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Horoscope Reading April 24 - 30

Your weekly taroscope from RS

By ConstancePublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Hello all! We are officially in Taurus season, which means that now is the time to get grounded and take care of business. It's also the prime time to do some self-care, since Taurus also governs luxury and beauty, so I'd definitely suggest popping by Lush and splurging on a nice new bath bomb, or buying yourself a box of fancy chocolates as a treat. Whatever floats your boat!

On the subject of business being taken care of, let's see what this week has in store for us all! My usual weekly ritual for this reading is to sit, spread out my altar cloth, light some incense - Eucalyptus this week - then clear, charge, and shuffle my cards before laying them out.

The layout of the cards is such:

image ID: 12 tarot cards laid out face down on an altar cloth, with the symbols of the zodiac signs overlaid on them. The signs, left to right, are: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.

I decided to change up the layout a bit, as recently I've been getting more familiar with the signs and their various identifiers and traits. The signs are still grouped by element, I elected to keep that system, but now instead of being in a random order within their elemental groups, the order is now the cardinal, then fixed, then mutable sign of each respective element. It's not much different, and isn't really all that important, especially if you're not well versed in astrology jargon. This update is more for those of my readers that are hardcore astrologists to know that there is now an actual logical order to the cards in this spread.

Anyhoo, this week's cards fell thus;

Image ID: the cards from the previous image, now face up. Left to right: strength, king of swords, knight of cups reversed, 6 of wands reversed, 7 of wands reversed, ace of cups, knight of wands, 7 of swords, 5 of cups, the fool, 3 of swords reversed, knight of pentacles reversed.

So now let's get to the interpretations.

Cancer ♋ (June 21 - July 22): Strength

I'm sure we've all been in a situation where we've been really going through it, minute after grueling minute, and suddenly found, somewhere deep inside of us, a whole secret reserve of strength that carries us through to the end. You may experience something along these lines this week, Cancer; you're more resilient than you give yourself credit, and I think you're going to impress everyone, including (if not especially) yourself, this week with your fortitude and tenacity.

Scorpio ♏ (October 23 - November 21): King of Swords

This week, Scorpio, you're gonna need to make use of that incredible analytical mind of yours. Logic, rather than emotion, will bring you results and answers. You may find yourself in a position of authority this week; perhaps as a leader of a team, band, or group. Make sure you remain fair, impartial, and straightforward. Though this week you should make sure your emotions don't rule you, don't lose sight of them completely; in all things, after all, there must be balance.

Pisces ♓ (February 19 - March 20): Knight of Cups (reversed)

Sometimes the things for which we're most excited don't work out the way we thought they would. That new relationship that seemed so perfect hits the rocks inside of a week; that new job opportunity you landed turns out to be a lot harder, or different from what you expected; that exciting travel destination turns out to be far less glamourous than you had in mind. Life is full of disappointments; not much you can do, really, apart from picking yourself back up, dusting yourself off, and moving forward.

Aries ♈ (March 21 - April 19): Six of Wands (reversed)

We've all had our fair share of missteps, especially the more brazen of us - like you, Aries. Failure is nothing to be afraid of; it's a natural part of learning and growth, a valuable tool for gathering experience and cultivating wisdom. Above all, Aries, never doubt yourself, and don't let that incredible drive of yours wane. Your passion, your fire, has granted you so much progress in life, even if it's sometimes hard to see. Remember; if something you tried blew up in your face, it only means you now know what not to do, and can try something else.

Leo ♌ (July 23 - August 22): Seven of Wands (reversed)

This week especially, beware of pride. When your focus is centered inward, it can become too easy to see jealous enemies and judgemental critics everywhere, even in your own friends and family. Sometimes a bit of competitiveness can give you a leg up, but if you fall into the habit of constantly trying to one-up or beat everyone around you, or of comparing yourself to others, your actions can become very destructive, very quickly. Not everyone is out to get you, Leo. You can let your guard down a little.

