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Newtons Lost Notebook

From the O'Cronin Family Archives

By Tara CroninPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

A few year ago my father died from self inflicted emotional wounds after years of suffering. I was too grief stricken at the time to look through his possessions. Until recently I had believed the Cronin’s were just ordinary people from Ireland, but perhaps there are no ordinary people. Sure he had told me stories of his father who had been a boxer in the Bronx who raised money for the Irish Republican Army during the 30s. But this was as much as I knew about the Cronin family other than my sweet and goofy aunts and uncles. But reading through his possessions I noticed a black notebook which I assumed was a forgery — it was signed Is. Newton. I found a original hand written signature of Newton’s signature, and to my astonishment, it was an exact match of the signature found in the black notebook my father hand handed down to me without any description. It was placed in the same box with his fathers and my grandfathers other possessions — a loafers hat and an Irish bobby stick for bashing in heads as my dad used to say. After digging through some genealogical records, I found that the Newtons married into the Cronin’s just before the potato famine started. Both Cronin’s and Newtons continue to have a strong presence in Ireland. These notebooks may hint at how the Newtons gained such a presence in Ireland.


Dearest Tara

My theory of the moons motion has been received with great acclaim in the Royal Society. I fear that with the new Queen, who is not known for her scientific or balanced mind, the court may seek my skills and I may be pressed into her war with the French (and as you know I too have a great disdain for the French, but a war?) Thus I must insist that you jealously guard my letters to you, and take into possession my notes on these affairs until I am better apprised of the intention of this new queen. You will keep them as you have kept my faith.

Is Newton



Dearest Tara,

The queen has requested an audience with me, and as I suspected, she seeks my services in her war with the French. Her ministers accosted me in her antechamber and first sough to sweeten my disposition with bribes and women, as if I were another of their cuckolded husbands of their mistresses. Otherwise of her Tor ministers sought to raise my hopes for wealth with promises of untold riches and slave and power in the new world, as if I had a need for any of their lowborn power.

There will be what I am afraid will be a world war, and if the continental scientists and English scientists participate in her war against the French it will be the most devastating war the world has seen since the most ancient of times. Thus your clan must guard the word I have done on the greek fire, which has been deposited in Boles ancestral home in Ireland, where I will hope to see you again soon.


Dearest Tara,

There is a metal found in the glass of Libya, a canary yellow green, much like the jade I brought you on my visit where I brought you to Boyle’s lab to show you the various advancements I have made in the art of metallic plating, which you may use in your arts. You must remember his shock when I brought you, lad of his own land. Not one are you a woman, but of Hibernian stock. In any case he, like myself, could only conjecture our ancient hatred for the Irish is driven by jealous English women and perhaps our more foppish of men.

The material brought to me from the royal court is of the same material. the basil Comptom seems to have also taken an interest in the matters of alchemy, which concerns me given his vicious hatred toward the catholics. His priory would see all the catholic countries lad to waste and the pope beheaded as a moselman as a mongol would do. In his employ are Alchemical talents of considerable weight. There is of late an interest in how they could use our considerable knowledge of alchemy against the Catholics and perhaps your own people as well.

While the bishop and his ilk will find my orthodoxy unquestionable if not fearfully so, his persecutions against the Catholics and the pagans will undoubtably lead to great division among the kingdoms. If they were to discovery my alkahest, they would surely use it to rarify this lead metal — that which I would call a hot lead, and which is one of the keys to creating greek fire.

Feb 17 1703.

The Queen and her ministers did not seek my council on the war as I had thought they would but instead presented me with a rock the East Indian company was gifted by some local viceroy . Our governor of the joint stock company is well known to the local Indians as a great collector and appreciator of occult objects, this one apparently is cursed by some luminescent ghost. The ministers of the queen desire that I investigate his rock with my Alkahest to dissolve it to its constituents parts, perhaps toe free the ghost.

Sept 1703.

At the Royal Society today I was given a royal teacup and saucer set from the court of the queen. They are a new porcelain the Bishops chemists have manufactured in an attempt to rival the Chinese in their arts, although why we would waste our scientific abilities on crafts is besides me.

While drinking form the saucer I seem to have noticed wisps and flashers of luminescence which reminds me of the effects I had showed you once in Boyles laboratory. I am yet unsure if this luminescence is real or rather an artifact of my mind, which of late has been occupied by administrative tasks which I find quite tedious. The bishop proposes we send their English Porcelain to all the courts of the European Royalty to curry favor for Queen Anne’s choice for the new Spanish Monarch.

Jan 1704.


the most extraordinary thing has occurred. My body has begun to expel the most noxious of tumors and rocks from my body as if they were simple objects to be spit out. My skin has cleared and look years younger as if over night. My bones feel as if they have the frequency exercises of my indulgent youth.

I must come see you as soon as I can with this incredible tea set from the queen. You are in possession of the Alkahest and we must dissolve this teaser outside of England as not to attract the attention fo the Bishop or his zealots. Perhaps this is the elixir I have been searching for — though it cannot be the tea as I have been drinking Assam tea for decades already. I have noticed since drinking from this tea set, I also feel less intoxicated after drinking wine.

Jan 1705.

I have taken the offer of the position of exchequer of the Royal Mint. the portions of different metals entering the treasury from the expanses of our empire will provide me the opportunity to examine the ores for more of this luminescent lead which i found hidden in the porcelain of the Bishop tea sets. They are ground glass, which gives off a strange warmth, hidden in the porcelain of the Bishops tea sets. They use ground glass mixed with ceramic to make the English porcelain which has become the rate throughout all of the continental courts. It is also of note that I have found a curious effect — that when I dropped a coin from the mint into a cup o tea, it beans to corrode and decay as if exposed to small portions of my Alkahest. I would mention this to the bishop but he is occupied by the tase of counting donations flowing in for his teasers and the apparent health they produce.

March 1706

The hemophiliacs in the Russian royal court has reported that the symptoms of their diseases are eased with this drink. Perhaps the bishop is blessed by God after all or mayhaps he has found some secret buried int he Bible, and thus there must be many more to be found. The Russians tell me that this drink surpasses the effects of their luminescent springs which they say improves the health of those stricken by tumors and discolorations of the skin. I must consult the bible to see if the secrets are buried within as the Arab and Roman alchemists do not seem to have written much about the luminescence other than that it “carries the curse of the Egyptian mummies.” I have been drawn to all things ancient lately at the expense of my mathematical and scientific studies as if a holy spirit is leading me toward more important and more hidden endeavors of holiness

Yours, Is Newton.


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