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It’s Called a What?

My Tramp Stamp

By Celeste KirbyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Art, not porn.

I don’t believe in astrology. It’s all bogus. It’s all so vague that any of the traits of the one sign could apply to anyone. When you read horoscopes, do you read only your own and your significant other’s (or the one you hope will become your SO)? And if you actually believe in this drivel, you MAKE it work. “Well, I suppose, I could have a picnic today, sure. Thanks for suggesting it!”

Normally, horoscopes say things like, “you need more sleep, dear Aquarius. You’ve got a big day ahead of you. Try to limit your spending. You need to master your impulse control if you ever want to make the big purchase you’ve been saving for. And reach out to that person you’ve had a falling out with. They miss you too. Be the bigger person, dear Aquarius.”

Whaaat? I need more sleep, to spend less money, and I have a rocky relationship somewhere? My god, it’s like you’ve known me my whole life! I’m the only sign on the planet who needs more sleep, is saving up for a major purchase, has impulse control issues when it comes to money, and has had a falling out with someone. And I’d rather leave all of them in the past, thank you very much.

That said, you may wonder why my first tattoo is a variation of my sign. It’s not obviously my sign. It’s waves, because Aquarius is the water bearer. It’s not because I believed in this nonsense 14 years ago, at the age of 26, when I got my tattoo. I listened to horoscopes as a child with my sister, a fellow Aquarian, for entertainment purposes.

It’s on my lower back. I wanted to be able to show it off when I wanted, but hide it in a business suit. I didn’t know that location was called a tramp stamp until after I’d done it. Welp, llive and learn. I was an active Mormon at the time, and a virgin. My mother saw it at church a year later. Good times.

So why do I have a tramp stamp when I’m not a tramp (well, I wasn’t. I’m making up for lost time now!) of something I don’t believe in and even openly mock, no matter how much people try to tell me I’m wrong? I have a sneaking suspicion that you, the reader, follow astrology like a religion.

It’s because I don’t believe in it that I have this particular tattoo. I don’t fit in anywhere. Even in groups of my own friends, where I’m the organizer and common denominator, where everyone is a misfit, I always feel awkward. It’s possibly because I just am awkward. In a loveable, charming way, of course.

Don’t get me wrong, my friends are all awkward too, and I miss them like crazy. They’re all responsible people, and as such, I don’t see much of them anymore, and won’t until there’s a vaccine. I might, if I didn’t already have a weakened immune system. Stupid covid. Stupid multiple sclerosis. My silly friends want me to live, or some such nonsense like that.

While I fit in with my friends the most and my family the least, I fit in best with the people in my own head, and I don’t even like all of them!

But I fit in with my sign. Because everyone does. Because they’re deliberately vague. Because if you’re human at all, you fit in with your sign.

So my tattoo reminds me that I fit in with the whole human race, when I feel like I don’t belong anywhere. Some days, that’s enough, just to remind myself that I’m human. And some days, it’s too much, to remember that I’m a part of this species.


About the Creator

Celeste Kirby

I wrote my master’s thesis on the Simpsons. I have MS & fibromyalgia. I’ve published five books. Other than that, I’m your typical chubby, pumpkin spice loving, vampire meeting white girl who’s unfortunately cursed with resting nice face.

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