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Little black pill

By Larry VisgarPublished 4 years ago 24 min read


“What the? Uhhhh…. stupid alarm, why did I get an alarm clock that drives itself away from me? Oh yeah that’s right, it helps me wake up. Well, I need to get ready for school.” Max gets into the shower, eats, dresses. He has a habit of looking at his fossil collection everyday before leaving. They’ve been there since he arrived at the apartment, after he found out what they were, he’s always enjoyed looking at them. Max finishes up and hops onto his hover cycle to travel to school.

The city is underneath a massive dome, everything is compacted to fit inside. All roads are below the city and connect with every destination. He arrives at his school, collage senior year 2nd time around, Max is 29 years old. Parking his cycle in the campus garage, he’s greeted by his 2 friends Kreb, and A-Na, as they park their hover cars.

“Max my man!” Kreb says with a big grin.

“Hey” A-Na nods at him

“Kreb, A-Na, are you ready for today?” Max asks.

“You’re the only one here failing the term, it will take a miracle to turn your grade around.” She snaps.

“I was told to make something to raise my grade.” Max responds.

The 3 walk through the garage, taking the elevator to the collage itself. All of the walls are in a bland gray, someone needs to tell the leaders there are better colors available. Dorm living is an option, but they’d rather live on their own.

“You’d have to make a something that will knock the AI’s socks off you know. If it had socks… or feet….” A-Na states.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Max replies in an unhappy tone.

“Sorry, but you did dig your own grave on this.” Kreb says.

“Well, we’re about to find out.” The class room door opens automatically, A-Na lets the guys go 1st. “Ladies 1st!” She jokes.

“I think she means you Kreb.” Max snickers at his friend.

“Very funny…”

They walk into their class room and take seats, each student has a personal Akra they use for home work. The Dome is vast and has it’s own Nakwat network, anything in the dome that’s free access can be searched.

The Artificial Intelligence professor appears on the main screen in class, and each individual Akra as well.

“Hello class,” The AI speaks to the class. “How are you today?”

The class responds to their screens in greeting.

“Your new assignments are being uploading to your Akras, and downloading finished work.” A notification appears on Max’s screen for his project, he was asked to make an algorithm, one that can trick security systems. This seemed strange to him, but wasn’t about to argue. He’s upgraded to A+ instantly. His next project is unmarked, a code hypnotic scrambler, even more confused, still agrees.

Everyone’s homework is different, made for their own skill sets. Even the class ages vary.

The dome houses ages 10- 30, where the others are, are unknown. With in the same class room, other personal topics are studied. Each student is special in away most won’t understand. 2 can study and learn all of the same topics, yet end up performing completely opposite job functions.

Max is a hacker, and knows the body functions, he can also science his way out of most situations. A-Na Knows the Dome and their history, along with security functions. Kreb is in between.

Hours of studies finish, the 3 friends hang out in the food court. It’s not much of one. The food selection is limited, a hamburger type meat, what ever veggies they can create, and snacks from each. Any beverage they consume is either from recycled liquid waste, or the veggie crap they whip together.

Despite the garbage food, a relaxing lounge is available for students to chill in. Media is accessible to all, personal funny videos are always uploaded, doctored picture for comedic purposes, and just personal banter.

Amos, Alex and Cloie walk into the same room. They’re no fans of the others, and start trouble right away.

“There’s the mentally challenged trio.” Amos rudely announces while walking into the room.

“Great, this is what I need right now.” Max responds to the statement.

“I know you should have failed the term today. Yet somehow you turned the tables.” Amos insinuates he cheated.

“I don’t remember asking for your opinion.” Max says in his own defense.

“Come on Amos, drop it and lets just eat.” Cloie suggests.

“Save it, we’ll just get out of here, Kreb, Max come on, lets go to our plan B.” A-Na says to avoid another fight.

The 6 have had a feud since they can remember, they’re not the only ones. It’s like this with most of the people in the city. Any thought of the other person immediately creates unknown hostility.

