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Life As A Capricorn

The most determined sign of the entire zodiac

By Sara WilsonPublished 3 years ago โ€ข 10 min read

For as long as I have known what a Capricorn was, I have been condemned for being one. It's been used as an insult by most, "Oh, of course you're stubborn, you're a Capricorn." Rarely has it ever been seen as something good. Capricorns are known as hard-headed, stubborn, work obsessed control freaks... and to those who don't understand us, I guess it could come off that way.

I can't recall any time in my life that I have been celebrated for being a Capricorn. I have always been called "A stubborn billy goat", which isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it's just silly banter between my husband and I. That being said, I personally think that my star sign has kept me out of a lot of sticky situations and I'm proud to be a stubborn goat.

Positive Capricorn traits-


I guess that's true. If I'm not doing something valuable with my time, I feel like it's being wasted, which is an enormous pet peeve of mine. Do not waste my time. Every job I take on, I try and excel at. I have a lot of hobbies and side jobs and when I commit to getting it done, I won't be bothered until it's done.. and done right. If I'm bothered when I'm trying to do something, I get so annoyed. But being a workaholic isn't necessarily a bad thing in my opinion. Us Capricorns are driven and if we don't see a way, we're gonna make one.


If you want us to do something, rest assured, it will get done. We don't like procrastinating. We don't like waiting. We are the "do it our self so we know it gets done" type. I can't count the amount of times I've offended someone just by getting up and doing something they said they would do. I just don't like things sitting until later. You know that saying, "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today"? It's a motto that I fully believe in. I don't like the feeling of work looming in front of me and feel useless if I'm not doing something.


I can relate to that. I'm often surprised by people who compliment my creativity on projects because it's something that just comes so naturally to me. I craft a lot. I make headbands, hair bows, pens, note books, tutus, and many other things. When I do it, I just use stuff I have laying around the house. I save things that break that I can use for other things and when people ask me how I made something and I tell them, they have mixed emotions. The first is they're annoyed because they can't go and purchase the supplies to recreate it, the second is surprise by what I used to achieve the finished product. I don't like to waste things and when I see something that can be used for something else (even if I don't know what that thing may be) I try and keep it in my crafting box.

Some home made makeup brush holders I made with ribbon, a broken key chain, a piece from a broken head band, lace, glitter, rhinestones, and a can.

Having high expectations of them self-

This is true. I think I make people mad when they compliment something I've done and I point out the flaws. I could get up and have a very productive day where I do way more than I expect myself to and still feel like there's something I could have done better. I am a huge multi tasker and even though I am proud of all that I do accomplish, I always strive for more.


I love this one because I have been told for as long as I can remember that I am over dressed for whatever. I am the girl that gets up and wears a full tulle skirt for no other reason than I wanted to. Every day is a good day to feel glamorous and staying home being "over dressed" doesn't bother me one bit. I love looking and feeling my best. That doesn't mean I don't ever take time to relax, or a day to chill in pajamas. I just feel more like myself when I'm a little bit extra. So no, I'm not "over dressed", I'm just classy.


I have been through a lot of stuff with a lot of different people in my life. Things that would make you cringe. Family members especially have been awful to me. In the end though, I am always there for them when they need me. This is classified as a Capricorns positive trait but sometimes I think it's more of a toxic trait. We feel constant guilt even when people have been horrible to us. We feel guilty. I have defended people who have been absolutely hideous to me. I have done favors for people who have said the cruelest things not only about me but about my husband and kids as well. I try and defend and stand up for everyone and always see both sides to every story.. but when I have had enough, I explode and then I am the bad guy. If there was one trait I would abolish as a Capricorn, this would be it.


I have so many thoughts and ideas in my head. Often, there are so many, I can't even keep up with them. For that, I make lists. I keep a notepad by my bed to write down ideas for stories or drawings or makeup ideas I get while I sleep. I tend to see things for what they can become rather than as what they are. My kids love Super Mario Bros and when we moved into our apartment, they asked for a Super Mario room. Have you ever looked at the price of Super Mario merch? It's expensive. So My husband and I went to the Dollar Tree and Wal-Mart and purchased $30.00 in supplies and I made them a Super Mario room by hand. If there's a will, there's a way and I always try to be the person that find's the will and the way.

Some pictures of the Super Mario play room

Now let's talk about some of our negative traits:

Overly serious-

Not true on behalf in any way. In fact, I tend to be the comic relief. I always make stupid jokes. I am probably the dorkiest most annoying person when it comes to serious situations. I am so awkward in certain settings that my brain automatically takes me to a place of humor to try and relieve the tension. This too can be a negative trait. I don't like serious situations. I want to laugh and be happy. I want to talk about things that excite you, not depress you all the time. I will listen and even vent when I am sad. Truth be told though, miserable people and discussions annoy me. Life is too short to be boring and depressed all of the time.

