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Just because I’m the sign of mystery, doesn’t mean...

Scorpio; Where all the odds on the roulette wheel read “INTENSE”.

By Nirvanhai Elixir O'RaahikojoPublished 3 years ago 10 min read
My “Scorpius Constellation” Anklet

Scorpios are the most intense sign of the zodiac, I know, I’ve been one for the past twenty-seven or so years. When people hear the word “intensity” they automatically attribute the word to something negative, or to some sort of impending strife. Intensity to some folks, is almost like hearing the dramatic sound effect *DUN. DUN. DUNNN...* in a children's cartoon TV show. But as a Scorpio, I can attest that although there is a part of our experience that is like this, there is an entirely different spectrum of intensity that we rarely talk about. This article is primarily about my subjective view on how my zodiac sign relates to me. Based on research of my sign, the teachings and practice of Astrology, this also definitely applies to the majority of my Scorpion kin.

I'd like to start by mentioning, while being Human, other signs obviously share in this experience as well. Our relationship with intensity however is extremely overt, even if it's not very obvious to other people. Through my life, I can testify to my intensity running deep and found it inseverable from my personality. Daily life can bring the average Scorpio annoying and tiresome daily occurrences because we "feel" so damn much. Being a Scorpio I tend to view the world through a black and white lens (I like to think things look very classy and tasteful this way.) In a simple rundown of the Zodiac, when our good 'ol homeboy, The Sun, is in the autumn skies of the Earth from approximately October 23rd to November 22nd; this would make you a Scorpio. I'm smack dab right in the middle of November. Being that another component of Astrology is the Rising or Ascendant sign, -which can be in an entirely different sign- is in Scorpio as well, this is said to be someone who develops a more cynical and protective nature. Think of the absolute coolest antagonist in any superhero movie, yeah that's pretty much been me throughout life. A realist accepting of cold hard truths while being a very warm and charming individual. This is quite the contrast to other people who may bury their head in the sand when life gets too real. Some people look at the world through rose-coloured glasses, but I’ve noticed so far throughout life the obscurity in individuals who take an all-inclusive stance all the time. Some things just aren’t meant to include or be accessed by everybody. As a Scorpio, one of the ways I've always experienced the wide spectrum of intensity is through various moments of drastic exclusivity. Both as a means of being a commodity and being an outcast.

Photo shot and edited yours truly on IPhone XR

Most people know me as a singer, and I sing, literally everywhere. This was more intense when I was a kid. Nowadays, I’m a little bit more mindful not to be too much of an public disturbance. When I was in elementary school, I was so notorious for singing that I somehow became the only kid in the entire school to sing the Canadian National Anthem "O Canada" on the P.A. system every morning. And this didn’t just happen in elementary school, it happened throughout high school as well. It felt like VIP status and was something exclusive that everybody simply couldn’t be a part of. At the same time, I grew up not really having a group of friends my age. People I surrounded myself with for some reason were always drastically younger or drastically older. I was an outcast to most of my fellow peers in my Grade. In Astrology, the Scorpionic energy signature comes from the once a planet, now a dwarf planet Pluto and the Eight house of the Zodiac. The first thing about our energy that you may notice is that we can very much embody of the full spectrum of human nature. Scorpios are a water sign, and in general we deal with emotional psychology from bliss to mourning, and navigate life from an emotional standpoint. The element of Water also act as a mirror. Some people tend to look at us and see destructiveness and others receive what Psychologists coin the "Halo Effect" and see a superstar. As you can probably now imagine, it’s with this intensity that brings me an abundance of annoying daily interactions with people if fail to protect my energy, or run from any emotional trauma I need to face, no matter the scale. If I had a quarter for some of these things that I experience every..single..day I venture outside my house, I'd be able to buy Elon Musk’s Brain:

• Encounters with a bajillion people that seem to have staring problems no matter what I'm wearing

• Interactions with exaggerated and contrived conduct (like dude, just be yourself, why are you trying to impress or pretend around me?)

• Receiving whirlpool of emotions on me ranging from dirty looks and perverted jaw drops.

artwork: Pluto’s Chariot

It sounds like a normal human thing that everyone has to deal with right? And one could argue, there’s a plethora of reasons why that is. Sceptics may even say I'm being jaded, crazy, or delusional. Every human being has to go through the same things, so what makes Scorpios any different? What makes you believe there is that much fixation on you. You're narcissist and you're self-absorbed. Well... Apart from being the sign that attracts the most turbulent of human experiences in order to even do what our designated role is, I’ve also come to understand the common denominator. It’s the mysterious allure of our intense energy. From the minute a Scorpio steps into the room, a presence like no other is felt within you, and you may not even understand why. Let’s put together some of the pieces why this is and what my sign is about. The eight house of the Zodiac covers topics like: The psychology of the human soul, death, sex, taboo or occult topics, power, control, the bonding and merging of relationships, secrecies, conspiracies, inheritances, resources of other people, rebirth, and transformation. When we talk about my ruling planet that's part of my surname Pluto; normally, Pluto is the farthest in our galaxy right? Well imagine encountering a water sign, with all that 8th house and plutonic energy (not to mention being co-ruled by fiery Mars). One, usually more, of those topics will undoubtedly be explored at some point of the interaction. Whether you want to or not. Heck whether we want to not! A side of you you’ve either never explored deeper or repressed is bound to emerge in the midst of someone with this type of energy. Meeting someone this enigmatic most likely will bring to light qualities you never thought you possessed. Very intense emotions.