Kreb takes his friends to a balcony that over looks the city. They break there before the 2nd set of classes. That’s where he asks the obvious question.

“I wonder why Amos, Cloie and Alex hate us so much. When I think of their names, I get so mad.”

“I know, I get that way as well. It’s been like that since I can remember.” Max says calmly. “What are you guys doing once we clear collage?”

A-Na answers. “Eh, haven’t thought of it much.”

“Me either” Kreb agrees. “Not many do.” He finishes.

“Don’t you find that odd? No body really has a plan.” Max spot lights.

“How is that strange, many people think that.” She says.

“Guys, we’re in our mid to late 20’s we should have a plan by now. The younger of us I understand. But at our age, how don’t you?!” He sternly asks.

“Fine.” Kreb starts back at him. “What’s your plan after collage, all high and mighty.”

Max thinks about it, his mind fights the thought but he prevails, and cuts krebs burn on him off.

“See, you don’t either master min—-”

“The filtration system is old, I can taste the differences every day. I have an idea to improve it and many other functions. I want to improve the life support of the city.’

“Wow.” A-Na says in shock, not expecting a real answer. “That’s strange, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone voice their own plans. Where always told what we’re going to learn and do. There isn’t much room for free thinking here.”She says in finishing her thoughts.

Kreb looks at the time. “Crap! We’re going to be late for the 2nd half.” They scramble back and walk in just in time. The other students give them dirty looks because their so dedicated, and know the 3 are almost done with the year. Max gets new assignments but for cross genetics. Finding this as an odd topic he takes it. Videos of animals he’s never seen before are shown and ways to save them after extinction is theorized. He has the skill of learning almost on the spot. Stupid on the subject at 1st and a few hours of studying he’s an expert.

After class they go the one of the 10 clubs in the city, dancing to music that is new and ancient. Drinking and having a blast. It’s discovered that it’s Amos’s sisters 30th birthday. Arya and Max have had a crush on each other for an awkward amount of time, probably the reason Amos hates him so much. She sees him in there and doesn’t hesitate, being drunk helps with this.

“Hey sexy! Wanna dance?” Arya asks.

Knowing she’s wasted, he refuses nicely. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Come oooon! I know you want me, everyone knows!”

“You’re wasted, it’s not appropriate.” He yells back because of the loudness of the music.

“Fine! I’ll just dance with someone else!”

“Max, freaking dance with her! She’s really drunk, someone else will take advantage.” A-Na States.

“Amos will kill me!” He points out.

“Imagine what he’ll do if she’s rapped because you couldn’t swallow your awkwardness over her!” She points back.

He thinks about it. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Of course I am!”

Max finds her in the thick crowd, exactly what A-Na brought up was in the beginning stages of happening. He steps in as nice he can, and asks for the dance, which goes too well. Him and his friends take her to her dorm room.

“Man shes bad, Hey, good looking out, you literally saved her tonight.” A-Na gives Max props.

“I don’t think so, but I’m glad she wasn’t hurt.”

“If you wouldn’t have stepped in, that’s exactly what would’ve happened.” She makes him aware.

“Well I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“Hey, you be careful. You had as much to drink as she did. And you’re going to be driving at 300 miles an hour?!”

“I hold my own well.” Max brags slightly.

“Yeah you do.” Kreb says. “I had less than you and I se 3 of all of you.”

“You don’t count.” Sees he’s a bit offended. “Dude, after 3 light drinks you get tipsy. So this doesn’t mean much.”

Max cycles back and once he’s almost back, his cycle loses control and he’s thrown off and it crashes. With his intoxication level, he blacks out for the entire night, and wakes up to a homeless person shouting him out of the way. He stumbles back to his place. And sees that he needs to go back to class.

“What the? What happened?…… Oh crap…. I crashed last night…. Shoot. I need to get ready.”

