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Call Me Mrs. Crab

Can you guess I'm a Cancer?

By Heather LeePublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Call Me Mrs. Crab
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

I'm a crab.

Makes sense, I suppose.

I had a hermit crab when I was a kid, so I guess it's only fitting that I identify as a crab later in life, right?

Okay, lets get real. I really did have a hermit crab when I was younger, but the crab is just my symbol.

Ironic, though, right? That I would have a pet that is the same symbol as my zodiac sign?


My birthday is July 11th, which makes me a Cancer and therefore, a crab.

My grandma and I are the same sign, so growing up, we would read our horoscope in the newspaper.

Was I going to have a five star day or a two star day?

My grandpa, the Sagittarius, always had five stars. That must be the lucky sign. My grandpa's a lucky guy. Like really...

I religiously had 2-3 star horoscopes, unfortunately.

Now did I believe in my horoscope? No. None of us did.

We just read the horoscopes for

1) kicks and

2) because it was right above Dear Abby.

As I got older, however, I wanted to learn more about my sign. I related astrology to love languages- did they really hold any stock?

Well as I got older and started developing relationships, I discovered that love languages really do hold stock and that you need to understand yours and your partners if you wanted an enduring relationship.

So I researched my sign.

Do I, in fact, possess the distinct personality traits, attitude and desires of the Cancer?

All my research is coming from Co-Star, just so you know.

First, lets look at Cancer traits:

  • Very sensitive
  • Seeks comfort
  • Forgives but never forgets
  • Only has one boundary, but it is very firm
  • Takes on other people's problems

I don't like to admit it, but yes I'm sensitive.

I naturally seek comfort.

I take a while to forgive, but it's true that I never forget. Fool me once...

The boundary thing is super vague and makes no sense. I couldn't even make up a boundary if I tried.

I don't really take on other people's problems... My grandma, however, who is a fellow Cancer, does. She carries the weight of the world on her shoulders most days.

According to Co- Star, my personality is layered. "They have many moods, some of which are contradictory, but they also have a deep, core self that persists."

I will agree that I am pretty moody, but I can't speak to the rest of that quote.

"It’s hard for them to share their pain with others, and they are often afraid to be vulnerable because they carry a fear that people will use their weaknesses against them. Cancers have learned to hide their pain to avoid burdening anyone else. They pretend they’re okay when they’re not."

I'm perplexed by this proclamation. Part of this is accurate and part of this is not. I'm not afraid of my weaknesses being used against me, but I also don't like to burden others. If anything, I want to seem like the strong one so that I may comfort those who feel vulnerable.

"Their emotions are like an exposed nerve. They can feel everything. They’re like a tuning fork that vibrates at the slightest provocation. They tend to carry deep grudges because they can’t forget the emotional sting of a slight."

Now this is pretty spot on. I do have very strong emotions. I actually should take anger management classes because I have my father's temper and believe me when I say- that is not a good thing.

I can definitely hold a grudge. It's one of the things I hate about myself. I wish I was more of a careless forgiver.

"Cancers are homebodies. They like the comfort of the familiar. They don’t like change. They are drawn to stability and routine. They like to know what is expected. They have an attraction to the past. They like to keep traditions alive. Predictable environments make them feel comfortable. They like to know what’s going to happen. They like to feel that they’re part of a bigger plan. They don’t like surprises."

They hit the nail on the head here.

I am the biggest homebody. I much prefer a night in than out on the town. I don't like change and I am most certainly a person drawn to stability and security.

Traditions are really big for me. If a historical family dish is omitted at Thanksgiving dinner, I am very affected by it. I am a fan of tradition and I don't think they should be altered in any way. Like it will actually put me in a bad mood if traditions aren't followed.

You know when people say things like "go with the flow?" Yeah, I hate that.

I'm not necessarily a control freak, but I definitely don't like winging it. I like to have a plan and to know what's going to happen. Don't know why, just have always been that way.

The last thing I want to touch on is the Cancer's soulmate.

"Cancers are highly sensitive and very insecure, so they need constant reassurance. This doesn’t have to come from a lover or spouse. It can also be a close friend or a parent. Cancers need this emotional intimacy or they suffer. Cancer thrives on the security of close relationships. Strong relationships are the foundation of their sense of well-being. They need to feel loved. A Cancer soulmate is often someone who has a stronger personality, and who can help Cancer feel more grounded."

I honestly couldn't have said it better myself. I am insecure. I try to exude confidence, but sometimes it's hard. Reassurance helps me, although I don't let others know that I crave it.

As my sister puts it, "I'm a relationship girl." I like being in relationships because I have a strong desire to feel loved. I attach my well-being to my relationships so you can imagine how hard it is when a relationship fails because then my insecurities plummet.

I'm not saying with this post that I put all my faith in my daily horoscope like London Tipton did in an episode of Suite Life of Zack and Cody (although that was a really good episode) because that would be insane.

What I am saying, however, is that my sign describes me pretty well. Sure, there are some off points, but overall, I identify with my given Cancer traits and perceptions.

Mythology is like astrology. Some believe that certain ancient myths are true, while a vast majority believe them to be simply what they are- myths.

Same with astrology. Some study it to the bone and really do believe in the planets and their alignment being directly correlated with who we are while others find no stock in star signs, but simply enjoy gazing at the stars.

Depends who you ask. You have my opinion.


About the Creator

Heather Lee

The name is Heather, but I answer to anything ~ adventurous spirit ~ <3 the outdoors (just never ask me to kill a spider) ~ trying to find myself while trying to find love ~ animal lover ~ hopeless romantic ~ broke af twenty six year old

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