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Bring back Starkiller!

The forbidden apprentice of Darth Vader

By Dyllon RodillonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

As elated as I am to have Ahsoka Tano finally making her live action appearance in "The Mandalorian" and she'll be getting her own stand alone show. I got to thinking about another one of Anakin's apprentice, well technically he was Darth Vader's apprentice but same difference. Galen Marek aka Starkiller, let's talk about why he needs to be reintroduced.


For those of you who did not have the immense pleasure of playing "The Force Unleased" videogames, I'd just like to say if you can find a way to play them. Go back to play those games, they were amazing and I'm so glad that I got a chance to play it. Very simply a young Galen Marek was found by Darth Vader, after Darth Vader defeated Galen's father Kento in battle. When Galen was able to take Darth Vader's lightsaber away using the force, Darth Vader secretly took the boy in and made him his apprentice. For year's Galen was taught the dark side of the force until Vader felt he was ready to take out any remaining Jedi that survived the initial purge. Galen was actually very successful at his tasks until one day he had a change of heart and decided to help the rebels fight back against Darth Vader and emperor Palpatine. It also didn't help that Galen was betrayed by his former master Vader. Now in the original game you can pick your ending, if you choose the "light side" ending Galen will sacrifice himself in order to help the rebels. However, if you choose the "dark side" ending, you'll attack Vader. Thus giving in completely into the dark side of the force only to basically become Vader. More machine than man and fueled by nothing more than your rage and hate. But for the sake of bringing back Galen I'm going to ignore both endings.

Why bring back Galen?

Personally I would just love to see Sam Witwer reprise his role as Galen but in live action of course. Galen has been immensely trained in both the light and dark sides of the force. His natural power is so immense, as mentioned above Darth Vader took him in as his one and only apprentice. So if Darth Vader thinks you're powerful, then you're pretty freaking powerful. Last but not least Galen's immense lightsaber skills while using form 7. In the Force Unleased games you have multiple interactions with Darth Vader where you nearly defeat him. And as mentioned he was specifically tasked by Vader to hunt down and eliminate multiple Jedi knights and true Jedi masters that survived order 66. If those Jedi were skilled and powerful enough to survive order 66, again. That's saying a lot as to just how ridiculously powerful and potentially dangerous this character is. And before I forget, all of this was accomplished when he was a only seventeen years old! Also his use of duel lightsabers holding them in the reverse grip would just be fun to see on top of Ahsoka's duel lightsabers. Finally, narrative potential which I'll thoroughly explain in the paragraph below.


At one point Starkiller was in fact Cannon. Sadly he had been ret-coned out. If I was to bring back Starkiller, I am aware this would take a lot of ret-coning but this is Star Wars. Retcon is their middle name. So, we follow up with Starkiller after "Return of the Jedi". What I love about Galen's character is we can incorporate him in many different ways. We can make Galen purely a hero; someone who has spent many years fighting the remnants of the Empire after failing to defeat Vader himself. We can have him be purely a villain, someone who say has returned to the dark side and is now hunting Ahsoka and/or Cal Kestis Or we could even meet a Galen Marek who is completely only on the look out for himself. Neither good nor bad, just completely self serving. There are so many narrative opportunities with this character.

So please bring this character back Disney, please. If you're with me make sure to heart this article and share it with other star wars fans so we can star a movement to bring back Starkiller.

star wars

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Dyllon Rodillon

Jack of all trades, master of none.

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