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22 - December 21): Ace of Cups (reversed)

It sucks when a passion project loses its zing, its appeal, and becomes yet another unfinished work-in-progress that you just can't force yourself to work on. Commitment is a tough nut to crack, and it can be hard to dedicate yourself to something after the novelty's worn off, especially for you, Sagittarius. This week, you might find yourself in just such a predicament, and you're going to have to have a hard think on how you can refill the metaphorical cup of inspiration. Try to find a way to look at your project in a new way, find an angle of it that's still fresh and new, or perhaps even step away from it for a bit, do a mental reset (maybe go for a long hike in the woods?), and come back to it fresh and rejuvenated.

Libra ♎ (September 23 - October 22): Knight of Wands

You're going on an adventure this week, Libra! Whether this is a literal journey or a metaphorical one, this week is going to be jam-packed and exhilerating. Let go of your indecisiveness and let loose this week; be brave, have fun, and you'll inspire everyone around you. You're on a roll, they'll say, you're on fire, and that is precisely how you'll feel; charged up, full of life, and enthusiastic.

Aquarius ♒ (January 20 - February 18): Seven of Swords

This card usually refers to a theft of some kind. Not necessarily a physical robbery - it can mean a deception of some kind - though I'd advise you to check your security system anyway, Capricorn, just in case, and maybe change some of your passwords. Always better to be on the safe side. Regardless, someone might get away with something this week; it might even be you. Be clever, Capricorn, keep a sharp eye out, and don't shy away from being sneaky if necessary.

Gemini ♊ (May 21 - June 20): Five of Cups

Hate to break it to you, but this week might be a tough one for you, Gemini. This card indicates loss, disappointment, sadness and letdowns, so it's possible that a certain situation might not turn out the way you hoped it would, that something you were hoping for has turned out less than ideal results. Not all is lost, though; there is still a chance, hard as it may be to see during this week, to salvage something from the wreckage, to heal and to rebuild.

Capricorn ♑ (December 22 - January 19): The Fool

Of all the cards, the Fool is, I think, my favorite. It's one of the cards most often misinterpreted; the Fool doesn't represent foolishness or unintelligence; it represents new beginnings, fresh starts, innocence, and a free spirits. The Fool is a blank slate, taking the first step of her journey with optimism and hope, and this week, Cappricorn, that is the attitude that you ought to nurture. You're on the doorstep of a new venture, after all, and so full of hope and optimism. Let that hope carry you; you know what you're doing and you know you're on the right path, so trust yourself and do your thing.

Taurus ♉ (April 20 - May 20): Three of Swords (reversed)

This card mostly speaks of recovery and healing, so this week, Taurus, the worst is over for you; whatever pain you've been dealing with will start to fade, whatever grudges you've been holding will finally be forgiven, and you'll finally find the strength to let go and move forward. This can be hard to do; letting go of grievances is something we all struggle with sometimes, but in order to grow and recover, those negative feelings must be released. You are greater than your pain.

Virgo ♍ (August 23 - September 22): Knight of Pentacles (reversed)

Being detail-oriented is great, but when it turns into obsessiveness, this trait can do you more harm then good. You mustn't get so hyperfocused on the minutiae that you lose sight of the bigger picture. This week, you may find yourself slipping into workaholic tendencies; try to resist the urge to neglect one or more aspects of your life in favour of another. If you catch yourself getting tunnel vision, try shaking things up a little; a change of scenery may do you good.


Though I make no promises or guarantees (as stated in the disclaimers of my introductory post), I do hope that this reading is helpful to you in the coming week, and if it does turn out to be accurate, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or reach out! I'd love to hear feedback.

A couple quick reminders; I do personal readings on fiverr, only $5-$15 per depending on the complexity of the spread, and I also have a patreon, if you enjoyed this blog and want to support it! I will also be setting up a stand at the Aurora Famer's Market and Artisan Fair with a colleague of mine this summer, so if you're in the York Region of Ontario and have nothing better to do on a Saturday morning, come on by! He and I will be selling our handmade jewelry and doing tarot readings.

You can also follow me on Tumblr or Instagram if you'd like to hear more from me, even though I don't really post all that much.

Thank you so much for reading, and I will be back with another post next week!


About the Creator


Hello all! My name is Constance, and I am a witch. I do weekly tarot horoscopes, published on Saturdays, and I do personal readings on fiverr, for $5-15 depending on the complexity of the spread.

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