Overly Critical-

I can take accountability here. When people tell me all the things that are wrong in their life, I do my best to offer advice and solutions. If you want something, you will make an effort. If you don't, you will make an excuse. That probably makes me sound like a total jerk but I just don't like wasting time on the same issues over and over again. Try something to fix your situation. If you don't, it's a choice that you're making to be miserable every day and you need to quit complaining about things you have the power to change but won't.


I'm not sure how to feel about this one. Have I ever been depressed? Oh yeah. No question. I have been in some really dark places. It's more about energy though. I'm not just a Capricorn. I am also an empath. I pick up other peoples energy very quickly and bad energy makes for a bad mood. Good energy makes me so happy and I can thrive off of it easily. It's harder to stay positive in a situation where others are just being miserable and angry.


You know, I'm really not sure about this one. I said above that I give people way more chances than they deserve. But do I always forgive them? No, probably not. I'd like to say that I do, but that would probably be a lie. Maybe there is just a line. Maybe I forgive up until a certain point and then I just don't care anymore. It doesn't mean I hate you or won't speak to you. It just means I'm aware of how many times you have done me or someone else wrong and I no longer trust you.


I trust people until they have given me a reason not to. If you give me a reason to be suspicious, I probably always will be.


Every description of Capricorn love life I have ever read has said that we like to be in long term relationships. That's true for me. I have only ever had two adult relationships. One lasted for 6/7 years and I'm currently in my second one. We have been together for 9 years and married for 2.. and are planning to spend eternity together. Can't get much more long term than that.

Capricorn family and friends-

The literature says we never give up on our friends and family. I find it to be true. It again goes back to what I said about giving a lot of chances. I will push and fight for friends and family until they don't want me to or I have been hurt too badly. This is probably the only time I ever feel really serious about something. My family, meaning my husband and our three children are the ones I would not and could not ever give up on. I would be there for them no matter what. I want to support everything they ever want to do and be the best mother and wife I could possibly be. Family I was born into on the other hand takes the back seat. I love them, but I have a limit to how much I can deal with.

Career and Money-

We can achieve anything we set our minds to. That's a fact. We are determined and I push myself beyond any limit. There is always a way to achieve something deemed impossible. I know I'm good at budgeting. I am the girl that brags about how much I save over how much I spend. I think spending loosely is stupid. You can keep your $500.00 purse. I'm gonna buy the $20.00 purse and keep the extra $480.00 in my wallet. Not to mention, all this expensive stuff is so ugly half of the time. I'm all about looking and feeling good. Fashion. Makeup. But give me a cute functional purse from Ross over a Gucci bag any day.

Element -

I belong to the Earth element. It's the element of practicality. I couldn't identify more with it. I plan everything. I make lists. I don't do well with failure, so I go hard the first time around and won't jump in unless I'm at least 98 percent sure the odds are in my favor. I believe in what actually happens. What is happening now. I don't enjoy talking about things that aren't happening now. I'm a realist. I have imagination but at the end of the day, what matters is what can be tasted, touched, felt, heard, and seen right now. Not what "could be" or "may happen".

My sign is the Sea Goat. I want to climb the highest mountain and swim in the depths of the deepest seas. I'm ambitious and set big goals for myself and people around me. I will choose respect over admiration any day. I don't like change. I am not reckless. I don't know how to be. If I don't see a solid stable plan, I won't do it. I'm self motivated, if you grew up the way I did, you have to be. I have always been independent. No one came to any important events in my life. No one showed up when I won awards in school, or when I won a writer of the year medal in second grade. No one showed up to my high school graduation or even my wedding. You learn to motivate and congratulate yourself. I don't know if I could have handled that if I wasn't equipped with my "stubborn billy goat" traits.

In conclusion, I would suggest giving us stubborn goats a break. We have hard outer shells but if you're willing to try and get inside, we're worth it. Most of us have soft squishy humble hearts and would go above and beyond to do anything we could to help you.


About the Creator

Sara Wilson

Lover of the strange and unusual. I write mostly horror or true crime. I occasionally publish other things, but try not to write only for the sake of having content. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!

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  • Lamar Wiggins6 months ago

    ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ After All we just talked about, I decided to take a random story of yours and read it. I can't believe the significance of the one I chose. This is a gold mine, a version of a recent past self. I can now better understand the gravity of the roadblocks you are facing in life. I recommend you read this again. As painful as it might be, it may help regain some life that was taken away by unfortunate circumstances. I don't know, but it's worth a shot considering you wrote it. Best of luck, my friend!

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