Noticing he’s not hurt that bad. Which isn’t possible at the speed he crashed in. Max remembers He didn’t take his little black pill the day before, but doesn’t have time now, so skips to eating and showering.

Everyone is required to take a little black pill for health purposes, the climate isn’t the healthiest, that’s where the pills supposedly come in to play. Max takes public transportation, which takes time. He arrives to class late and explains his situation to the AI, and is send to the Medical AI.

“Hello Max my Data suggests you had an accident last night. And are still hung over. Let me check you out.” MAI Says.

“And I didn’t even tell my professor about the details.” He states with confusion.

“I can access your vitals and video footage, by your breath and looks I know you need medical attention. I also know you haven’t been taking your little black pill. I have one here for you.”

“Why is it soo important? Today aside, I’ve been feeling just fine, better even.” Max tries to build a case.

“That’s a symptom of toxicity rising in your system. Please take a pill.” The MAI insists.

This raises a few flags in his mind. So he fakes taking the pill and dumps it. He’s lays down on a regeneration bed that heals his body, and is sent back to class. In the break him and his friends go into the food court, in which he’s confronted by a very angry Amos.

“MAX!” Amos yells in anger.

“Dude seriously what!?” He snaps.

“What’s wrong Amos” A-Na asks.

“My sister is missing, her dorm room is empty. Max, you danced with her last night, what did you do with her?” Amos more calmly asks him.

“I only danced with her so she wouldn’t be the victim of the guys groping her at her party. The 3 of us took her to her dorm and left. That’s it. Then I crashed on my way home, I’m still in the dark as too how I survived.” Max finishes his explanation.

A-NA and Kreb are completely lost, as are Cloie and Alex. They look at both of them like they’re out of their minds.

“Well? Do you guys know anything?” Amos pushes.

“Amos, I don’t know who your talking about. As far as I know, you’ve always been the only child.” A-Na says.

“I know we were at a party last night, but there was nothing special about it.” Kreb says.

“It was Araya’s birthday party last night. So yes it was.” Amos snaps.

“Dude, we don’t know who your talking about.” Cloie says as they all look at him in confusion.

Amos looks like he’s losing his mind, wondering whats happening and why no one knows her. As he’s about to flip out being the only one that remembers, a glimpse of hope appears.

“What do you mean you guys don’t remember her, your the ones that are always giving both of us crap about not dating. A-Na I only danced with her last night because of you.” Sees the looks go from confused to worried.

“Max you had a lot to drink last night, plus you were in a horrible accident, It makes sense why you mind is playing tricks on you.” A-Na spins.

“Haha…. 1 you know I can handle a hangover. I remember things you guys never do. 2 the regeneration bed heals everything, including the mental state. So right now, I’m healthier than all of you.” Max states his case.

“Wait, are you saying you believe me?” Amos looking for a grasp that he’s not crazy.

“Guys we’re going to be late for class, lets go.” Max says to exit, but purposely bumps into Amos. While they were talking he was writing a note to him.

It became clear that something wasn’t right, so he wrote a note for his foe. As they leave the food court, he opens it. Reads, “Meet me in the Akra hall after hours.” This intrigues him. So he does.

The Akra hall is pretty much just that, a hall way of them with secured doors on each side. Both meet to talk.

“Why are we meeting like this Max, we hate each other remember?” Amos reminds him.

“Yeah why is that? Because I don’t know why we hate each other. There is no reason for it.”

“When ever I hear your name or see you, I’m just—-” Amos is cut off.

“Filled with hatred towards you.” Max finishes the sentence. “Don’t you find it strange that only you and I remember the exact events of last night?” He asks

“It’s disturbing” Amos answers.

“Have you been taking your black pill?”

“No, I’ve been forgetting. Why?”

“I haven’t for 2 days now, and I’m more lucid then ever. The Medical AI kept pushing the black pill on me after the crash. Every time we don’t take it, they practically shove it down our throats. I think they’re hiding something from us.” Max says

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“Think about it, only you and I remember and we haven’t been taking our pills. They urge it daily. And with in the last 2 days a few people in our classes have gone missing. No one else remembers.” Max continues.

