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Dream Date

Electric Blue

By Riley GodplayPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Nikolai Sanderson walked up to the front of the cube. The door automatically opened. The very definition of modern decor surrounded him and classical music lightly played throughout the minty-fresh halls of immaculate cleanliness.

“Are you Mr. Sanderson?” The dark-haired secretary smiled big after she asked.

“Yes, I am Nikolai Sanderson.”

“Marvelous! Please, have a seat and Doctor Waikololo will be with you in a moment.” She sat at a translucent desk that Nikolai could look through to see how high on her thigh was the cut of her Emerald dress. He pretended not to notice, acting extra focused on her name plate reading “Sophie.”

And it was only one moment later that Doctor Waikololo entered the pristinely zen atmosphere, also donning a smile of bright assurance that did cause Nikolai to grin himself. He outstretched his hand declaring, “I am Doctor Waikololo. Welcome Mr. Sanderson.”

“Please, you can call me Nikolai.”

“Superb, Nikolai. Come with me.”

The halls were white-tiled, adorned with mosaics and modern masterpieces. Several potted plants, flowered with brilliant color and noticeable fragrance, lined the hall like natural, neutral sentinels way showing the path to Nikolai’s next step. More automatic doors slid open and Doctor Waikololo entered with Nikolai following into a room of saturated coziness.

A desk was in the corner and surrounding it were many framed certificates of achievement, competency, accolades, and adoration. The Doctor gestured to a set of comfortable chairs next to a large aquarium that was occupied with blue and gold fish. Leaning back into the chair he asked, “So Nikolai, how did you hear about Soul Linkup?”

“A friend actually recommended I try it.”

“Great!” Waikololo looked at a tablet he picked up from the side table near his plush, cushioned seat. “Beth?”

“Yeah, she and I were discussing it at the studio one day.”

“What was that like?”

“Well I told her that my life had been about achievement and that I had, in my estimation, crested a summit.”

Doctor Waikololo nodded approvingly, subtly indicating his willingness to listen for a while. Nikolai continued feeling more and more relaxed.

“That all of my life’s work had me arriving at having everything that I thought I needed to become in order to have that special someone appear and be with me. The ideal, lucrative career rooted in my passionate exploration: check. The environmentally-friendly automobile running on renewable resources: check. The uptown pad that friends call, “size-able, classy, and perfect”: check.”

“It sounds like you’ve crafted an attractive lifestyle.”

“Yes, that’s it exactly. The only thing is that she isn’t here.”

“Well,” Waikololo warmly said, “you’re in the right spot.”

The Doctor pushed a few times on his tablet and an outgoing sent message notification sounded. “Nikolai,” he began inquisitively, “when was the last time you were in an intimate relationship?”

He shifted in his seat. “It’s been 7 years since I have dated anyone.”

“There have been dates since then?”

“Oh sure but it seems like I am only ever finding students.”

“Have you ever tried a matching dating sight before?”

“Oh sure.”

“And yet you are here. Matching sites that pair couples based on self filled surveys can create non-compatible can result in non-compatible coupling. Soul Linkup’s system can provide you with what you’ve always wished for.”

The room doors slid open. Sophie had in hand papers.

“Nikolai, we’d like to begin with the the process. Please sign the release form.” He signed the papers quickly.

“Mr Sanderson please open your mouth. Lift your tongue.” Sophie prepared to enter.

He did as instructed and was greeted with a white cotton swab that Sophie expertly placed in the exact spot it needed to go. Done. He watched her slide the sample into a small, electronically lit metal cylinder and sealed the top that beeped when fully closed.

“All done.” Waikololo sighed as if a full work-day was accomplished.

“How soon will the results come in?”

“Instantaneous. Take a look.”

He handed him his tablet and Nikolai saw a display of him on screen suddenly connecting to many points across a map of Earth.

“You seem to have a lot of matches in Russia.” Waikololo pointed to the screen to show that a large concentration of dots were in that region.

“All of these are my soul mates?”

“Soul Linkup is the designed to show you the best genetic match for you based upon our systems analysis of your biogenetics.”

“Do you have samples from all of these people across the world in your system?”

“No, it’s only necessary for us to have your sample, Nikolai. You see Soul Linkup’s match locator is based upon neural attractor pings that are sent out as telepathic communication to every soul mate that your body knows exist.”

“Right, Beth said something about how every match is already known within the body.”

“Exactly, what our system provides, combined with your willingness to discover, is the answer consciously known. In focusing on what is naturally interesting, you can accelerate the event occurring. Let’s hone in on the finest attractor match for you.” Waikololo set the parameters for a 99% match. “While everyone here is of the emotional significance to you of life long best friends, this match is what your telepathic body signals is indicating is of prime relevance.” The display refreshed to show, “this match is only several hours from here.”

Nikolai’s heart began beating quicker.

“It’s natural to be excited,” Waikololo assured, “but you can relax. Here have a glass of wine. Sophie, in perfect timing, arrived with a bottle of Merlot. She poured a glass.

“Actually, I don’t like wine.”

