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Heartist Theory

To be or not to be that was the question.

By Kaili L BakerPublished 4 years ago 16 min read

When i record a song or anything that takes time as an essence, i am recording not only the pitch granted in the real world but the pitch of a thousand repertoires worth of sound echoing in the thoughts of the mind and the heart. And with the heart we echo out feeling and emotions that collide with special pigmentations of colors or hues.

Whether you're recording a song or edm you can find these envisions amongst the imaginative theory. To be encased in a wonderful excitement of twisted up vines and roses bushes. The heart is the entrance to the soul along with the mind or the body itself. The heart cases the feelings and emotions that entrance you every day. The heart though however grows different than those expected in the mind. While the mind grows frequently everything that exists, the heart grows at a rhythm. Counting the seconds and the other time it takes to think and acknowledge the encounters that require to be made amongst living. The heart grows with a metronome. One that echoes back and forth everyday to bring in a sense of time and devotion to longing after something. And thats are biggest advantage. The waiting game.

While a metronome slowly ticks our clocks we slowly grow more aware of what it is to sit in one place. Not only do we breathe and have our hearts beat but we are also picking up time signatures and what it is to make up the time. In our hearts and in our soul. To record and play with time you must have a working clock. And without one i couldn't imagine me doing half of the stuff that i do now with it being counting and keeping my head on obnoxiously straight. But that metronome ticks and tocks every day and every second that passes. Sometimes it comes off beat so its important to keep more than one metronome to record the data of the time you spend with others and on others remedial things. The heart beats and an explosion of things happen. Unlike others i coudl imagine, i have what its called a spacey developmental side in which i spend my hours racking up my time by building clocks and spacial devices to succeed at a higher thinking increment. Such as planets and flowers and bees that relic alot of advances that i have been known for being good at in strategical or gaming interfaces.

Character building is amongst these traits that come with my heartist theory skill binding. I find myself building trees that i can wear as hair to flourish my thoughts and knowledge. The humming buzz of my detailed eyes is much more than what you call the average human. My heart contains clocks and planets and stars that dwindle and compile to make a better image of my self. Amongst the stars i can only imagine and hold at my grip the many names of planets and stars and imaginative timelines i persuade. I have multiple planets and stars that remain unamed because i am so young but it can be evident that i am looking for and am in fact a star builder. I look for people like me but i can only find those eager for a few subtopics that i can name. I feel extraordinarily different compared to the average human. I have more indecisive qualities that make up my involvement than most people. I have a key eye for sound and magical things. Whether it be of the dark force among stars or the wave spectrum that conquers and defeats me.

The humming buzz though. In the game of playing with bees and kingdoms; kings and queens. I must confess that i am undoubtedly extraordinarily amazing when it comes to ruling the seven seas. (HAHA) I like play with my friends in making amazing things such as bees that make pretty flowers and honey to suck on while they play with my hair a bit more. My trees that is. My hair. My fuzzy bumble bees. Its not flirtatious as long as you don't make it that way. Don't make it awkward. I like curving my bees with my friends as much as i like sucking on monster drink rumors. Its exquisite and special. And i admire every other person that relics and feels flattered by the games we play with eachother.

To be a heartist is to love in a fashion that is respectable and acknowledgeable. Both beautiful and at its prime with time. To acknowledge the timelines that divide many thoughts and emotions. Respecting every devotional method used in the course of a beat. And the advantageous methods used to get around me and all that encompasses a person. Moreover the thoughts the embellish a persons body or methods used to get them where they're standing. To encompass the persons heart as a vessel of locked up love and emotion and get lost in the ever glory of the sound of the beating repertoire. I know i have written many songs with my heart and they are all locked up inside waiting to be explored and unlocked as time progresses. But it takes time and effort form someone that i truely adore to complete these founding wishes. To glorify the heart and give a written passage to someone that you are fond of is a beautiful effort to make.