“Your right, I have noticed that.”

“Something’s bring covered up to a giant scale, and only you and I know it.” He reveals.

“What do we do?” Amos asks.

“Maybe they’re deluding and giving us hatred towards the people they know we’d work the best with. Our hatred in each other is horribly powerful. But, the longer I’m off that pill—” Max is cut off.

“The more that hatred fades away….” Amos finishes.

“Lets team up, I don’t think this is just about your sister. I cared about her as well. Lets find out what happened.”

“I agree, lets do this.”

They continue normal life during the day to throw off suspicion, avoiding any conversations about those missing. A daily reset is noticed, as both Max and Amos impatiently wait. Taking into count what was acquired days before, Amos was off of he Black pill longer so he has a better handle.

All AI’s can tell they’re not taking the pills and attempt forcing it on them. This act proves to them something isn’t right. Max creates programs to dig up information, which alerts the AI’s Max is detained and questioned.

The AI in charge of security gets in his mind and learns what he knows. Max’s lucidness is 100%. At the same time, Amos is waiting for him in the hall of Akra’s. Wondering where the pest is, he continues with the research. Then something strange happeneds, a message appears on the screen, the room number Max is being held in. instructions what to do are relayed to him.

As He walks to the room, he runs into Kreb and A-Na, in which memories have been wiped of him. Amos is alarmed by this and brushes the 2 off. Once he finds the room, uses the door code given to him.

Max is seen in an injection chair almost gone. An Akra in the room tells the frienemy what to do. An injection is revealed in the room that will counteract what was given to him. Amos shoves it in Max’s heart, and he gasps loudly.

“Come on, we need to get out of here.” Amos urges.

“Uhhhhh… I… Where……..” Max slurlishly grunts.

“I know you’re out of it but I need you to get it together.” Amos almost drags Max with him.

As they’re going through the halls, Kreb and A-Na see them limping around. They begin to remember their friend, and run away with them not knowing what’s going on. The only move that can be made is the garage, security drones are activated and begin chasing them.

Max mostly coherent now, jumps onto a hover cycle like the others and race into the tunnels.

All of them are separated, swishing passed others, ax is the genius that went against traffic flow. Try going up against hundreds of vehicles flying at you at 300 miles per hour, and not getting hit. The drones are shooting at them to disable, not really after Kreb or A-Na but the other 2.

Max makes it out of the tunnels when a drone takes the others out and speaks to him.

“Go down this strip and take the right curve, i’ll disable the other drones that attack you.”

“What the…..?” Max says in confusion, but follows what it says….. but is it a trap?

The same thing happens to his friends, Amos and Max meet on the same road when a security blockade nearly stops them. Still a ways behind him, Amos is told by a drone to turn to avoid it. Max is too close to the blockade, his frienmy is seen using his cycle skills to not just get away but through it.

Boosting the hover power and bounces on the surroundings, and then to the other side. Gaining speed again, Amos sees him on the other side. There’s a wall that has a crack only big enough for a cycle to get through, attempts to warn Max fail.

Seeing it, he moves his body to mold with it, and barely makes it through. On the other side, Kreb is crashed and security is all over him, his friend helps him by tossing the cycle at them and fighting the others. The drones guide A-Na and Amos somewhere else. When it looks like they wont make it out, help arrives. Drones kill security and keep a scene long enough for strangers to get the 2 to safety.

All of them meet in an opening in an unknown area of the city, where answers are given.

“Wait wait wait! Hold on.” Max stops the strangers from leading them further. “Why were we just in a high speed chase?”

“That’s what I’d like to know.” Amos agrees.

He sighs then explains. “ Fine, I’m Ralam a member of the dome underground.”

Everyone’s lost. “Underground…. I don’t—” Max is cut off.

