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Rescuing the Fifth Dimension From the Twilight Zone

Understanding the Ascension of Consciousness

By Sarah St.ErthPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Rescuing the Fifth Dimension From the Twilight Zone
Photo by Luca Baggio on Unsplash

Everyone knows how we arrived at this place in human history. This place of excessive violence, and greed; this place where we pursue mutually assured destruction.

The question bears repeating, and re-evaluating none the less. The option to remain on a crash course is dwindling; with each moment that we do not embrace the concepts of critical thinking, and evaluation of information.

(which represent the positive attributes of the fourth dimension. Within which we currently reside.)

So what does ascending to the fifth dimension mean? Will we rise in a blue beam of rapturousness? Will we go through some kind of wormhole?

I am not visiting from another dimension, only hoping to rescue the concept of ascension to the fifth dimension. Which has been turned into a new age concept that frankly makes me shiver with distaste.

As if it is a separate place from where we are. Everything in the physical world resides in the 3rd dimension, it is the description of form. It has no awareness, it is merely the object of discussion, table, airplane, body, as examples. Awareness comes in the fourth dimension, where human beings, and all sentient life exists. It is riddled with conflict, and some very pervasive obstacles.

War, violence, resource competition, and intellect reside here.

Compassion is the harbinger of the fifth dimension. Where compassion exists, love exists, where love exists, you will find, quite simply, the fifth dimension. No traveling is required, but many journeys will have been forged to cultivate this attribute amongst humans. All great teachers and Prophets have spoken about the Golden Rule, which if adhered to, would dis-allow many of the darker attributes of humanity.

This is consciousness, which quite literally means understanding and reverence for life outside of yourself.

Never let it be said, mind you, that our journey ends at the fifth dimension. There are untold layers of comprehension, and expansion. Densities enlightened, that are facilitated by accessing the reverence; for all life, within the fifth dimension. I have been accused of wearing rose coloured glasses, or being naive to the impossible, and utopian concepts that have crossed my mind.

That Reside in my heart.

A reticent species we have proven to be. Hostile, covetous, and greedy. All born from a place of fear and lack, that is not the truth. All part of the trappings of the fourth dimension.

Wrestling our way through all the shadows of the fourth dimension, we can be blinded by difficulties that foster deeper levels of anger. We begin to see the truth that is now under a glaring spotlight. Many do not wish to address this ugliness. Until all that has been done in the name of fear and greed is acknowledged, it cannot be released. It will sit there like a mountain before us; of which the fifth dimension is the peak.

The more people who climb the mountain, the easier it becomes for every soul that follows. The path made clear and the unknowns, known.

Dismissing the fifth dimension as fiction is unwise and ill informed. As the subjective reality possible within the fourth dimension is self destruction. There is no more room for expansion within it. It is the Ouroboros.

We as a human family, must push past the fear, of truthful acknowledgement of our imprints. It is only through self evaluation of an individual that can lead to self governance; and it is only through a collective evaluation that we may then unify, and be able to exist as a self governing society, where we will find the fifth dimension, and beyond.

(Go Buzz Lightyear😂)

To any who stand on the precipice, terrified and frozen; facing the gaping maw of our mistakes, the leap into the truth is the most liberating, empowering, and enlightening experience. It cannot be described, only experienced. We cannot excuse, ignore, or brush past the atrocities. The only way up is through. What’s on the other side is a resonance that is purely transparent. That sees, knows, understands, and is reverent.

To close, you do not need to go to the twilight zone to access the fifth dimension, just be present and thankful in moments of deep love. That’s all there is to it. Nothing spiritual, religious, or dogmatic about it. Practicing this awareness of the present, and the gifts in it; sends waves of love rippling through your body, and the Cosmos. Infinitely. ✨🎼✨

I hope this piece clarifies the meaning of the fifth dimension. As I listen to the birds sing, my toddler playing, and the rain falling, I am spellbound by all the miracles that surround me. I reside happily and gratefully in the fifth dimension 💗...and beyond

Thank you for reading my explanation of the new 5D reality...it’s not all fairy dust and space cadets✨

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About the Creator

Sarah St.Erth

BC Born activist, Mother & Grandmother. Raised in Music and counter culture. My Pen name is an ode to my matrelineal lineage. Sign up for Vocal plus here


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