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I Am Not a Virgo

But Actually I Am a Virgo

By Ethan NavarroPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
I Am Not a Virgo
Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

Hello, I was born September 7th of the year 2000. This means that by birth I am a Virgo. Now, what does it mean to be a Virgo, you ask? It means that I am, by nature, methodical, logical, practical, and loyal. Or at least I am supposed to be. To tell you the truth, I am none of these things. And I will prove it.

I am in no way methodical. In fact, I am the complete opposite. If there is one word to describe me, it would be unorganized. Now this doesn't mean that I lack order, but it does mean that I have no strategy on how I tackle things. For me, it's always about muscling through, and finding different solutions and figuring out which solution best fits the problem. Oh wait. I guess I am a little methodical. But I can tell you for a fact that I am not logical.

Logical is the last thing people would describe me as. And I'll tell you why. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and let me tell you that there is nothing logical about that. I believe heavily in fate, and that if what happened in the past didn't happen, then you wouldn't be where you are today. Which I guess is logical because no duh. What happened in the past obviously affects the future, so I am a bit logical. Well I am not practical at all, I can tell you that.

To be practical means to have goals, and putting ideas into effect. I am not like this at all. I am the most impractical person one will ever meet. Let me tell you why. Right after high school I decided not to go to college and stay with my parents. That is the most impractical thing someone can do. In fact by staying with my parents, I was able to save a lot of money, and I had time to realize what it was that I wanted to do in the future. I also found out that if I joined the Navy, I would be able to take advantage of government programs that would allow me to go to college completely free. Ah crap, that kinda means that I am practical. Damn it. I was sure that I wasn't practical at all.

Wait, I can tell you that I am not loyal at all. In fact, I don't even have a lot of friends to be loyal with. Most of my time I spend with my family, because that is what's most important to me. In the end, all one really has is family, even if they aren't blood related. And I truly believe that no one should turn their back on family. Wow, I did it again. This doesn't mean anything. Everyone is loyal with their families. For a fact, I can tell you that when it comes to friends, I am not loyal one bit. When my friend was upset when her husband's family was against the wedding, I was there to tell her that everything was okay. And when the doctors found a tumor in her uterus, I was there to keep her mind off of things, until the doctors called her to say that it was benign. Ugh, I guess I really am loyal. Without noticing, it turns out that I actually am all of these things.

Even in trying to disprove that I have the personality traits of a Virgo, I ended up proving that I actually have a lot of these qualities. However, do I believe in astrology? No I don't. But I do believe that the qualities that make up a Virgo are qualities that every human being should have. I believe that everyone should aspire to be like a Virgo.


About the Creator

Ethan Navarro

Just a simple man. Writing, music and art are what give life its substance.

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