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Horoscope Reading June 12 - 18

Your weekly taroscope from C~

By ConstancePublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Hello again, my lovely readers! After almost a week straight of rain, the weather has finally cleared up; the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and all is right with the world. I confess that during over the past few weeks, I myself have been going through some tough stuff, but I'm happy to report that I am on the up&up. Those of you who have been with me for some time now may notice that the name on my profile, up in the left corner there, has changed; after a long period of self-questioning and feeling lost in my identity, I've finally found a name that I think fits me, and I will henceforth be going by Constance.

In any case, enough about me. Onward to what this post is really about; you! As per usual, the altar cloth is spread out, a stick of incense lit - Palo Santo this week, for its divine and purificatory vibrations - and the cards cleared, shuffled, charged, and laid out for this week's reading.

The layout of the cards is such:

image ID: 12 tarot cards laid out face down on an altar cloth, with the symbols of the zodiac signs overlaid on them. The signs, left to right, are: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.

The signs are ordered by the cardinal, fixed, and mutable sign of each element in turn, and the cards placed on the corresponding quadrant of my altar cloth. This week, the cards themselves fell thus:

Image ID: the cards from the previous image, now face up. Left to right: queen of cups, the magician, 8 of swords reversed, page of cups reversed, 3 of pentacles, knight of cups reversed, 3 of cups reversed, temperance, 5 of swords reversed, 6 of pentacles reversed, 5 of cups, 2 of pentacles.

So now let's get to the interpretations.

Cancer ♋ (June 21 - July 22): Queen of Cups

As a Cancer, you tend to lead with your heart; you're likely the mom friend of your social group, and I'm sure that the people around you describe you as being compassionate, nurturing, and supportive. On a bad day you can be a bit overemotional, but on a good day you're an emotionally together, calm, and comforting presence - and, good news, this will be a good week for you! Your emotions are balanced this week, and you'll be an anchor for the people in your life. I'd say, of all the tarot, the Queen of Cups is the card most fitting to you, Cancer, so my advice for this week is just to be yourself, trust your intuition and inner voice, and let your beautiful heart shine.

Scorpio ♏ (October 23 - November 21): The Magician

This week, Scorpio, it'll be up to you to make what you want happen. You're a very strong-willed person generally, and that willpower will serve you well in the coming days. What do you want? What are your dreams, desires, and ambitions? Now is the time for you to manifest those dreams; take what you have and mold it to those desires. All that you want is yours for the taking, Scorpio, but only if you take the reins, take conscious control of your life, and make it happen.

Pisces ♓ (February 19 - March 20): Eight of Swords (reversed)

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. You must face your fear. You must permit it to pass over you and through you, and when it has gone past you will turn your inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing; only you will remain.

(If you recognize that quote, you've got excellent taste in books.)

This is the week you awake, Pisces! This is the week you finally realize that your fear, your victim mentality, your feelings of helplessness are the only things holding you down. This week, try something different! Trust yourself, let your courage pull you upward and forward.

Aries ♈ (March 21 - April 19): Page of Cups (reversed)

There's a fine grey line between youthfulness and childish immaturity, Aries, and this week, you may find yourself walking - and perhaps even crossing - that line. Are you avoiding reality? Is there something in your life, whether emotional, financial, or physical, that you're having trouble facing? Something of this ilk may turn up this week, and though it may be tempting, hiding in your imagination, relying on escapism, won't make these problems go away. Aries, you are strong, you are brave, and you can overcome anything!

Leo ♌ (July 23 - August 22): Three of Pentacles

Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say, and this week, Leo, you'll be seeing that maxim come true before your eyes. You're an amazing leader; you inspire everyone around you with your light and your positive energy, and under your guidance, your team is going to be running like clockwork. Morale is high, collaboration is strong, and progress is swift! Keep it up!

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22 - December 21): Knight of Cups (reversed)

Sometimes the things for which we're most excited don't work out the way we thought they would. That new relationship that seemed so perfect hits the rocks inside of a week; that new job opportunity you landed turns out to be a lot harder, or different from what you expected; that exciting travel destination turns out to be far less glamourous than you had in mind. Life is full of disappointments; not much you can do, really, apart from picking yourself back up, dusting yourself off, and moving forward.

