The Middle East and Africa (MEA) region is a significant market for mosquito repellents due to the high incidence of mosquito-borne diseases, cultural and religious practices, and seasonal variations. Key players in the MEA mosquito repellent market include SC Johnson & Son Inc., Reckitt Benckiser Group plc, and Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc. The market is expected to grow steadily over the forecast period, driven by factors such as rising population and increasing awareness about the importance of protection against mosquito bites.

However, the MEA mosquito repellent market faces challenges such as economic instability, political unrest, and weak healthcare infrastructure in some countries. Nigeria, South Africa, and Egypt are major contributors to the market in the region, and the demand for mosquito repellents is expected to grow significantly in these and other countries. Overall, the MEA mosquito repellent market presents opportunities for businesses looking to expand their global footprint in a rapidly growing market.

VII. Competitive Landscape

Market share analysis

The global mosquito repellent market is highly competitive, with several established players vying for market share. The major players in the market include SC Johnson & Son Inc., Reckitt Benckiser Group plc, Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc., Godrej Consumer Products Limited, Dabur International Limited, Jyothy Laboratories Limited, and S.C. Johnson & Son, among others.

SC Johnson & Son Inc. and Reckitt Benckiser Group plc are the two leading players in the global mosquito repellent market, with a combined market share of over 45%. These companies have a strong presence in various regions and offer a wide range of products to cater to different customer needs.

Other companies such as Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc., Godrej Consumer Products Limited, Dabur International Limited, and Jyothy Laboratories Limited, among others, also have a significant presence in the market and offer competitive products.

In recent years, the market has seen increased investment in research and development to create new and innovative products. The companies are also expanding their product portfolios through mergers and acquisitions to strengthen their market position.

Product innovation

Product innovation is a critical factor in the competitive landscape of the mosquito repellent market. Companies are investing heavily in research and development to create new and innovative products to meet the evolving needs of customers.

Several companies have introduced new and innovative mosquito repellent products in recent years, such as wearable devices, natural and organic mosquito repellents, and repellent sprays with longer-lasting protection. For example, SC Johnson & Son Inc. introduced a wearable mosquito repellent device called "OFF! Clip-on" that provides protection for up to 12 hours, while Reckitt Benckiser Group plc launched a range of natural mosquito repellents under the brand name "Mortein Naturgard."

Godrej Consumer Products Limited launched a range of mosquito repellents with a unique formulation that uses natural ingredients like citronella and eucalyptus oil, while Dabur International Limited introduced a range of mosquito repellents that use neem and other herbal ingredients.

Companies are also investing in eco-friendly and sustainable products to cater to the growing demand for environmentally friendly mosquito repellents. For example, Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc. introduced a range of mosquito repellents that use biodegradable materials, while Jyothy Laboratories Limited launched a range of mosquito repellent sprays that are free from harmful chemicals.

Overall, product innovation is a key driver of growth in the mosquito repellent market, and companies that invest in research and development and offer innovative products are likely to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Partnerships and collaborations

Partnerships and collaborations are another important aspect of the competitive landscape in the mosquito repellent market. Companies often collaborate with other firms, organizations, or institutions to develop new products, expand their reach, or enhance their technological capabilities.

For example, in 2020, the German company BASF SE entered into a collaboration with the French firm Plant Advanced Technologies SA (PAT) to develop a new natural mosquito repellent active ingredient using plant cell culture technology. This partnership aims to develop a bio-based and environmentally friendly active ingredient for mosquito repellent products.

Similarly, in 2019, Godrej Consumer Products Limited collaborated with the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) to develop new mosquito repellent formulations. The collaboration aimed to develop natural and eco-friendly mosquito repellent products that are safe and effective.

Partnerships and collaborations are also used by companies to expand their distribution channels and reach new markets. For instance, in 2021, the Indian company Cipla Limited announced a partnership with the U.S. company S. C. Johnson & Son Inc. to distribute its mosquito repellent product "Good Knight" in Africa. This partnership will enable Cipla to expand its presence in the African market, while S. C. Johnson & Son will benefit from Cipla's strong distribution network in the region.

Overall, partnerships and collaborations play a crucial role in the growth and development of the mosquito repellent market. Companies that are able to form strategic partnerships and collaborations are likely to gain a competitive advantage and achieve greater success in the market.

VIII. Conclusion

In conclusion, the mosquito repellent market is projected to see significant growth in the coming years, driven by an increasing awareness of mosquito-borne diseases and the availability of technologically advanced and eco-friendly products. The market is highly competitive, with key players such as SC Johnson, Godrej Consumer Products Limited, and Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC dominating the industry.

The market is segmented based on product type, distribution channels, and end-users, and the Asia Pacific region is expected to be the fastest-growing market due to the high prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases in the region. However, the market faces several challenges, including health and environmental concerns, competition from alternative products, and economic instability.

To overcome these challenges, companies are focusing on product innovation, partnerships and collaborations, and expanding their distribution channels. As a result, we can expect to see continued growth and development in the mosquito repellent market in the coming years.


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