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Happy Birthday Gemini

Blessings in Disguise Are on the Horizon

By TestPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay

As the sun makes its solar return to Gemini, it brings with it blessings in disguise. Hold tight to your wits and dreams during this time. Although the disguise could be devastating - hold the line, for your experience is going to be recognized and used for others' support and guidance. Going with the flow makes maneuvering changes both inner and outer seem like a colorful, fall leaf floating down to the gentle stream below. Everything you lose during this foundation-shaking time will pale in comparison to the blessings received. If you learn upon your curiosity and dominant yang energy, you will gain that which gives power.

Seek out those born under the Aquarian and Sagittarius signs, which you are the most compatible with. Through these associations, you will find accord and adventure. You will gain clarity into your purpose, motivations, and life direction. Airy Aquarius will aid you in integrating your experiences and basing decisions on the insights gained. Remember that words are a double-edged sword. Don't react impulsively to others' nonconstructive criticism, for it is a reflection of them, not you. Fiery Sagittarius will push your passions and creativity to new limits. This will help you build a career in the arts. A shining trait of yours. A trait that may have been stifled by others as an unrealistic career path.

Your finances are improving as you focus on your artistic abilities. This focus will allow you to nail down a working budget. The happiness that results from your artistic expressions will make you realize that the best things in life can't be bought. If able, donating to a worthy cause will, also, help improve your relationship with money. Still, it will eliminate being labeled as a starving, isolated artist. If donating money cuts you too short, consider volunteering a portion of your time to a deserving charity.

Your health will continue to be in good shape. Keep up the good work. Yet beware, if you continue to chase fortune and fame, instead of focusing on your talents and abilities, bad habits may be picked up that will contribute to health ailments. Step outside the box and rethink what is truly important to you, and that which you are chasing will manifest as a result.

In the romantic sphere, love is the stars for you. An old flame will make a return into your life, giving you a second chance with a soul mate connection. Don't make a reconnection easy. Let them dangle a while, then, acknowledge your part in the separation and communicate your emotional needs. Don't play the blame game, and use your gift of understanding. You wouldn't regret it.

Angelina Jolie is a Gemini. A shining activity of hers is activism. Activism is a good outlet for you to garner attention and stand in the spotlight. It may be possible for you to use your foundation-shaking experience to advocate for a cause. If you are a male Gemini, consider more of a leadership role. Your enthusiasm gives you the ability to easily persuade others to your cause. John F. Kennedy was a Gemini and American president who served in the United States Navy before being elected to Commander in Chief.

Dear Gemini, all in all, you have a bright future filled with purpose, happiness, and love. The darkness cannot exist without the light, and you will gracefully navigate through it. Have patience and be gentle with yourself. Seek out those you are compatible with for support and friendship. Indulge your artistic trait through music, writing, or painting, and you may just surprise yourself with what had been stifled into dormancy.


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