The one thing that possesses me and others is the foundation of what we have become when it comes to meeting up with people whether its family or friends. Their language they use to possess and endorse others is beyond me sometimes. All i can remember is my grandma waking up after i went through her window one evening after an argument with a friend. I had walked all the way to her house in the summer. She asks me, "why are you yelling?" as if she understood every bit of what was coming out of me. Not what i was saying to her. She was so knocks out from sleeping. Like what how could you bring up the term yelling when really its talking about the endorsement of how we talk underneathe. To yell is to talk in yellow hues. Its what going pee is all about. That is yelling. Not shouting. (LMAO) You cant actually yell without making a pass of "ESP" or "talking spiritually". ESP as in talking psychologically or having passive psychological thoughts or talking psychic. When Gerard Way talks about teenage girls and ESP he's talking about what makes a chemical romantic lifestyle. He adores when young women talk to him in a spiritual sense. He wants to make a statement about what his life entails or lacks thereof. Not necessarily flirt but how to communicate with the heart.

Another thing that possesses me and i am not fond of is the entitling thoughts of what it is to experience a friendship and its not that i dont like them or i dont have an excuse for a reason. It what entitles me to be their friend without becoming and acting like their mommy. You must make a person blossom and grow first before being able to fully communicate and grow with a person. I am not your mom that you can just grip and grab at til i give into a response. I am your friend that is waiting to be played with and i think that's what alot of the people i talk to lack thereof acknowledging.

Along with my remise to My Chemical Romance, his tribute to the black parade is Gerard Ways' idealization of him wanting to help the audience in striving to become better than what they already are. And to remain black and still be colorful is like the biggest remise to acting in on the black parade. To be a heartist and devour every word of acting on a cue of expectations. Striving through his beats of expectations and heart strung knowledge. Conquering the defeat of what has already become us in the sense of all that exists.

In the sense of heart building i must attest the adoration of others when it comes to filtering through my feed worth of people coming at me. Not that i don't enjoy his artwork or work that he does on his daily but i am i really going to want to follow someone that doesn't know the first few things about playing as a heartist. In other words playing with my heart. What is one to expect when it comes to another remise i must not be caught with people that dont know how to exemplify how to work with the soul of a woman. I want to surround myself with people that also know what it is to make up an extraordinary person to achieve and strive for a better lifestyle. If you cant bee you're not welcome. And it has been proven that most Americans "bee". But can you strive for an act that can be proven more worthy than others. And to temp the eyes of others.

My main encompassing error that i entitle to my living is to hear or not to hear what the other person is trying to convince me into persuading. Some times i can hear them other times i can hear something and make out what they're talking about from afar but can t exactly negotiate with myself what the fucks coming out of me next. Working from afar and working up close are two entirely different subcontinents and thought provisions. Especially when i'm smoking. And to my endearment smoking isn't bad for you entirely. It takes alot to smoke and express how you feel behind one. But to be honest its harder than it looks to persuade the sound of a cigarette burning or echoing off hymn notes of fire spirits. To listen and talk behind the cigarette is to complete an entire new ethics of thoughts and development. And to develop it and expand with it behind eyes and everything else is to achieve an ultimate goal. One doesn't just simply smoke a cigarette or they'll choke. You gotta encase it in love and thoughts and with your whole soul and heart too. And it mends into your heart bonds.

Another tempting thought about heartist cracks is the impending error message i get when coming to a conclusion and not knowing whether its going to take me somewhere or is my heart going to stall and go into reverse. Uhhh my heart will only reverse not reverse. (LMAO) But i still think it sometimes. To readhere a subject or pronoun in development and to argue with with my heart emotions are doing is to do something extremely ridiculous because if i'm stammering behind my heart and i flake off a leaf and its still echoing back at me the last five seconds of thoughts i'm contemplating so many things. Sometimes and usually behind a substance i'm echoing off arguments with myself and ill get stuck when clearing through the inbox database. Between responses and when developing a new scripture for oncoming events of thought. The growth and time signatures are masssive and took me alot of reading and study to get through. Every page for page effort of reading and restacking behind daisies before i got what i call my background efforts for my music and other content that i produce. Takes alot of rewriting and adhereing to or in other words copying and pasteing. Behind imaginative book. Not everyone wears clocks or books so its best to keep my eyes peeled for someone that takes the time to actually care enough to keep a book so they can communicate with me on a full spectrum level of endorsement. Otherwise i don't find them that attractive or sporty enough to league with me. And to read into their books is like the greatest thing to achieve when melting in on eachother. No one likes people that try to take all the attention away from everybody. They might like their stuff but in the long run there's always going to be the factual note that theyre a big whatever.

