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Double-Edged Blade


By Stephanie MillerPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

A male warrior ran through the trees, thinking he could escape in the open field on the edge of the woods. He could still hear her haunting words running through his head, sending chills down his spine. She was, in her own way, torturing him by making him run for his life, and he knew it all too well. It was then that he started to wish for another chance, a chance to change how he had treated her. His lies and eventual betrayals were what put him in this desperate spot. He could see the field just a short distance away, and he felt that he at least had a chance now. The forest and the trees were her domain, so getting to an open area would give him a chance for escape. His only worry was that she was gaining on him, and fast. The trees overhead shook as a shadow flew over the warrior. Just as he had run out into the open, his pursuer leaped out of the trees and landed nimbly in front of him.

The slender assassin, who had been in pursuit of the warrior, peeks out from under her long bangs with a deep red eye. She bears her teeth in a toothy grin, which suddenly struck fear into the warrior. Her prey fell to his knees, knowing that there was no hope for him now. He was unable to look away from her face, a face he knew all too well, but it had changed since the last time he had seen her. She laughed to herself, knowing what he was thinking as he stared at her, and chills ran down the man's spine once again. Suddenly the assassin leaned close to his face, holding her hand between them. Then she blew a warm breath across her hand and a small green-blue cloud of smoke drifts across his face. The light begins to fade from his eyes as his skin grows pale. He falls over, unable to breathe, and writhes in pain. She felt this was proper repayment for what he had done to her.

Soon though, she felt sorry for the man she once loved, and the assassin drew her khanjar dagger from its sheath on her hip. She rested a hand on the warrior’s chest, gazing at his face as her hate built up inside. Then she raised the blade over the body and brought it down hard, piercing his faintly beating heart. Just as he stops moving, she pulls the blade back out and stands over the body. With a simple snap of her fingers, flames jumped to life in the palm of her hand, and she lit the body on fire. As she watched the flames dance along, she smirked and raised the bloody blade to her face. She carefully licked the blade, savoring the taste as she laughed again. The regrets and hate she had been harboring slowly began to fade as the fire burned on.

She looked at the body once more as it became a pile of ashes. She stretched her hand out and forced the fire to burn hotter and quicken the job of disposal. Then she took a cloth from her back pocket and wiped her blade clean, still watching the flames. As the last bits of the body turn to ash, she stretched her hand towards the flames again but this time she closed her hand firmly into a fist and the flames died immediately in response. When the flames died out, the assassin noticed that the morning sun was beginning to peek over the horizon. After sheathing her blade. she quickly took to the trees, leaping from one to another. A chilling wind blew around her and she looked back just in time to see the ashes take flight and scatter. She continued on her way quickly, leaping and using her magic to teleport through the forest.

Soon the lone assassin reached her destination on the other side of the woods. A magnificent black dragon laid sleeping in the large clearing she came to. As she approached, the dragon lifted his head and looked to her. She walked closer and stroked the dragon's long face gently and he let out a low growl in response. After the two had greeted each other, the assassin mounted the dragon gracefully. The dragon then stretched his wings wide and took to the sky. While the dragon flew into the sunrise, his companion slowly drifted off to sleep where she sat.


About the Creator

Stephanie Miller

II'm just a girl who loves animals, reading, and a good video game.

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    Stephanie MillerWritten by Stephanie Miller

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