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Gemini Season is Abundantly Blooming

By Surreal SistaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Frantic in Transition of Worlds

If ever there was a time to pay close attention to your horoscope, now is that time! As you are well aware, you speak your mind and those thoughts come to you quickly. You’re always on the go, go, go to the tune of Go-Go! But this particular Gemini season will be especially important because your life will change dramatically and suddenly.

This is because at daybreak on May 26th there will be a super moon in Sagittarius! (Which is a full moon so close to Earth it appears Super Sized.) There will also be a FULL LUNAR ECLIPSE occurring which adds even more breathtaking drama to the melting pot mixture of ever changing activities.

Then, while recovering from that stir of “what-the-heck”, along comes Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Gemini! (Which is when Mercury appears to be moving backwards in relation to all the other planets.) Why does this matter? Because Mercury is the planet that rules over Gemini (and Virgo)!

Phew! Is your brain tired yet? OF COURSE NOT! YOU’RE A GEMINI! So go with the flow, I know you can keep up! Strap up and get ready for a wild and at times confusing ride, Geminis! The next six weeks will test you and bend you in ways you never imagined! Your mutability will serve you quite well...use it to your greatest good.

I bet at this point you’re wondering what all this means for the state of your love life or your career or other daily activities with which you’ve grown comfortable busying yourself.

Well, when the full lunar eclipse happens on May 26th, you will be faced with major synchronistic shifts in activity that seem meant to be. Just roll with it! Let go of anything you’ve done to death and no longer suits you. Otherwise, be prepared to lose it whether or not you choose it. Make sure you don’t let go of too much; however, because some of these old and redundant activities you’ve mastered and are skilled with. Use the skills you’ve perfected and are tried and true, to your advantage. This theme will repeat itself again on June 8th and June 11th when the moon is in Gemini.

What will really twist your noodle is when Mercury is retrograde in Gemini. Mercury retrograde happens four times a year in a different sign, so it’s quite common. The planet’s position on the zodiac backtracks through a sign for approximately 3 weeks. This go around, it will be retrograde from May 29 - June 22.

The retrograde is a time for slowing down the mania of everyday life and taking that time for introspection and self improvement. Typically, during this time, communication gets mixed up, contracts and agreements must be redone or reviewed once the retrograde is over, your electronics and technology stops working correctly out of nowhere, and you can even get turned around and drive past your own house on way the back from the grocery store.

Nevertheless, be on the lookout, Geminis, for gossip that feels unnervingly specific or judgmental to your own circumstances. Or, communication with your partner or coworker could become totally confused. Narratives will be conflicting on all sides; therefore, be mindful of this possibility by thinking through thoroughly what you plan on saying.

Avoid self-sabotaging thoughts or engaging in activities that are contradictory to your own needs, as the tendency toward self-deception will be great. Particularly when Mercury squares (or better yet, challenges to a duel) the planet Neptune (which is the planet of illusions and escapism) on June 3rd and July 6th.

Romantic and business relationships will reach a point of all-or-nothingness ultimatum, but no worries! The result of this culmination is positive change focused on your goals and career purpose that will manifest by the year’s end.

Despite the confusing conversations, self-deception and ultimatums, this is a time of karmic resolution that will ultimately change your life in alignment with your wildest most fanciful dreams! Does this mean your crush will become more committed to you or you’ll get promoted at work to the position you’ve always wanted? Probably! Factual reality will take a back seat as creative reimagining rips the wheel from its grip and takes an off-road u-turn road trip to paths unknown!


About the Creator

Surreal Sista






I AM a Written, Spoken, Visual and Rhythmic Artist I AM!

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