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Case Studies on How Correct Marketing Plans can Positively Impact NFT Projects!

This blog talks about two case studies that emphasize how NFT marketing can positively impact new NFT projects.

By Stanley ThomasPublished about a year ago 4 min read
NFT Marketing Casestudy

Non-fungible tokens had become mainstream since the NFT boom in 2021 when their market became a billion-dollar one within a matter of months. Some people say that new creators, brands, and famous people becoming part of the movement was the sole reason for the NFT boom. But only a very few can find that NFT marketing strategies executed to perfection had their role in elevating the NFT boom to new heights.

Multiple NFT projects from not-so-well-known creators and small-time businesses have their piece of cake on the NFT boom due to the perfection levels in NFT marketing strategies they had used. Now, there are specialized NFT marketing firms that offer creative NFT marketing services to anyone that approaches them. This blog talks about two case studies that emphasize how NFT marketing can positively impact new NFT projects.

The Holy Ones

The Holy Ones is an NFT collection based on holy figures found worldwide, with their utility being in a blockchain-based play-to-earn game. The NFT collection is hosted on the Polygon network, an environment-friendly blockchain. The collection also aims to form a DAO-based community, where the community decides everything inside the game world.

The Holy Ones project did not have a community even two months before its launch and had a negligible presence across social media. It was essentially an NFT marketing campaign starting from scratch. The project chose a marketing partner that helped in promoting the project to an audience worldwide.

As a first, the project chose some social media platforms where they could advertise the collection. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Clubhouse were the social media platforms selected for marketing the NFT collection. The social media marketing campaign from the project was based on creative content that obliged not to hurt anyone’s beliefs as the topic of the collection was such. One of the facets of the creative content here was a tangible back story that pulled the audience into the project. The content also included NFT education, entertainment, subtle humor, and messages intended to grow the community.

The project also collaborated with leading NFT influencers present on TikTok, Clubhouse, and Twitter Spaces to promote its collection. The NFT drop of the Holy Ones collection was massively promoted across social media through the usage of sophisticated marketing tools.

Holy Ones NFT Collection

As the result of an extensive marketing campaign, 3,333 NFT collectibles from the Holy Ones NFT collection were minted within a month of release with a trade volume of 6.7 ETH on OpenSea.

Galaktic Gang

Galaktic Gang is an NFT collection based on spiritually-inspired art emphasizing providing positive vibes and expressions. This collection was created by the famous Peruvian Canadian artist Chris Dyer, who saw non-fungible tokens as a chance to drive his art into the virtual world. As soon as Dyer learned about profits becoming paramount compared to art, the thought for the Galactic Gang NFT collection was born.

Although Dyer had the artistic talent, the popular image, and the fire inside to make his project a success, an online presence with a solid website was a problem. So, what did he do? He needed professionals who could help him with designing a website that marketed the collection, and he was fortunate to find the right ones.

Apart from the artwork, the Galaktic Gang NFT collection did not have anything to be called a Web3 project. This meant the project needed a brand-new website, Web3 technology integration, and a unique NFT marketing campaign. Everything went perfectly in the process, which can be sensed by seeing the official website of the Galaktic Gang NFT collection. The website was in accordance with the positive vibration that the artworks provided, and Web3 integration was a success with an effective minting platform.

Coming to the promotional part of the Galaktic Gang NFT collection, the social media presence was full of positivity with vibrant artworks full of colors, reflecting the nature of the collection. The marketing professionals who worked on the project also ensured that the highly-colorful adverts were displayed seamlessly in various formats. They also had community engagement campaigns across platforms. One of the catchy ways they used was to create emojis of components of the artworks on Discord as the project’s Discord community grew. The project grew to have a community of more than 10,000 users on Twitter and Discord, two of the popular platforms among NFT enthusiasts.

Galaktic Gang NFT Collection

The result was the reflection of all these efforts as the initial mint sales amounted to 432 ETH and secondary sales on OpenSea pumped to 1693 ETH. More than 5,000 NFTs from the collection have been sold to nearly 2600 owners so far.

What Should I Do Now?

The above case studies give us great insights into how NFT marketing tactics can build a business from the ground up if correctly used. In the first case, a relatively unknown NFT collection based on a sentimental topic was promoted accordingly to build a community. In the second case, a famous artist with a little web presence had to construct the user-end for displaying his NFT collection. In both cases, different NFT marketing agencies helped their respective clients using strategies that best matched their client preferences to make their businesses successful. If you also need to have similar proven marketing strategies to be used to promote your business, there are a few NFT marketing firms that can help you build a community around your NFT project.


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