Along with being a heartist is to be a soulist and that is to connect entirely iwht the person with a body image in mind. To be attractive is to contain qualities that possess a persons subcontent and aperature. They must be attractive in order to bring in consumers. As eyes of a producer, i must say that attracting a potential buyer is harder than to find a person to talk to. To bond with emotional is one thing but bonding with them to sell content is like the whole thing but three times harder to maintain. And its hard to believe that the most famous out of Americans that get most of the attention, the most followers and subscribers, that they didn't buy in on their legacies as famous people. And they don't even relic any political advancements. I am not naming any names this time but it is found that alot of people buy their love online to become these famous superpowers. I would like to achieve factual popularity. That is earning it slowly but promptly. What i really need is a publisher for my writing but i am surely working on it. Connecting with both the heart and the soul is like experiencing new flavors every time you turn your head and its harder than it looks to keep up with everyone but its doable. You must. In order to keep people coming you must or your business fails and you must start over with something else. My dad owned a bar while i was growin gup in my teens and you bet when i say i was watching the bar i was taking in every detail it meant ot run that bar. Every inch and second of it. And i learned alot from coherecing with people at the bar. I bonded with alot of people behidn cigarettes and drinks. Every loved me too even though i was never at the bar in person. Dad didn't care that i did that as long as they kept coming back. He eventually sold the bar although i took away alot of expectations with it. Sadly it is no tthere anymore although it is a cafe now. To bond with a customer is not only to remember their names and faces but make sure they feel special nd wanted at the business they are supporting. Making sure to sugar coat every step and angle. Not being too addressive or concerning. And being remarkable at being a buddy or supportive person.

I own a business called kBakesCookies and its a bakery shoppe business. Hopefully i will be able to progress into becoming a real bakery with a private kitchen and staff. But for now its just me selling bread and other baked goodies. It takes alot of a person to develop lovely cookies. Whether you think the effort that i put into them is short or worthless, its my effort that makes my cookies and breads worth buying. Check me out on Facebook and Instagram. Links below.

Link above for bakery pages. Add me on Facebook.

I added a photo of myself to show off how gorgeous i look with a fresh haircut. I need a new cut. Everything is closed though.

Endearing my photo efforts i have multiple tattoos that show off and my expressionalisms through my feelings and emotions. The tattoo on my wrist is a clock in imaginative form behind my eyes and every bit of it is embellished in my heart. If you look there is a heart on the base portion of the ink. And the triforce at the tip of the sword. Yes it is a sword wrapped around my wrist with a big heart at the tip of the axel. Its feathered or leaved. And consists of written principles about being myself and a heartist. With this being discovered we can walk into the boundaries of being a heartist. I am deeply expressionalized when it comes to my beliefs with my tattoos. And i doubt no one else here on earth is as expressionalized with their tattoos as i am. The one on my hand is also a clock and is unfinished. Its a sunflower smoking wearing dark shades. I like to remember the faces it makes at me when i'm sitting here enjoying myself. No one ever bothers to talk to me about it so i don't do any more art pieces containing suns anymore. I made several in my drawing records. I drew different moods with surrounding planets that encompass my many suns.

To define the lines of times with my clocks and many suns, i have to race through book to encounter what gets questioned on the daily, to race the time and decide the future. To be what it really means to be a psychic person. Trading a breath for an answer before deciding to catch up with my consistent abilities. One must remember to breathe and have your heart beat against the metronome before one can answer a question or do a job. One can be exasperated when i am going on about psychic abilities but it is factual nonsense to be psychic. Deciding the current times or preparing to tame the dark force? I must do all of the above. Sleep is for the week he sang and i responded who sleeps anymore when taming sheep and bunnies in the midst of spring or fall. One doesnt actually sleep until the babies are raised. Or they run away (LMAO). Sheep and bunnies. I have a unicorn i hold dear to my heart as well. Shape shifting for New York State.

