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Bitcoin Boys

The Unofficial Origin of Bitcoin

By Grady ZettlPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Four friends sat around a table in their parents basement. It was 2008 and they had their gaming rigs all setup at a round table, These four were known and feared in the games they frequented. Stomping on Newbs all day was getting old though and they frequently tossed around ideas of what they as a group could do that would bring back that excitement they used to feel. the oldest one, and by unspoken unanimous consent, their leader had just read an article on crypto currency. he had his trepidations surrounding it himself but he had an idea that could put his group in the history books for good. "Hey guys, have any of you read much about crypto currency?" unknowing looks from two of the three, the third though their resident genius (though a little in his own head for his own good) lit up at the mention of crypto. "its the future" he said, staring off in an unfocused way. their leader shook his head at the genius. "yes, it is the future. it is a fully digital currency" he added for the others. both of whom still looked a little confused. their Tank scrunched up his heavy brow. "so like online money?" "yes, online money" their leader replied. "what about it?" chimed in their healer. "well, I've been thinking about how we could take our group to the next level. obviously nothing illegal, but something that would put us in the history books. also would be nice if it was something that could load our pockets" he said with a sharkish grin. The tank still looking confused asked "But how would we do that with this.....cryto...?". "Crypto" the leader responded. "well, what if we created our own crypto currency? we could base it around a mining system. what I mean is we could set it up so there is only a finite amount, and that you would need a server to "mine" it. then it is fully regulated. we could mine enough to set us up once the main global economy finally catches up, and crypto becomes the main currency. then we would be set. with the mining style system it should also pique the nerd communities interest because they can make money with the old server systems they have lying around. plus it'll stick it to man, and big banks wont be able to regulate it right away". Their genius looked thoughtful. "I could build the algorithms for that, it might take a couple of weeks. I would need you three to....." his eyes went unfocused and the other three looked at each other and then back to the genius. ".....oops....I would need you three to tweak some settings on your systems so you could start mining as soon as we went live, just to make sure we got the amount we would need". "we could get rich off this....?" asked the tank quizzically. Their leader looked introspective for a couple of moments, the others knew not to interrupt his introspection. "yes" he responded. "Yes, we really could. Bit by bit, it wont be a get rich quick scheme or anything. we would build the system, mine our amount and then wait. It could take awhile. I think its our best bet though. get onboard while its still new, and then we have a good chance of being one of the bigger crypto currencies. we still would have a lot of work to do. we need a name for our crypto, and I don't think we should use our real names. If we make it big I don't want everyone and their dog to know it was us." The Tank furrowed his brow "Bit by bit, we could be rich, like a penny saved is a penny earned and the like. hmm, Bit....money..small bits of money....why not BitCoin...?". The other three looked at him, it didn't happen often but their tank came up with some solid gold ideas sometimes. They all agreed that this was a stellar name. "So now that we have our crypto name, what should we call ourselves?" asked the healer. "Hmm, I've got a thought for that actually" replied their leader. "Your handle (he points at the tank) is Sato666, and mine is Yoshi92, if we put them together it could be Satoshi, and so on." The healer interjected excitedly "And my handle is Nakasira, and then we have Motomotion93, we could do either Siramotion, or Nakamoto. Satoshi Nakamoto....that has a nice ring to it, we could be famous without being famous, I like it". The group exchanged excited looks between themselves. "this could be the biggest thing we ever do" Their leader intoned in a profound tone. The healer exaggeratedly rolled his eyes "or it'll flop just like 99% of the other dumb ideas people have". They all laughed loudly. "I guess we wont know until we try....."


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    GZWritten by Grady Zettl

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