“Scorpio” via “Moon X”. The app that I use religiously

In pre-pandemia summer 2019, my good friend had bought extra tickets to OVO Fest and took me. We met a really cool couple there and immediately hit it off, only being a Scorpio, of course I was a lot less open than my friend. The girl of the couple happened to also be Scorpio. They were really cool but slowly, the conversations became incredibly fixated on me, particularly my eyes. That day, was also a day I wanted let my inner bougie guy surface, why? Well because I was at OVO FEST 2019 and there isn’t any laws against being bougie for the day. I was wearing super sexy emerald green coloured contacts and had decided to pass them off as my real eyes if anyone had asked. Again, why? Because I’m a Scorpio and we out of all the zodiac signs like to be in “control” our narratives. It’s pretty difficult to explain what happens next as non-egotistical as possible but, hopefully this story is understood in its intended context. Back to the couple. Instead of asking me about my eyes once, they went on almost the entire event commenting on how handsome and good looking I was, and how beautiful my eyes were. Asking again and again if they were real. The allure of me not telling them if they were real or not, kept them asking...desperately. It was to the point of a slight obsession and became very off-putting. I mean the whole event?... Were there better things to talk about to try to get to know me than something so shallow like my looks? Absolutely. But the intensity I brought with me was too intoxicating for them. It had them literally not even know or maybe forget how to conduct and "control" themselves. I will admit, although odd, that kind of intensity was kind of fun, and me and my friend had a laugh about it afterwards. Through the years, I’ve researched my sign and discovered that Scorpios are introverted and don’t usually like being the center of attention. Despite this, their mysterious and magnetic nature can sometimes cause them to become just that. I think those two that day showed me how much of a Scorpio I really am.

circa 2019–Just one out of many bougie OVOFEST photos.

Intensity is not always a negative thing. It’s actually a blessing that I’ve gotten to experience the highest of highs that life can offer a human, it makes up for some of the more weird things that I see come out of people, sometimes, in response to my presence alone... I can’t tell you the countless times I have just stood somewhere waiting for a bus, minding my business and someone comes along and bears their entire traumatic life story to me in an uncontrollable breakdown. At this point it has become a normal occurrence to me. A normal occurrence! I’ve come to learn that’s part of the role we have being a Scorpion. We are walking "DUN DUN DUNNNs" and a catalyst for other’s transformation. People need to explore these hidden topics about themselves they are running from, that I was running from, that Scorpios pop up as a reminder for. Depending on that mirror, a reminder of what’s possible, reminder of what you still need to work on. A reminder of what someone envious will never be or a reminder of how amazing you truly are. I had this very conversation with a good Scorpio friend of mine a couple months ago. Sometimes all this intensity is very redundant because it feels like your energy is constantly being used to help other people... Don’t get me wrong, I love to help people, but after a while, it kind of feels like you’re constantly being robbed of a normal relationship dynamic. When isn’t there any shadows or karma you’re unknowingly triggering and pulling out of someone else?

via, ScorpioSunScorpioMoon.com

People call us very private, deep, and mysterious but they don’t tend to really acknowledge the meaning of those adjectives. Talk is cheap when you're another sign, try actually being the archetype of intensity and depth. It can be daunting for the average human, but for an actual Scorpio human, it’s a whole other world most people will never see. To me, it’s actually beautiful. Scorpios are like an unsolvable Rubik's cube. Other people put a toe in our ocean of mysteries when they meet us and get upset at our nature. People ask me why I’m so intense and private, or why am I so mysterious and why can’t I open up more?; Failing to accept my natural receptive disposition that I navigate my life by. Not only are we 70% water but I'm also a water sign and no matter how we may appear to be, we aren’t an extroverted sign. I think that’s what other people love so much about us. We take the time to explore our depths so that we can easily, psychically, and intuitively help you understand yours and stay with you through life’s most perilous uncertainties. Although I would say our sign is the closest to understanding the mysteries of life, it still discriminates against us too. So stop rapid firing so many questions. Just because I’m the sign of mystery, doesn’t mean I have all my mysteries solved.


About the Creator

Nirvanhai Elixir O'Raahikojo

A dimension where Nirvanhai's melodies are a relic of the Piscean age.

Azhjur and Andante's Father.

"They tried to bury us, they forgot we were seeds."

social.media - @nirvanhaiplutoshine


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