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Big News About Amazing New AI From Top Tech Companies

The Path To Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

By Next KodingPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Ensuring Responsible Development of AI Technologies

Today we have very exciting news about huge steps forward in artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The companies OpenAI and Google just announced major breakthroughs that bring us much closer to a world where AI and robots can do almost all human jobs and labor. This could happen very soon!

The first big announcement is about an upgrade to ChatGPT, the popular AI assistant created by OpenAI. ChatGPT could only understand and respond to written text before. But now, it has gained the ability to see images, computer screens, and code too! It can perceive and comprehend visual information in real-time.

In a video demo, we saw someone show ChatGPT some code on their computer screen. The person verbally described the code to ChatGPT. Then ChatGPT could simply look at the code and explain in simple words what it does! After that, the person ran the code which made a graph appear on the screen. Even though ChatGPT couldn't directly see the screen before, it could now perceive the graph image and analyze it in great detail.

This means ChatGPT now has vision capabilities like humans. It can understand photos, videos, diagrams - any visual things you show it on a screen. This is a major advancement, because until now AI has been focused mainly on understanding written text and language. But being able to comprehend visuals bridges a huge gap and brings AI closer to human-level intelligence.

AGI is coming!

The second groundbreaking news is about Google's "Project Astra" - a universal AI agent that can perceive the world using multiple senses, like vision and hearing. Like the new ChatGPT, Project Astra can see through a device's camera. But it can do even more - it can deeply understand the full environment around it using advanced AI vision technology.

In one demo, we saw Project Astra looking through someone's smartphone camera in their home. It could identify all the objects, read any text, analyze the full scene, and provide information - just like a human would be able to do by looking at that same view! At one point, the person picked up a pair of glasses, and Project Astra instantly recognized and named them.

This type of AI that can fluidly perceive and make sense of the physical world is an huge milestone. It has human-like contextual awareness of its surroundings. And it's all contained in a compact AI system that could work on smartphones, AR glasses, and other devices.

In addition to these two very important vision-related announcements, Google also revealed its new AlphaFold 3 program at the same time. AlphaFold 3 uses AI to predict the detailed structure and behavior of all the tiny molecules that make up living things like plants and animals. It can do this with extremely high accuracy that has never been possible before.

This AI breakthrough will revolutionize our scientific understanding of biology and life itself. Researchers can use AlphaFold 3 to study the building blocks of life in powerful new ways. It opens up vast new frontiers in medicine, genetics, and more.

With these kinds of extraordinary AI capabilities being developed today, many experts now believe we could achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in just a few years. AGI refers to AI systems with broad, human-level intelligence for any task - thinking, reasoning, and solving problems like humans.

Some estimates say AGI may realistically arrive by the late 2020s or early 2030s! While this may sound a bit scary to have AI that matches human cognition, the video narrator encourages us to feel optimistic rather than fearful.

They argue that superior AI capabilities like AGI will ultimately liberate humanity from mundane physical labor. Highly advanced AI and automation could handle almost all routine jobs and work. This would free humans to pursue more meaningful endeavors and goals beyond just basic labor.

Of course, developing safe and responsible AGI will be extremely crucial. But the core AI abilities demonstrated by OpenAI, Google and others show we are truly entering an amazing new age. AI is rapidly advancing to augment human intelligence and potential like never before.

In summary, two world-leading AI companies revealed monumental breakthroughs this month in areas like:

- Vision AI that can perceive and comprehend images/visuals

- Multimodal AI assistants that understand the full environment around them

- AI that can analyze the molecular structure of all life with extreme precision

These represent huge leaps toward more general, human-like artificial intelligence coming very soon. Guiding this powerful wave of technological progress will shape the future course for all of humanity. However, the positive opportunities for transformative impact are vast if we proceed thoughtfully.

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Next Koding

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Comments (1)

  • Successabout a month ago

    This article heralds a transformative moment in AI history. With OpenAI's ChatGPT gaining vision capabilities and Google's Project Astra perceiving the world with multiple senses, we're witnessing AI stepping closer to human-level intelligence. These breakthroughs not only promise to revolutionize various industries but also raise profound questions about the future of work and humanity's relationship with technology. Exciting times ahead!

Next KodingWritten by Next Koding

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