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July Baby

A little of everything for me

By Ruby Estelle Published 3 years ago 4 min read

Astrologys' a touchy subject for some. You either get into it, or you don't. Some people hear about it, and think oh this is so against my religion, or this isn't real. The thing about it, in my opinion, is we are all just people. We were all born on a certain day at a certain time, and well there was an alignment in the stars at that time unlike any other. A unique natal birthmark. That alignment makes up our birth chart, while our life, genes, experiences, our knowledge, as well as our past life, makes us who we are. Certainly there's something to it.

Some say astrology is for billionaires and as much as I have always felt destined to be a billionaire, I have also always been very into astrology. Digging dipper to learn more about people beyond their surface. Everyones' different and certainly astrology can't define us to a T. Although I am the one whose first question when meeting someone is, when is your birthday? No it is not just an ice breaker, I genuinely want to know their sun sign and what shapes their personality traits.

If you're like me, someone who identifies with many different signs. A handful of people who follow astrology just follow the sun sign by the month we were born. Although, as another handful of people know who follow astrology, there is three. These three main signs we are ruled under being our sun sign, moon sign, and our rising sign. They say our sun sign is our predominant personality, our moon sign rules our emotions, and our rising sign is how we are perceived by others.

For me I was born on July 7th, 1995 at 7:51 p.m. My whole life growing up I felt like I could relate with being Cancer/Gemini as my sun sign. With the 13 signs I would be a Gemini, and with the 12 I am on the magical Cancer/Gemini cusp. Although everywhere you read things it is not always the same. It wasn't until recently within the last couple of years why I discovered why I always felt like I related to traits of a Sagittarius. I had took this quiz over and over that was guessing my sign and it kept guessing that.

When I learned that Sagittarius was my ascendant/rising sign It made sense, and I completely relate. As well as with my sun sign, Cancer/Gemini, and my moon in Scorpio. My part of fortune is in Aries, Vertex in Leo, and my MC in Libra, and that meaning my "midheaven". My mercury is in Gemini, Venus in Cancer, Mars in Virgo, Jupiter in Sagittarius, and the list goes on. All of these I can relate to with my family being mostly Leo I've always felt like ever since I was a teenager that I had a heart of a Leo.

With the logistics of my astrology, do I believe my sign defines me? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. Naturally certain energies play a role in our personalities, gifts, endeavors etc. With that being said I relate to most, if not all, of the things my chart says about me from time to time. Do I let it rule my life and check my horoscope everyday? No and I also don't let it depict my compatibility with others either. I believe in the importance of letting life play out naturally without reading into depictions and anticipations based upon what someone has presumed and calculated no matter how meticulously.

As the world rotates and the stars change why we all age another day, we are always forever changing. I believe in what my sign says about me to an extent, but I have my own personality quirks that my horoscope doesn't, just like anyone. No ones future or personality can be defined ultimately by the date or time of which they were born in my opinion. Just like our compatibility with others isn't dependent on what astrology says.

I identify with my aloof positive restless always needing adventure and a change of scenery rising sign Sagittarius. I relate with my communicative witty, gentle, nurturing, sensitive empathetic loving and emotional sign Cancer/Gemini. As well as my secretive mean deeply intense and not a force to be reckoned with moon in Scorpio. Like a Leo I am dangerous, determined, analytical and filled with pride. I am always trying to find and maintain a healthy balance like a motivated and strong willed Libra and have a fearless fiery side like an Aries.

Because like anyone else I am just a person, and carry many character traits from many different signs as well as my own! With a lot more to me and although it doesn't completely define me I relate to my astrology almost as much as a person can identify with their sign and its particularities. Yet sometimes when I read my astrology and personality it is most usually accurate. Regardless of the date and time we were born, we were all made for our own purpose, to live our own life and destinies, and that is something that no one can successfully try and take away from us. After all, destiny and fate is written in the stars for everyone's unique self, not for someone else's.

Below is a link for you to check your sign and its specific intricacies according to your birth date, time, and location of birth. This specific sights goes into a lot more detail than just your sun, moon, and rising sign. Don't be surprised at the results when you find that you can completely relate with them, and if you cant than maybe this website or Astrology isn't for you either way stay unique like the rest of us. Because after all not many people were born on the same exact date and time as you, let alone in the same place.

Click Here For Your Own Unique Horoscope!

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About the Creator

Ruby Estelle

Im Kezia, Family oriented & fun, loving, nature, people, music & animal lover. photographer, writer, cook, artist, lover & creator! I aspire world venture, vlogging, making a foundation, having a positive impact & inspiring you💕


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