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Cosmic Time Traveler

NyKo, a time traveler, arrives on earth in the 1980's to help change the future.

By Nikki B.Published about a year ago Updated about a year ago 12 min read
Cosmic Time Traveler
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Hi! My name is NyKo. It wasn't always NyKo, and I've been called other names before too.

Some of these other names I've been called I did like, such as mom, friend, partner, sister. Then there's also other names that I've been labeled and I haven't liked, but I won't get into that right now.

By MohammadHosein Mohebbi on Unsplash

I’m a time traveler, and here in this current timeline, I am visiting earth and its the year 2022. Before I came here, I was in a different time and place. I guess in human terms you could say I am from the future.

I've been here in this timeline on earth for almost 35 years now, but I wasn't always in remembrance of this though, until about 7 years ago when I had an activation and suddenly I started remembering.

The time here feels so slow and stretched out compared to where I was prior to this. The density of the energy is very heavy and slowed down, it's as if someone hit the slow-mo button 13 times and then you have to spend 8 decades here before your body gets so fragile that your life ends and you move on to another time and place.

A whole day on earth takes 24 hours, and 1 hour is 60 minutes, and 1 minute is 60 seconds. Yet some days feel like it's been 240 hours, and then there's also times when 1 day feels like it's been only a few minutes, almost as if the time is being manipulated in some way.

Lately, the days haven't been seeming as dragged out though as they used to be. The more I remember who I am beyond this timeline on earth and come to a better remembrance of my own soul's truth, it becomes easier to understand and accept why I am here.

I really only seem to ever get triggered now on the days that I have to run to the supermarket to grab cat food, and cat litter for my pet cat to shit in a box in the corner of the house, which seems so ridiculous, but all the humans are doing it.

By Litter Robot on Unsplash

Every day I'm trying to remind myself that "humaning is manageable," and that these mundane things that we as humans choose to do here, are a part of the human experience and, so far, thankfully, I am getting through it.

Or at least I'm trying to remind myself that I did sign up to come to earth for an important mission, so I might as well stick it out now and try to enjoy the experience as much as possible.

Before I came here, I lived in a place called Omicron, it is in the Corona Borealis Constellation, near the Bootes constellation. If you look up at the sky and find the big dipper you can easily locate it, it looks like the letter C next to a kite. I often find myself looking up at it, wanting to return home.

I was a researcher when I lived there, and I was told that earth was a place where beings called humans lived. I was told that Earth was like a school, it's a place where different beings come to expand their soul's knowledge.

So I signed up to come here, I thought that my research could benefit this planet and I could help bring new systems into place.

However, the ways of life changed down here some time ago, humans are not remembering why they signed up to come here. I am not the first to come here from the future either, there are many of us.

Slowly I am finding my co-workers who also signed up to come here, but everyone has been placed in different locations all over the planet.

There was a large group of us who signed up as a part of an important mission to come down here on an assignment to help other humans have a remembrance of why they signed up to come here to be a part of what they called “the great awakening.” This great awakening was predicted to happen around the year 2020, after a huge crisis takes over the planet.

I first arrived here on Earth on 02/24/1988, I was born to an 18 year old, old soul gypsy with beautiful dark brown hair, and big green eyes. She had freckles across her nose.

She was a short, quiet young lady. She had a big heart, and she meant well, even though her emotions would at times get the best of her. She’d had a rough life that stemmed from generations of unhealed trauma in her family, due to addictions and abuse.

I chose her to be my earth mother so that I could help her ancestral lineage to heal from the generations of abuse and addictions, and I had a chance to change the future for her and her family.

Her name was Julia, and she fell in love with Markus. He was tall and handsome, he had long brown hair down to his shoulders, he was DJ.

He drove a 1987, black and gold firebird. He had a lot of confidence and he knew how to make people laugh. He was a wild spirit that couldn't be tamed, but deep down he had a really big, kind heart. He was going to be my dad here on earth.

To enter earth, you had to be born through the portal of the womb. And so in order for me to enter this planet in the third dimension, I'd have to start out at the very beginning as a new born baby human even though I was already a grown up and that's when I pre-chose Julia and Markus.

I had been watching these 2 human souls and researching them for a while, they were the parents I needed to ascend to. I loved watching them from my home in Corona Borealis, where it was already in the future.

I knew that by coming down here, I'd help them shift their timeline and heal their future generations and they'd be the perfect humans for me to do my research on. I knew that Julia would go into the foster care system eventually and that Markus would have childhood trauma from the system of organized religion. I needed to be born into that to get the best research of these types of systems.

Markus met Julia in 1987 and he loved to drive his firebird up and down the west coast of the island they lived on. And when she would sit in that seat beside him, with the windows down, and that ocean breeze flowing in through the window, she felt free, freer than she’d ever felt before.

They were so young and in love and then of course got pregnant. And that's when my opportunity to arrive here came.

By Christian Bowen on Unsplash

I remember being so happy and eager to come to earth because it was so different from the colony I lived in. Things had been getting a little dark and heavy there for a while now and I felt a little in danger because the work I had been doing to change the old outdated systems was going to be destroyed, so I needed to get it safely out of here and bring this knowledge to earth.

