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Keep Your Head Above the Sand Man

A Heart Shaped Locket

By Wanda B HenryPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

After all the commotion, all the people are at the beaches all around the world. What is happening? You see people holding sign with a heart shaped pendant. Its so beautiful and many Roses are everywhere. Imagine Long stem roses about 100 dozen and they are lined up on the ocean at the sand. Its is a beautiful site. The news come on and breaking news all person told to leave their home and go to the nearest ocean fronts. The color of the sky is Red and Blue and yellow. A shadow in the sky is of a Heart beating loudly so how can hear on the earth. So loudly people start covering their ears with their hand. Many start to put their head in the sand. Thousands begin to die, and their body start to be unconsciousness after a full body spasm the feet stop moving. We have come to the end of mankind as we knew it at that time. People begin to start running but like a swift breeze many are carried in the air to the roofs of the tallest buildings. Once landed each had hologram speaking to them in giving instructions. But how did we get to this point. It all started early one morning, and we see a little girl drawing in the sand a heart and she put roses around the edges of the heart. Then we see her inside the bank at her grandmother’s safe deposit box. Inside she finds a golden heart shaped locket and a letter. The letter had a map and it said just follow these instructions to survive the doom to come. The little girl begins to laugh. So quickly she got a airplane to Ohio to go the street her mother was born, when she arrived there in the cement on the corner was engraved in the cement and heart and inside was her Mom and Dad names. She as amazed but the next place amazed her more. She was told to go to the country where her forefather was born and on a certain Island, she would find a tree with the same engravement. Under the house is a secret compartment she would find the message to save her. Next, we see visions on people again putting their head under the sand. This little girl survived and was transported to the survival destinations. Most of humans was exterminated they could not take the commands and kept their heads under the sand. That little girl followed the plan the trace to that private place. She followed the paths of her parents’ legacy, and she did put her head under the sand. In the locket the heart shaped locket was a picture of her Great Granny, and it said the strong will outlive the doom. But listen do not put your head under the sand. She said Granny what does this have to with Man and the stand of life on earth. She said it wont hurt if you love and look above and keep your head above sand. The colorful sky at the beginning and the rose was for the welcoming back of the dead ones who get a second change. Yes, a second change to live. Well, it has been said cats have seven lives and humans the day after doom were all drawing in the sand and they made it heart shaped. Then you guessed it the cavities were filled with Rose Petals. The moral of Dooms day, keep your head above the sand. Yes, you can stand!


About the Creator

Wanda B Henry

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