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Can humans reach alien civilizations?

Humanity's high-tech, now fly 23 billion kilometers away

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Humans in the future can contact extraterrestrial civilizations. We all know that, according to our current level of human science, we can currently observe the universe is about 93 billion light years in diameter.

The number of galaxies within this 93 billion light years diameter is in the trillions, and our galaxy is just a drop in the ocean.

It is not a matter of considering the existence of aliens, but it would be even more frightening to think that there are no aliens.

The University of Nottingham has published the results of a study

. They believe that there are conservatively estimated to be more than 36 civilizations in the galaxy.

But these civilizations are so far away from our planet that there is no way for us to confirm their speculations.

From another perspective, even if there are extraterrestrial civilizations, it is not known whether they have developed into higher intelligent life similar to us humans, but most likely they are just some low-level animals.

Take our Earth as an example, the Earth has been formed now for about four billion years, and it took more than four billion years for the Earth to form the intelligent life we have now.

In contrast, our universe, the Big Bang began to form only now 13.8 billion years.

Regarding the exploration of the universe, the farthest distance we humans have explored so far is the Voyager 1 sent by the United States in 1977.

It has now reached a distance of about 23 billion kilometers away from our planet.

The distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 380,000 km, from the figures we seem to be able to compare how far this distance is already.

But according to this speed to fly, it will take at least 30,000 years to fly out of the solar system, because the diameter of the solar system is about two light years away.

As you can imagine, it is not an easy task for us humans to actively find an alien civilization.

Scientists have taken great pains to record a large amount of data on Earth on the gold record carried by Voyager 1 to inform aliens of the existence of human civilization in this location in the Milky Way galaxy.

This is only for the solar system, the diameter of the Milky Way is about 100,000 light years, and what do 100,000 light-years mean?

It means that it takes 100,000 years to fly from one end of the galaxy to the other at the speed of light.

This is even more to us humans on a chain. Therefore, if we want to reach the other end of the galaxy, it is almost impossible to reach the other end of the galaxy, the probability is zero.

So the probability of finding aliens is likely to be almost non-existent.

We, humans, want to meet with aliens unless those highly developed alien civilizations come forward to contact us, humans.

But it must be a thing that is not in our favor. Think carefully, if an intelligent civilization faces, for such a vast universe can precisely find our Earth, and quickly reach our Earth.

Then the degree of development of this civilization must be far beyond our Earth humans.

And according to our previous analysis of the level of an alien civilization, since they can reach our Earth with a real body, that means they are not too much higher than our level of civilization.

There must be resources on Earth that they need, and they are likely to plunder our Earth for the resources they need, colonize our Earth, and even wipe out all of our Earth humans.

What kind of things is likely to happen in the future? Everything is beyond our expectations.

It's like the law of the dark forest once mentioned in the Three Bodies. Each civilization is like a hunter walking in the forest with a shotgun. The only way to ensure their safety is to destroy each other.


About the Creator

Kenneth M Bass

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