Time is like what i like to express as a womp. So much exceeds the time that it lets out a gush of sounds to express what you might hear in a dubstep or edm song. It bonds seven million things all at once in my daily heart rhythm and i can express that with confidence with how much time linguals i put up with. One doesn't just simply know how to count that high either. Tempting it is to rule them all when simply i cant express how much i want to put down when the world is gross and corrupt. How i will make it inmarketing i will never know. My real hopes are to work for a company and make it up to the boss house. And jsut grow alongside the business. But i cant do that hwen i live so far away and its impossible to get ahold of people that actually matter in the world. Take for instance my response about Destery Smith in my other story. He's so famous he cant answer the phone anymore. Time only bonds to what you fathom or respond to. You have to manually record time or have an elder do it. Streaming the timeline is like being a god. And yet i am godly. I make every move like its my last move i will ever make and its for the better to insist upon making a move than to no tmove at all. So my mind is just god racing for Destery Smith. Along with all the others effortable people in the world. Like i said if you cant bee then you're not wanted. They're called outcasts. I would rather respond to a person spiritually than in the real world anyways. (HAHA)

But time is the most important text doctile you can sit through. To hold your own time is an achievement that must be made in order to become god and that only explains the half of what being with time consists of. I would rather take another teaching on time than to sit through another hour of the same stuff i have been doing for the last week. And that's youtube and social media. Although i doubt there is a new teaching on time that wont sound awkwardly the same as any other teaching i have taken. To tell time without looking at a clock is like winning a gold medal. And yet you win imaginary ones if you can stay on tight enoguh without some hoodlum trying to steal away all of your imaginary wealth. Its a real thing. It really is. Imaginary wealth and its boundaries. There are none.

With heartist crack puns comes floral theory. You must and i repeat must have an encasement of mind for creating flowers when it comes to bonding with the gods and other relics of nature and time. To read a daisy is much like wrapping your mind and soul around anything you can imagine. Squeezing every inch of memory found inside the daisy to make up a screen of different information to develop a sound or insight for what they daisy is trying to alter about the time or thought. Much like how roses encase the sound of love and the echoing chambers of blood dwelling within you. And to showcase such a thing only expresses among the imaginative portion of the thoughtful mind. To draw or effect this circumstance, is to bring about a new sense of culture into the eyes of the holders or watchers. And to read floral entitles is to have a mastery in a portion of lingual arts. And i strive to be greater than the norms of some so i like making daisies almost every second that passes or a sunflowers to wrap up and tell forward my time in a sunny way. Many people might not be aware of the factual stance it takes to underline a sunflower or daisy to cast a ray of sunlight on a beam of radical time. Making flowers for anyone isn't really necessarily romantic all the time when wanting to fissure out the time of what is expected. Highlighting the time with flowers only dedicates a ;portion of what it is to decide the time ahead of you psychically. Go ahead and challenge me though. I like a good challenge. Deciding the time and strategical games is fun.

I enjoy talking and writing about daily ethics and things i encompass my brain around. I am in it every day and wouldnt doubt for a second that so many other people are just like me and we dont really live in that corrupt or mess of a world. Atleast i like to believe it. Stay hopeful.

Okay i would like to end this passage by saying thank you for my supporters, my friends, my followers, and my subscribers if not many there. Please follow my link to gain access to my content and other stuff i am representing. My friends links and what not. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Enjoy my latest YouTube videos and story updates on Instagram and Facebook. And be sure to add me on discord to chat among other places. /@wildbluehue#9735/ Enjoy my discount code at Space Cream Clothing /wildbluehue/ Also dont forget to check out Avon.com use me for commission; holidays are coming up and every one would love care products. Make sure you use my name. Add me on Facebook too.

Special shout out to Qwynn and Liam. Come follow their instagram pages and buy content or just loathe in our absense.

Instagram: /@x_kawaii_ghost_x/@ddjadd/

The end. 12112020


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Kaili L Baker

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    Kaili L BakerWritten by Kaili L Baker

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