Libra ♎ (September 23 - October 22): Three of Cups (reversed)

There comes a point, Libra, at which being friendly crosses the line into being a people-pleaser. You are a sociable and diplomatic person, Libra; a natural charmer and a people person, but you have to be wary of herd mentality. You can be kind without being a doormat, and finding that balance is crucial to your mental health. This week especially, pay attention to your actions and the way you behave around others; are you compromising, or are you self-sacrificing? Are the people in your life taking advantage or your bottomless kindness? You're worth more than what you can give to other people, Libra. You deserve happiness and love, too. Don't forget that.

Aquarius ♒ (January 20 - February 18): Temperance

Now, Aquarius, is the time for patience and moderation. It may be a challenging week for you, given that these traits are not your strong suit, but if you can remain calm, collected and, above all, patient, then you'll find balance and harmony in everything you do. This week it's important to look before you leap, think before you act, and avoid extremes in as much as possible; if a middle path is presented to you, opt for it, and if one is not, then try to find it anyway.

Gemini ♊ (May 21 - June 20): Five of Swords (reversed)

There's been some conflict in your life recently, Gemini, but you're finally coming out the other side of it. This week, all that tension in your social life is starting to loosen up a bit, and it'll be up to you to build back better, so to speak. There may be some lingering resentment from past fights, either from or toward you, but try to find it in you to forgive those that wronged you and make amends with those you wronged. Reconciliation is an essential part of your spiritual growth.

Capricorn ♑ (December 22 - January 19): Six of Pentacles (reversed)

Your relationship to charity and generosity, Capricorn, may be complicated. Do you give to those less fortunate when you have the means? If yes, do you do so selflessly, without expecting anything in return? Or do you only give in a way that benefits you, rather than out of plain kindness? Or, if not, why? Are you a believer of meritocracy, that one ought to "earn" one's bread, one's shelter, one's place in the world? This week, Capricorn, I'd advise examining your feelings on this subject. You might have some unaddressed feelings of stinginess or perhaps even resentment that are holding you back from being your best self. If you have the opportunity to be kind this week, Capricorn, take it.

Taurus ♉ (April 20 - May 20): Five of Cups

Things haven't been going great for you, Taurus, and, it saddens me to say, looks like it's not over yet. This week may see you handling a loss of some kind; the loss of a relationship, of an opportunity, or of something else. You might feel yourself start to spiral a bit as feelings of despair, bitterness, and isolation start to take hold, and it'll become increasingly difficult to see the bright side, the silver lining. It may be hard not to wallow in your sadness, but if you can manage to find a different perspective, then you might see that there are still good things in your life, and that perhaps there is something of this situation you can salvage.

Virgo ♍ (August 23 - September 22): Two of Pentacles (reversed)

Virgo, you've got to stop overextending yourself. You're just one person, and overcommitting yourself to too many things won't do you any favours. Are you trying to get too many things done at once? Have you made too many hasty decisions? Have you simply been going too fast for too long? You're barreling toward burnout, Virgo, and if you don't slow down and find your footing, it's going to catch up with you. If you don't schedule some time for rest, your body or mind will schedule it for you.


Though I make no promises or guarantees (as stated in the disclaimers of my introductory post), I do hope that this reading is helpful to you in the coming week, and if it does turn out to be accurate, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or reach out! I'd love to hear feedback. Also, if you'd like to share your plans for tonight's full moon, I would love to hear (read) about them, so don't hesitate on leaving a comment for that, too!

A couple quick reminders; I do personal readings on fiverr, only $5-$15 per depending on the complexity of the spread, and I also have a patreon, if you enjoyed this blog and want to support it! You can also follow me on Tumblr or Instagram if you'd like to hear more from me, even though I don't really post all that much.

Thank you so much for reading, and I will be back with another post next week!


About the Creator


Hello all! My name is Constance, and I am a witch. I do weekly tarot horoscopes, published on Saturdays, and I do personal readings on fiverr, for $5-15 depending on the complexity of the spread.

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