“Look, the leaders of the dome complex have been lying to everyone since the start of the system. When ever someone gets close to the truth, they’re disappeared. What were you and Amos doing just before today? You were looking into his sister disappearance.” Ralam explains.

Amos goes defensive. “Where are you keeping my sister, and how do you know who we are?!”

“Shut up for a moment.., It’s you….. You’ve been helping us this entire time haven’t you?” Max asks beginning to connect the dots.

“Yes that’s what I’m trying to say, I can answer further, but we’re still not safe yet. Come on we have a ways to go.”

They’re lead through a system of underground tunnels that run to a secret society, not nearly advanced as the main city itself. A short tour is given, just enough to get them to their tech center.

“Okay, I’m more lost then ever now.” Kreb says looking around.

“Keep quite because I’m only going to say this once.” Ralam starts in. “Farse bring up the maps please. You lived in 1 or 3 surface domes. Each hold an age group. A Babies to 10 years, B 10 to 30 years, and C 30 to the elite. People are grown/cloned. As much natural cells as can be spared are used to make a baby, each is taught or programmed to serve the use of the Dome. Each person is given a shot of nanites, microscopic machines once they hit 10 years old.

They are then transferred to dome B, each person is to become an expert on something. Their obedience is what gives them passage to Done C. The most elite in knowledge move in. otherwise they’re disappeared and are made your food. You know the meats and a lot of the strange chips you’ve been eating? It’s people that have been taken. What they know is taken and downloaded into the elite.

Max, we changed your assignments because you have the open mind to deal with this, Amos you were messaged because of your bond with your sister. Both of you were questioning the process even before you were off of the pills.”

Still taking in the data dump of information given, Max comments. “What are the pills exactly?”

“Mostly they are what the leaders say, but, inside are new nanites programmed to rewrite memory. Tell you what they want, daily updates.” Ralam answers.

“That explains everything….” Amos says, understanding the revelation given to him.

“Why lie to everyone this entire time?” A-Na asks.

“Would you be willing to live with eating the people around you in order to live? Even if resources are dwindling, could you deal with that.? I know a lot of people here, and it would be chaos.” Max answers her question.

“Exactly. Now what isn’t in your dome, is the reasoning for it. Farse, you have a better handle on this than I do.” Ralam passes to explaining off.

He brings up a map display of the planet. “Now it’s not clear on how long this plan dates back but I’m sure it’s at least 200 years. Colonizing in spaced failed miserably, no one could get along, the sun was dying for along time. Finally every country decided to shut up and protect itself. Building massive domes, surface and underground, each being different. This is the what was called the United States. The only one to really separate into classes of age, and the only one to not fully think far ahead. They didn’t gather enough food resources, so anything 100% natural mostly died maybe 50 years ago or less…… maybe.”

“So what can we do? Why are we here?” Max asks.

“That’s the part of needing your brains.” Ralam Jumps back in. “The Programs you’ve written will give us access to the solar grid.”

“Say what now?” Kreb says being in the dark.

“There will be a massive flare storm that will destroy our Domes, we need to get control of the solar grid and reprogram it to the power absorption requirements. What they have it set too is for basic protection, only we know the setting changes.” Farse explains the seriousness.

“When will these flares occur?” Max asks.

“Well that’s the problem, it’s not easy to predict. Which is why your here now. I thought it would be weeks, turns out it’s days…” Farse runs Max’s Algorithm. “Oh…… that’s…. that’s not good!”

“What’s wrong?” Ralam asks.

“I just ran Max’s Algorithm, it’s perfect, no flaw. And……. the problem is, my prediction was wrong. The flare is in hours. Meaning today.”

“What do we do?” Max asks ready to move.

“There are 6 pylons outside, all needing to be reprogrammed. 4 can be done here. But 2 of them have been damaged for some time. We need all 6 for this to work. There are only 6 people here that know how to do it. Max you, Ralam, myself, TJ, Alice, Allen. All have the knowledge, but only 2 know the mechanics. TJ, Max. Huh?” Farse stops.

