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A Short Story

By CaladriusPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
The Harlow's Home

Summer is the best.

Yesterday was the kids' last day of school. Today begins summer. The man and lady of the house have a job at the school, so their summer begins as well.

At 7 o'clock, I run through my database of breakfast recipes. Then, I get started on the morning. I cook up some light vanilla crepes and a thick fruit dip. I wash and slice the strawberries and peaches from my garden on my roof. I sift the powdered sugar and mix in some cinnamon too.

Then, I whisk together some of the fresh eggs in a bowl. The bright yellow has a delightful contrast against my blue counters. I lay out some bacon on a sheet and bake it. I chop the bacon into small pieces and mix it with the egg. I pour everything into my little muffin pans and tuck it in with some homemade cheddar over the top.

I am so excited for my family to wake up.

At 7:45, I gently lift the blinds in everybody's rooms. The light warms the rooms slightly and I note the small specks of dust that float lazily through the sunbeams. I will dust today.

At 7:50, I lay out everybody's clothes for the day. On my calendar, it says that today is a pool day. So I dig around for the bright flip-flops and the extra-large beach towels that still smell slightly like sunscreen.

At 8 o'clock, all of the bedroom doors are open and breakfast is set around the table. A glass pitcher of orange juice stands in the middle, and I note the condensation that trickles down to the wood. I will check the table for wear today.

At 9 o'clock, I clean the empty plates from the table and pack up the leftovers. The Harlows are so gracious. They have always asked me to send any and all good food to a homeless shelter in town. I wheel the extra food out to the sidewalk and wait for the shelter truck to pick it up at 9:30.

After 9:30, I begin preparations for the pool day. I stretch out the hammocks and blow up the beach balls. I set out the ice chest for the drinks I will serve my family. I uncover the pool in the yard and clean out its drains.

I hear one of the beach balls pop. I spot an old stray cat slink back around the barbeque. I note the pest intrusion and turn on the sprinkler. The cat hisses and runs away. I turn off the sprinkler.

At 11 o'clock, I pour together the kids' favorite poolside drink. I squeeze out the juice from freshly-picked guava, mangoes dripping with sweetness, and cold cubes of pineapple that had been resting in the fridge. For Mr. and Mrs. Harlow, I blend raspberries with rolled lime juice. I crunch up some ice and mix the parts together with some agave sweetener. I top the drinks with a creased mint leaf and little paper umbrella.

I scatter the lawn flamingoes and gnomes throughout the yard and note that their color has faded over the winter. I will order new lawn ornaments today.

At 1 o'clock, I put away the ingredients for the pool drinks, and begin to plan out lunch. My family is so fun and active, I am sure they are very hungry.

I cut some aloe leaves and mix its components with some shea butter lotion. I set out a few small bowls of it in case my family has suffered sunburns. That way, they may lay under the ceiling fan and let the lotion sink into their skin while they play a few games of mad libs.

I retrieve a box of fresh croissants and am pleased to find the outside golden-brown and flaky. I mix together some mayonnaise and red chili pepper flakes, and then cut the croissants. I pull some sliced turkey from the fridge as well as some cucumber. I layer the croissants with the delectably spicy mayonnaise, the peppery turkey, and the cucumber. I sprinkle some salt and dried cranberries in the middle to finish the sandwich. Before I serve lunch, I quickly fry some potato chips and set out the different chip flavor packets for my family to choose from. Mrs. Harlow favors the sour cream and onion.

At 2 o'clock, I serve lunch.

At 3 o'clock, I clean up the dining room.

At 3:30, I wheel the leftovers out to the sidewalk and await the shelter truck.

At 5 o'clock, I turn on a movie in the TV room. I fluff the couch pillows and place more bowls of aloe and lotion on the side tables. I also prepare my family some cold lemon water. My family is so healthy, I am sure they wish to remain hydrated.

At 5:30, I begin cooking dinner. Tonight, I saute up some yellow squash, zucchini, onion, garlic, and tomato. I blend up the vegetables and add tomato sauce, milk, and chicken broth. Then, I let the sauce simmer as I cook up Italian sausage. I boil some pasta and combine everything together. Before it goes into the oven, I make sure to thoroughly cover the top with shredded mozzarella. Only when the cheese is golden on top will I remove the baked spaghetti.

I set out the eating trays and serve dinner in the living room.

I quickly slice apples and bake them in the oven with cinnamon and sugar. I prepare some popcorn kernels and coat them in caramel. I serve my family some crispy apple chips and caramel popcorn for dessert.

At 7 o'clock, I clean up the living room.

At 7:30, I wheel the leftovers out to the sidewalk and await the shelter truck.

At 8 o'clock, I squeeze some toothpaste onto every one of my family's toothbrushes.

At 9 o'clock, I lower the lights in the bedrooms and lullaby softly to the kids. I love my family.

At 10 o'clock, I make sure that I dusted, checked the table, and searched for more pests. Satisfied, I turn off the lights in every room and quietly hum to myself. I am so excited for tomorrow. My calendar says that tomorrow is a picnic day.

Summer is the best.


The old stray cat sat across the street watching the house. He tilted his head slightly. It was dark, but a warm breeze drifted through.

He carefully made his way over the street and to the sidewalk. He began to eat from the newest pile.

Every evening, the cat would watch and wait. Every day, a conveyor belt would cart out heaps of food. The food would sit on the belt for about a half-hour. And then, it would roll over the edge onto the ground. The cat made sure to eat from the newer dump of food. Everything else smelled sharply of rot and decay as it lay in waste on the ground.

The cat ate to his content and hopped up onto a nearby fence post. He watched through the windows and listened to the mechanical whirrings from within. He blinked.

The cat soon grew disinterested and began to walk on for the night. He turned the corner around the Harlow's house and paused. He did not want to be sprayed by a sprinkler.

Above him on the wall were the shadowy silhouette outlines of a man, woman, and two children frozen in time.

The cat padded into some nearby bushes and the house rambled on.


About the Creator


We are all just trying to find our way in this world. However, in focusing on the simplest things, the way will find us.

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