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Inflation, the Wild Ride

AKA Uranus in Taurus

By Maureen Kellar-KirbyPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Inflation, the Wild Ride
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Ever since Uranus entered Taurus we've been riding a financial roller coaster and it's far from ending. This is Uranus, the planet of disruption, in Taurus - money and possessions. Uranus, the old material girl is having some fun with the children of Earth it would seem.

It's exhilarating and exiciting to some - the quick turnover of old antiques and forgotten cars to cash. You only have to gaze at your TV for a few hours to see "Salvage Kings" "Pawn Stars" - a deluge of shows enlightening you with ways to turn yesterdays junk into today's wealth. This is the positive side of Uranus in Taurus. It has the ability to make money out of thin air and surprise you with unexpected wealth. These unique money making ideas may come as flashes of genius.

But the other side of this configuration is inflation and bankrupcy. Those who vibrate with the positive side of Uranus in Taurus will have the intuition to always come out ahead financially, no matter what the situation in the world is. Those who don't will forever be scrambling to keep up. Happy surprises turn to upset and a mad dash to the bank to straighten things out and the money leaves as quickly as it has come in. It's all in the stars as to how this transit is going to affect you now and in the future as it moves along changing our destinies and turning our lives upside down. Don't forget - Uranus will (shake up) the earth also in the form of earthquakes - be prepared. We will learn that we must be prepared to let go of our material possessions just as quickly as we accumulate them.

During the last transit of Uranus in Taurus we saw the Great Depression and the fortunes of many tumbling down. In this transit we have seen skyrocketing food prices, rent and housing prices and inflation that makes normal living unliveable. We aren't exactly out on the streets in lines waiting for the soup kitchens to open but we're sitting in apartments that eat up our paycheques and send many to the food banks. It's a crisis nevertheless for those who don't see the way out.

The social network that has evolved since The Great Depression is supposed to be there for us even it is struggling itself to care for the down and out. Where is this going to end, we might ask when charities fail to be charitable? How can we possibly ride out the whims and eccentricities of unsteady finances? With Uranus in earthy Taurus possibly the answer lies in attunement to the earth and the development of natural resources. This is the farmer who sees the potential all around him - gardening, livestock, lumber, orchards, real estate. Business opportunities are endless to those who have the insight and the drive to make their dreams come true.

Taurus harmonizes with Capricorn and Virgo. These all work together to build material wealth and success with undivided attention. Unlike other signs, air and fire, who pursue sports, intellectual ambitions, philosophy, travel and exploration, the earth signs are intent only on work, making money and ensuring financial stability. They aren't interested in wasting time and money on wandering the world when they can amass a fortune in their own backyards. And they will enjoy the fruits of their labour - these material boys and girls will splurge on luxury, good food, and the best that money can buy. They'll own land, homes and investments and will counsel others too.

Taurus is at odds with both Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. It doesn't understand the social and humanitarian causes of Aquarius, the urge for celebrity status, the desire to flaunt talent and seek the spotlight that motivates Leo or even the instinctive desire to investigate the unseen and solve the mysteries that Scorpio gravitates towards. Taurus only believes in what he sees in front of him and he will want it to be beautiful and impressive for sure!

The good news of the day is that we just passed out of Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus during 2022 when inflation was having uncontrollable free rein. Now, with Saturn in Pisces approaching positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus over the next year, control will be possible and hopefully we will soon see inflation lessening, food and rent prices coming down and a brighter future. Wait and see!


About the Creator

Maureen Kellar-Kirby

Maureen Kellar-Kirby, author of "Go Back Jack" and "The Leprechaun Who Was Not a Mouse" - Total Recall Press - movie scripts "Go Back Jack", "Jimi's Last Poem" and "Idiot House" with music soundtracks. https://www.maureenkellar.com.

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