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Is the Earth a "prison"?

The clues found in DNA make one think twice

By Mao Jiao LiPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

With cold air in summer and heating in winter, the changes that technology has brought over the centuries are there for all to see. However, advanced technology has not only brought about an improvement in the quality of life and lifestyle change but has also given humans the ability and qualification to explore certain issues, such as the origin of mankind.

In the mid-to-late nineteenth century, Darwin put forward the theory of evolution, which had a great influence on later generations, and advocated the principle of natural selection. He believed that human beings, like other earthly creatures, were the products of natural selection over a long period, and that there was nothing special about them by nature.

Today, with the efforts of countless scientists, the theory of evolution has been filled more and more perfect, and the evolutionary relationship between species has been sorted out more and more clearly. But even so, there are still people who question the theory of evolution.

However, what they question is not the evolutionary relationship between all species, but whether humans evolved from the ancient apes. Or whether natural selection alone can make an obscure beast evolve into a highly intelligent human being.

In the view of the skeptics, the evolutionary process from archaic apes to humans is certainly not a simple natural selection, and there must be some kind of external intervention or guidance.

Katherine S. Pollard, a biostatistician, has said that it is unlikely that a highly conserved DNA sequence such as that of humans would have changed continuously over millions of years of evolution.

Since it is impossible to change continuously, it means that the ancient apes could not evolve into humans, but now the ancient apes did become humans, does it mean that the process was interfered with by some force? Is it true that the earth is a prison and humans are prisoners exiled from it, as some rumors say?

This question may not have been answered a decade or so ago, but in recent years scientists have made discoveries in DNA that seem to add some credibility to the rumors.

The academic journal ICARUS has published a research paper by two scientists from the Cerenkov Institute of Astrophysics.

In the paper, they state that there is reason and evidence to believe that humans are some kind of genetically engineered creation that first appeared about several hundred million years ago.

Bay of Bengal

One of the authors of the paper, astrologist Maxim A. Markov, says that this genetic engineering would have used remote excitation, that is, a string of keys sent to Earth from somewhere, and this secret key prompted some kind of pointing change in the DNA of ancient apes, which eventually evolved into the present humans.

The two scientists' conjecture is truly dazzling, and in their conclusion, they also mention a mysterious number hidden in human DNA - 37. They believe that the frequent occurrence of the number "37" may be the "mark" left by the creators on the human body. They believe that the frequent occurrence of the number "37" may be the "mark" left by the creators on the human body.

The "37" mentioned by the two scientists is indeed mysterious, because many codons, cell numbers, base pairs, and the quality of some tissues in the human body involve the number "37".

At first, they thought it was just a coincidence, but after much deduction and calculation, they concluded that the probability of it being a coincidence is very low, with a probability of 1 in 10 trillion.

They are not the first to discover the mystery of "37", as early as the beginning of the 21st century, some scientists have already discovered this puzzling fact, but there is no convincing explanation, but all can only be attributed to "coincidence".

The question arises, if "37" is some kind of force in the human DNA that left a mark, then who arranged all this? And why did he do it? The "laboratory theory" may be able to give us a hint of inspiration.

We all know that in the scientists' previous speculation, the universe should be very lively, after all, it has been born more than 13 billion years, but the actual situation has a great gap from the expected, the universe is not only not lively, but a silent, to explain this unusual situation, some scientists put forward the "laboratory theory"

The theory is that the reason why humans see the universe as silent is not that there is no civilization in the universe, but because humans are in the laboratory area set aside by advanced civilizations. They certainly do not allow humans to discover other civilizations to observe and study them.

If the laboratory theory depicts reality, then not only the number "37" has a reasonable explanation, but also the identity of the UFOs, which could be the cameras in the laboratory.

At this point a very critical question arises, how real is the "laboratory theory"? A real example may be able to answer.

In the Bay of Bengal, there is a "North Sentinel Island". The island covers an area of about 60 square kilometers, and about 400 indigenous people are living on the island (estimated value).

According to scientists' observation, the civilization process of the island's indigenous people is still stuck in the Stone Age, and the outside world has a time difference of at least 10,000 years.

Due to the long periodontist contact with the outside world, the outside world's viruses and bacteria can easily kill the Sentinel people living on the island. Therefore, to protect this last living fossil of mankind, the island has prohibited anyone from approaching and landing, researchers can only observe their development in silence outside the island.

At this point, the eyes of North Sentinel Island expand on the whole Earth, the Earth is possible in the eyes of advanced civilization North Sentinel Island, and humans are living fossils living on the island. The answer is a fascinating thought.

In general, the evolution of human beings has not been intervened in the road and is not exiled, I believe that with the continuous development of genetic science, we can certainly find the real answer.


About the Creator

Mao Jiao Li

When you think, act like a wise man; but when you speak, act like a common man.

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