“According to your biogenetic scan your body loves red wine. You could give it another go. You might discover it’s exactly what you need.”

He decided to trust and took the glass, drinking it. It was still not as obviously delicious as Grape Soda or Koolaid, but he could feel how it felt good and how almost immediately he was feeling warmly accepting of fate through the use of technology lining him up to meet his ultimate one.

“Included in your session is this neuropic frequency beacon. It’s actually designed to plug right into your phone and our app, that you can download will show you a real-time refreshing of your match’s location.”

“And also there’s this.” Sophie handed him a new bottle of wine. “May your meeting with fate be everything you desire beyond expectation.”

The doors slid open. Nikolai felt blissful as if he had solved an ancient equation that had vexed the mind of man. As if he had just pulled a sword out of a stone and was crowned King, he walked confidently into his Camry and sat at the driver’s wheel, placing the bottle of wine in the seat next to him and then turning the key to start the engine. He pulled up his phone and looked at it.

The match was close. Two hours up the highway. The furthest north he’d ever been. A tall tree, wooded canyon guiding him higher and higher in elevation until he arrived at a town that was near the border. A seaside port with a sign reading, “Welcome to Dockville”. He got out of his car near a cafe and looked to see that he was only walking distance between himself and the dot on the map and it seemed to be right inside of the cafe called ‘The Secret Turtle’.

Nikolai, expectant with the bottle of wine in hand, opened the doors to see an entire room filled with Nordic looking people. In fascination for the phenomenon, Nikolai looked around and saw a dozen blonde, almost white hair and crystal blue eyes from every being within the cafe. He paused looking down at his phone, the match was right in front of him he looked up and saw her. Electricity danced in her eyes. Nikolai paused in absolute stillness being eternal presence. She took the phone out of his hand.

“The odds of you finding me were not high, but because there was a chance we have landed here.”

“Hi I am…”

“Nikolai, I know you and we have only minutes to tell you what is about to happen.”

A large blonde man stood up and moved behind Nikolai switching the ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ and then dead bolted the door shut. She then handed Nikolai’s phone over to the giant, blonde, brother who dropped it to the ground and smashed it into non-functionality with a single boot stomp.

“Hey! Ah c’mon, that’s my phone, I use that!”

“It won’t be needed where we are going.” She assured him. He looked to her as if she was going to provide more answers. “Please, have a seat.” She gestured to a table in the center of the room.

Every eye surrounding watched them and Nikolai sat down placing his bottle

“I see you brought wine! Merlot, my favorite.” She gestured to someone behind the counter who quickly brought over two glasses. “Please pour.”

He was grateful it was a twist top. He poured the two glasses and asked, “So you landed here. Did you fly in from out of the country?”

“My name is Freya. It is time for me to produce a child. You are destined to be the father for the one I am told will come through me into this dimension. You will sire my son.”

Silence multiplying. “Umm….Cheers?” He lifted his glass. She lifted hers also clinking it into his.

“Na Zdorov’ye.” She downed the glass in a single motion, placing it resolutely back upon the table. “Alright, let’s go.” She stood and everyone rose with her except for Nikolai.

“Wait a second, go where?”

“This isn’t the moment for questions, although that moment comes soon. Now is the moment for a rock, solid “yes”.” She looked up to her people and announced commandingly. “To the ship!”

They all walked outside through the back door. Nikolai stepped into the crisp forest air and beheld in the large back field, behind the cafe, a spaceship. It looked like two, large silver plates, one stacked on top of the other, with a ramp coming out of it. From the open ramp a hurried, blonde friend came down briskly to meet the entourage approaching. Nikolai recognized her.


She glanced at him yet had only words for Freya. “Lord Queen, we have multiple incoming Raptors. Cobra Class. Plasma missiles detected.”

“Everyone board immediately!” Freya directed and like ducklings into their mother’s wings, they all swiftly moved up and inside. Nikolai, stood at the base of known into unknown.

“Now Nikolai!”

He blinked and heard himself saying quite loudly, “Yes.”

He stepped up inside and the opening sealed behind him. A sudden lurching was felt and they both reached up for handles to maintain their balance as the ship’s engine gave indication of elevating movement. She put her hand on his chest. “I am glad you came. What happens next changes the universe.” She grabbed his hand. “C’mon.”

Doors slid open to the bridge of the ship. She pointed him to a seat and he sat. She sat down at the front near the large windows of the cockpit. Through the glass Nikolai could see passing clouds and then sunny, open sky.

An alarm from one of the bridge stations went off and the blonde, phone-smashing giant announced, “They’re locked on to us.”

Two miniature suns were blazing through the atmosphere and increasing in size as the missiles of immense light density were directly flying at the rising vessel.

“Engage Quantum Accelerator. Destination: Polaris.”

Before the twin missiles collided, the horizon ripped in half from a black hole generated of the ship’s technology that opened before them and they entered in thru arriving in another space\time reality.

The crew cheered as the transition completed. Nikolai looked around to see everyone celebrating and smiled himself. Freya looked back from her Captain’s seat and said, “Welcome home!”

science fiction

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    Riley GodplayWritten by Riley Godplay

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