“What?” Kreb wonders why he stopped.

“Why does that sound like a store or something? Sorry, anyway. We have suits that can withstand high levels of heat. Only problem is, they’re heavy.” Farse finishes.

“Well are we going to do this or not?” Max pushes.

“Come on, lets get suited up.” TJ says.

Once suited up, they run in opposite directions, the Pylons are far apart. Both of them get to their spots and fix the problem. A system issue shorts out one of the others closer to TJ, He makes way to repair, as Max begins back.

Flares start effecting the atmosphere, which creates waves of extreme heat that the suits can’t handle. TJ is incinerated by one of these waves. And Farse alerts Max right away, he changes course.

Farse communicates with Max on coms. “Max, TJ was just killed, I need you to go to the pylon he was running too.”


“I’ll guide you too it.”

Off coms, Amos asks the obvious question. “Will he have time to do that?”

Ralam is looking through the Domes data streams and realizes the AI’s are tracking them. Max arrives at the pylon, and finds the problem. Farse notices the heats waves are beginning again.

“Max, another heatwave is about to pass through, each pylon is shielded. Stay within it and you’ll be safe, then book it back.”

“We have another problem” Ralam says.

“What now?” Farse asks.

“The AI’s have been tracking us, I’ve been able to keep them off of us but, the longer we talk to Max, we’re open.” Ralam warns.

“We’re not leaving him out there!” Kreb yells.

“No obviously not!” Farse yells back.

“How fast can he run in that suit?” Amos asks.

“Not fast enough. In order to clear the next heat wave… He’ll need to run at least 20 miles per hour.” Ralam gives. “Did you hear that Max?”

“Trying not to talk at the moment.” Max snaps.

Running as fast and hard as he can to avoid the next wave. Amos recalls the many times he’s caught him at the gym running so hard that he broke the treadmills, Hours of working out, getting stronger. Ralam warns Max about the heat wave, a cloud covering shields him.

“We have another problem.” Farse starts.

“What now?” Ralam asks in annoyance.

“The bay doors wont open.”

“Isn’t there another way in?” A-Na asks.

“it’s too far away, he defiantly won’t make it. Someone needs to open it manually.” Farse says.

“I’ll go” Amos offers.

“Run fast.” Ralam barks.

Max runs faster and faster, everything burns. He thinks about his personal training, working out everyday, pushing himself. The others can see his speed on the monitors and are shocked.

“Is he running as fast as I think he is?” Ralam asks

“I’m clocking him at 30 miles per hour. At this rate he’ll just barely make the door.” Farse answers.

“Is he going to make it?” A-Na asks in fear for the one she cares about.

“His chances are improving.” Ralam responds.

The coms shorted out, there’s no way for Max to know what’s happening. He’s close to the door but it’s not opening. Amos is running as fast as he can through the tunnel complex to reach the door. Faith and trust are both strong factors in this, either way Max will die, by the heat wave, or slamming into the closed door.

Just before Max hits the door, Amos punches the door opening button, his frenemy flies in and skids acros the tunnel they’re in. Both of them take a minute to gather themselves, then rejoin the others.

“How did you know I’d be here to let you in?” Amos asks.

“I didn’t, I trusted you, like you’ve been trusting me.” Max calmingly answers.

Back with Ralam and farse. “Fantastic job, now we need to get out of here.” Ralam urgently adds.

“What now?” Max groans.

“The AI’s tracked us we need too—”

Several men storm the area their in, everyone is frozen in place, literally.

“What’s going on? Who are you?” Kreb wonders.

The Military man in charge Cap answers. “All of you are enemies of the dome civilization, You’re coming with us.”

There’s no resistance because the nanites in their system are being controlled. All of them are brought to a holding zone, Just before Cap took them. Farse nearly took down the AI system.

“Tell us what you did to the AI system”

“Suck my balls.” Farse replies.

“This is a high level issue, Dome C Civilians saw you. And the video files have been released.” Cap says in an angered tone.

