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My UFO Experience

Ufo Sighting in San Francisco, CA

By Elizabeth WakefieldPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
This is me now so everyone knows what I look like since the story is about my experience

I was probably 14 when this happened. I was sleeping, but of course I can't remember what time I woke up maybe 2-3 am, but I remember not being able to see my huge tree in my backyard out of my bedroom window. I got a bit scared because I was just thinking to myself 'What could possibly be obstructing my view of the tree? There has to be an object there or something, but what exactly could it be?". I knew I had to look closely at it, but of course it being so dark I really couldn't make out the color since all I saw was a pure black object in a really dark backyard. I of course got scared the moment that I realized that the object or whoever or whatever was inside this object had noticed I had seen it. It didn't make any noise as it disappeared as fast as I had woken up to look at it. I didn't realize the danger I was in until after I saw the red light on my white sheer curtains in front of my window that were opened the whole time ever since I had fallen asleep that night around 11 or 12 midnight since the next day was Saturday. Please do note that I had never seen an Unidentified Flying Object ever in my life before this incident. Now back to my story. I had heard footsteps on my roof over my room after the object had zoomed away at speeds that not even a plane could go. I immediately got out of my room, and into my parent's room to tell them I saw something outside of my window, and now I am hearing footsteps so of course my mom being half asleep tells me that it could be a raccoon, and chalks it up to my imagination when I knew it wasn't. I had gone back to my bedroom after the footsteps had stopped noticing that my toy chest was open. I quickly of course looked around my room in shock, then closed it, and of course locking it up so it couldn't open again. I could barely sleep easy that night, but I knew if I didn't get some more sleep I would be dead tired in the morning. I woke up the next morning, and something told me to look in my toy chest to see if anything was missing. I looked through my toy chest, and sure enough one of my favorite barbie doll's, and yes I said barbie doll's because of course I kept them, but never played with them. I came out of my room to see my godfather was already at the house, and I said to both of my parent's, and godfather that my barbie doll is missing from my toy chest. Of course my godfather had only been there for 20 minutes so he had no clue as to what was going on. He had me draw what I had seen the night before so I drew it, and me being very close to my godfather I remember sitting on his lap showing him the drawing. He asked me if I had ever seen the object before, and of course me being scared I shook my head no. My father then had the presence in mind to clear off the window sill in the kitchen, then climbs out of the window leading to the roof to see if my barbie was on the roof. I had seen him come back with it, but I didn't want to take the barbie doll from him in case whoever or whatever it was came back to my house to retrieve it. I couldn't even dream of wanting to put it back in my room because of the fear I had of who or whatever took it to begin with. I made my father put it back on the roof right where he found it, and he came back inside putting everything back onto the window sill where it was. My mother later on had to go up the street, and around the corner to a market called Arrow Market which is no longer in business now. She had to get a few things like bread, a gallon of milk, and I think a few candy bars for herself, my dad, and I. She had paid for everything, then started to walk home, and as she was turning onto our block she saw something up in the air that made no noise just like how I had seen it the night before. She had described it as a cigar shaped object in the sky with lights on it. When she had told my godfather, and I plus my dad I knew right then that I wasn't crazy. I knew that granted she didn't know what it was, and didn't want to say it was a UFO, but I knew deep down that she had known exactly what it was that she had seen. I know now that I am not crazy, and if I ever see something like that again in my lifetime, then i'll know then that i'm not crazy like I thought I was 20 years ago. I know that somewhere other greater intelligent beings do exist, but ever since that day 20 years ago I had become a confirmed believer of everything that is not of this world. I hope that after you read this you'll become a believer as well unless of course it has to happen to you first to be able to believe which I understand greatly. I do hope as well that this story of mine has brought most of you some kind of clarity, and understanding if you will for intelligent beings that of course are not human.


About the Creator

Elizabeth Wakefield

Hi I am a good writer. I get my writing skills from roleplaying which I am very good at. I do write up to 30 lines when I am roleplaying, and I do have plots for my roleplays. I also write poetry in my free time too.

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