My job as a researcher was to study the “systems” in which the leaders of the planets implemented for the beings to live their lives. I was a part of a group who helped to get rid of old outdated systems that weren't benefiting the beings in the colonies.

Things already had taken a turn for the worst and the leaders of the colonies in Corona Borealis were enslaving the beings and they started to take away the freedoms of the people, force them into jobs and ways of living that did not align with them and they were planning to do this in other colonies on other planets as well.

Although we couldn't stop them, my team felt that we could get to earth in time to help the humans so that they could awaken to what was happening before they could be taken over by these evil leaders.

When I arrived here on earth in 1988, my human parents named me Dustin. The law when ascending to earth is that you're supposed to forget who you are, until a specific time and date when you have a “rebirth,” an "awakening" of who you are, of your own soul's truth. And I had to wait til the year 2016 to remember my own mission here.

However, for some time now, the humans were not remembering their own souls truth and awakening when they were supposed to. It was as if they would get trapped in repeating cycles, and keep reincarnating on earth over and over again, not fulfilling their missions and not evolving.

When I arrived here, I was raised on an island, right beside the ocean, near the mountains, similar to where i lived in Omicron, near the ocean and mountains. It was a magical place. But my life down here wasn’t always rainbows and sunshine, that's for sure.

By Erik Mclean on Unsplash

When you come here, there are already so many systems, and people get so caught up in these systems and beliefs and programming, and there isn't always a lot of happiness, or people teaching us that we can be free and happy and remember our missions and fulfill them.

When I first met and remembered NyKo, it was 08/02/2016. I walked into the bathroom and I was going to wash my face before bed and to my surprise when I looked up, my reflection in the mirror faded and I was looking at someone with different eyes, different cheeks, different face shape.

It felt like the thing staring back at me in the mirror was me, even though we did not look the same. I could feel her energy and it felt safe, like we were connected in some way.

By Circling Sea on Unsplash

Then she smiled at me, but she did not speak, instead, she would put thoughts into my mind and she'd always give me a sense and feeling of relief and joy. That's how I knew that it was okay and safe to talk to her.

I'd seen far scarier things in my human life and I had been working hard for a while now to control the places that my mind would go and the visions that i'd see at times. This was not my first "paranormal experience," but talking to NyKo didn't feel scary, it felt the opposite.

Although, my human self had a hard time wrapping my mind around these possibilities at that time. I was so caught up in my human mindset and the programming I'd been given here that I had a hard time believing in my future self and the whole mission.

NyKo was so friendly and her energy felt so pure and gentle. After she told me her name and explained that we share a soul, in a different time and place.

She showed me visuals in my mind of how she has been with me here on earth my whole life, guiding me on the right path by leaving certain numbers and signs and syncronicities. She explained to me that time here on earth, the seasons, the day and night, doesn't exist where she is.

By Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

She told me that I would need to heal myself and then I will teach others in the future to heal themselves and have access to their own souls timeline so that they can remember what they signed up to come to earth for too. ️

She got me up to date about my life as a researcher and the mission that I signed up for here on earth. She said it was now time to create a 5 year plan to heal, and further observe and research the systems on this planet.

My human mind kept feeling skeptical at first about all of these things, but she kept reassuring me, and she said don't worry, we will only give you the amount of information that you need at the right moment. I easily began to trust her because the thing she was showing me and telling me to do were helping me heal quickly and manifest things into my life very fast.

Over the next several years, NyKo showed me exactly why I came to earth to study the systems, such as health care(through my children's medical issues), education(where my decade long career had taken place), foster care(where my mom grew up) and organized religion(how my dad was raised) etc. I have been traveling the cosmos researching outdated systems to help create newer ones for the colonies in each star system.

After she showed me everything, I slowly began to realize why I chose the parents I did, and why all of the not so great or not fun life experiences had to happen. I had to go through all of these things on earth because it was all a part of my research.

My mission here is to help humans awaken to their own souls truth. I do this through a program that Nyko and created that helps people align with their human self, and remember their soul's truth by guiding them into their minds library, to a place called the akashic records, the records of the soul, so that they could get past their programming and remember their earth mission.

By Kieran Sheehan on Unsplash

It is so powerful to guide people through their own remembrance. Many things I've discovered in my own minds library aka akashic records, I perhaps might not have believed it, if I didn't see it for myself in my own records and that's why it is so important for us to see the truth for ourselves.

So far, I've been helping to change the future timelines here by helping specific people awaken. The specific people I've been working with and meeting have all signed up to be a part of my research as well, we all pre-planned it before we came here.

By helping the humans awaken as a collective, we are shifting the frequency and therefore the timelines are shifting quite drastically.

Once enough humans awaken to the truth of their soul and remember what we are here for, we can take back the planet and return it to it's once happy bountiful existence where we all get to learn and grow and evolve as a soul, and not get trapped here in the programming.

If you've read this story, perhaps you were called to it because its time for you to remember a part of your soul too.


About the Creator

Nikki B.

I love to use art therapy and social stories to help people with healing and learning how to navigate their life with a good mindset.

I hope you enjoy my stories as much as my students and kids have :)

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