“That’s not my problem now is it?” Farse grins.

“Take them.” Cap calls out.

All of them are taken away.

Hours later, Max gasps awake in an air tight bag and bites it open. He falls out on to a hard floor, a strange liquid membrane drips off of his naked body. There are many bags like this surrounding him.

A memory recall warning hits him about what Ralam warned before the security took them.

“Here take these injections, they are a nanite solution that will restart the rest after a few hours. These people are going to bag us to eliminate witnesses. Once awake, you’ll only be alive until you run out of breath. So act fast.”

Max easily sees the others struggling to get free and rushes to assist everyone. Men and women all naked and disoriented. A few of them don’t survive the transition. A counsel is found and Arya is located. She’s taken out of her body bag and they figure out how to activate her nanites.

The group moves together and sees the thousands of people, and a processor that converts them into the food for the Dome. This makes everyone sick to their stomachs to see the real process.

Max and friends arrive at the exit of the processing plant, when their stopped by the leader of the Dome.

“Stop right there.” Eric the leader of Dome B stops them cold in their tracks.

“What’s going on here? Why did you do this?” Max yells in anger.

“”You’ve all shown yourselves to quite resilient and troublesome. Normally I’d just put you under again and process you immediately. But, I think you can be of use.” Eric begins to explain.

“Why would we help you?” Farse points out.

“Because Amos and Max are the only 2 under the black pill influence that have resisted, disobeyed, and fought back. You questioned the events even before removing yourselves from it.” Eric is cut off by Max.

“Is there a point to this rambling?”

“Haha… Yes… You see, everyone in the dome network are grown from eggs harvested by the women before being processed. The sperm from the men as well. The AI’s test both for the survivable match. However there is also artificial DNA that’s used to grow everyone. We need new rich DNA to continue growth. The 2 of you have traces of that which we seek, along with Animals that have been extinct for decades.” Eric is stopped by another question.

“I don’t understand….. I don’t have anything…… wait… A rock collection…” Max statement is said more as a question.”

“Most rock are just fossilized remains. You could have the Animal and human DNA needed to help the Domes. Come on now. Lets get all of you cleaned up and dressed.” Eric kindly offers.

Later in his own living section, everyone sits at his dining room table and eats, the same question is on all of the minds.

“Why are you being so nice to us? You just got done trying to kill us.” Amos announces.

“I’m not a monster, all I want is us to survive. That comes at a high cost, more so if you don’t have the right tools. What I’ve done has been for everyone. Taking the people of your dome is just normal recycling, population control if you will. It happends in the of 2 domes as well, but more frequently in B.” The Rocks have been retrieved and tested. Matches for Human, Cow, Deer, Buffalo, Elephant and Rino have been found. “Excellent. We have matches, here look. You have all seen archives of these before.”

“So what, that’s it?” Farse bluntly says. “You’re going to stop these atrocities just like that?”

“It’s not that simple, the living space is only so big, and the surface isn’t survivable.” Amos points out the obvious.

“Expand the underground…” Max calmly brings up.

“What was that?” Eric catches the end because others are mumbling to each other.

“There’s already an underground network, just expand it. And increase the vegetation. Plus, there are several caves under the surface as well.”

“I would like all of you to assist with all of this, it’s not going to be a simple transition, but maybe we can learn not to eat each other.” Eric puts it nicely.

They’re all given new places to live by Eric, settling in and thinking about what happened and is going too. Max, Araya and Amos, all stand at the new balcony over the city, holding hands as a new beginning awaits them.

Max lays down to sleep, but notices something strange. A door in the middle of his room, unattached to the rooms walls. Once he sees it, Larry remembers who he is and walks through.


About the Creator

Larry Visgar

Hi I’m new hear, checking it out. I’ve been writing 9 years with 10 published books 12 short stories.

Blog www.larryvisgar.Wordpress.com

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    Larry VisgarWritten by Larry Visgar

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