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OPINION: Creativity or Diminishing Originality?


By Lorie Jean ToPublished 3 days ago 4 min read
OPINION: Creativity or  Diminishing Originality?
Photo by Shahadat Rahman on Unsplash

In an era when technology pervades practically every area of our lives, academia has not been immune. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has aroused both enthusiasm and fear, especially in the realm of academic writing. Proponents say that artificial intelligence may increase productivity, improve writing quality, and provide significant insights. Critics, on the other hand, are concerned about the decline in originality, the spread of plagiarism, and the monetization of education. As AI evolves and integrates into educational settings, it is vital to critically evaluate its influence on the writing process, as well as the larger implications for scholarship and intellectual integrity.

The issue revolves around whether AI can genuinely mimic or boost human ingenuity. Supporters of AI-assisted writing tools emphasize their capacity to produce ideas, give structure, and make suggestions for development. Platforms such as Grammarly and Turnitin use machine learning algorithms to evaluate text, identify grammatical faults, and detect plagiarism. Similarly, essay generating software like EssayBot, AI Writer, and the rising ChatGPT claim to help students write cohesive, well-researched papers on a variety of themes. Advocates argue that these tools can be invaluable resources for students and educators alike, streamlining the writing process and reducing the burden of repetitive tasks. By automating proofreading and citation formatting, AI enables writers to focus on higher-order concerns such as argumentation and analysis. Moreover, AI-powered algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to generate insights and recommendations tailored to individual writing styles and preferences.

In my personal experience, employing AI can significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of work. This has sparked my interest in exploring a research topic centered around an AI company pioneering the creation of entirely AI-generated news, from production to writing, editing, and proofreading, without any human intervention. However, delving into this subject has led me to contemplate the dual nature of AI. While it undoubtedly has the potential to streamline processes and improve productivity, there's also the risk that overreliance on AI, without proper oversight and accountability, could undermine the integrity and value of one's work.

Moreover, critics also express concerns regarding the potential homogenization of writing styles and the erosion of originality. During a research data gathering interview with a journalist, it was highlighted that AI can inadvertently propagate misinformation, as there are instances where AI systems tend to generate content that diverges from truth and factual accuracy, sometimes even bordering on hallucinatory fabrications. Within an educational environment increasingly shaped by metrics and standardized assessments, there exists a looming risk that AI-driven writing tools may prioritize conformity over creativity, thereby fostering a culture where academic achievement is commodified. Additionally, the overreliance on AI for writing assistance could instill a sense of dependency among students, potentially stifling their capacity for critical thinking and impeding their ability to engage deeply with course materials.

Another problematic issue is the possibility of plagiarism in AI-generated work. While technologies like Turnitin are intended to identify and prevent academic dishonesty, the emergence of advanced AI writing algorithms introduces new hurdles to plagiarism detection. As AI improves its ability to replicate human language and writing styles, differentiating between original and AI

generated material becomes more challenging. This is a serious danger to academic integrity and weakens the legitimacy of intellectual discourse.

Furthermore, the use of artificial intelligence in academic writing raises larger issues about the future of education and the role of technology in creating learning settings. As AI-powered writing tools become more widely used, there is a risk that they will worsen existing inequities in educational access. Students from wealthy families who have access to advanced AI technologies may have an unfair edge over their classmates who do not have these resources. Similarly, instructors may be pressured to use AI-powered assessment technologies that value speed over qualitative judgment, further marginalizing pupils from underserved neighborhoods.

Despite the challenges at hand, it is imperative to recognize the immense potential benefits that AI offers in the realm of essay writing, particularly when wielded with responsibility and ethical consideration. The ubiquity of AI in our modern world renders its avoidance futile; rather than perceiving it as a hindrance to creativity and originality, educators have the opportunity to embrace it as an adjunctive tool to enhance learning outcomes and foster critical thinking skills among students. Through the integration of AI-driven writing aids into the curriculum, students can develop a nuanced understanding of technology's capabilities and limitations, all while refining their writing proficiencies. Addressing this issue does not entail shunning AI altogether, but rather necessitates

the establishment of ethical frameworks and educational strategies to guide its conscientious use and impart crucial knowledge to future generations.

Furthermore, AI has the ability to democratize education and provide chances for lifelong learning. Platforms such as Coursera and Khan Academy employ AI algorithms to customize learning experiences and deliver individualized feedback to students all around the world. By leveraging AI, educators can develop more inclusive and flexible learning environments that cater to a wide range of student requirements and preferences.

Finally, the argument over the employment of AI in essay writing mirrors broader concerns over technology's place in society and its influence on human creativity and independence. As AI evolves, it is critical to find a balance between maximizing its potential for innovation and avoiding unforeseen effects. Educators, politicians, and technologists must collaborate to create ethical principles and best practices for AI's proper integration into education, ensuring that it stays a driver for good change rather than a danger to academic integrity and intellectual freedom.

artificial intelligence

About the Creator

Lorie Jean To

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    Lorie Jean ToWritten by Lorie Jean To

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