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Astrological Insights

A Look at What You Should Expect from June 15th to June 17th, 2020

By Caitlin HalladayPublished 4 years ago 15 min read
Found on Google Images and Labelled for Reuse


To better fit my schedule, but still allow for detailed, ahead-of-time insight, I am now assembling a few days of foresight together at a time. For this article, I will be talking you through what's going on up in the sky from Monday the 15th to Wednesday the 17th. I will also be providing links to my astrological sources used from now on, as well as trying to incorporate some pictures, too!

June 15th

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The Sun and The Moon

Between afternoon and evening for the Western Hemisphere (I like to call this time midevening), the Sun and Moon are going to be sextile. With the energized Gemini Sun and Aries Moon in harmony, this is a day when areas involving our desire to communicate and be heard will bring growth to our subconscious passions and drive and vice versa. We will seek out and find help in these areas and experience growth because of it.


With the Sun still in Gemini, we're reaching the tail end of the communicative sign's season, and our Aries Moon will be Square Pluto (which is currently in Capricorn and Retrograde) in the afternoon.

Pluto is the planetary body of power, spirit, primal instinct, intense creation, and intense destruction (as well as manipulation). Right now it is being influenced by Capricorn's dominant yet nurturing attributes; however, it is also experiencing tension and a power struggle between itself and the raw energy of Aries that is kindling our inner emotions.

Pluto, wanting to bring about big changes and revelations, is rearing its head loudly. The problem is we are being held back and challenged by our own waves of anger, needs for revenge, and personal biases. We may be acting on our first impulses instead of heeding the more diplomatic and knowledgeable Pluto.

On a smaller scale, we may be finding more of a conflict between these two opposing aspects of our lives. Grudges may be resurfacing, instinctual reactions to what we agree and disagree with may be more frequent.


Lastly, The Aries Moon will be Square with Jupiter, which is in Retrograde and Capricorn, for the time being. This will be later in the evening for the West Hemisphere.

With Jupiter still in Capricorn, we can assume the importance of philosophy, law, growth, and expansion is thanks to the cardinal-earth sign's influence. It's without a doubt that sociopolitical growth and change is upon us—if you couldn't already tell that by looking out your window.

With Capricorn and Aries squaring off, we're going to see how people actually feel about what's going on. This tension and tug-of-war between our emotional volatility and our need for reform is going to make itself known.

Be aware of which category you're falling in and how that bias may affect your conversations and relationships. The Sun is fast approaching the sensual cardinal sign of Cancer. So, a clear, lighthearted, and logical conversation is going to be even harder to achieve since Mercury is also in Cancer. When all is said and done, you don't want disagreements to split you and those you care about apart. Intense emotions are stirring, and I advise everyone to think about someone else's point of view before you take it personally or say something you might regret later. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.


I think it is important to point out that our under-the-surface passion is in harmony with being vocal and unreserved, but not as in-sync with the planet of intensity and big changes.

Whether it's speaking up at a local protest, or just getting your opinion out into the open, your passion is inspiring. You feel motivated and urged to express your sentiments, tastes, and concerns with reckless abandon. This will harmonize well with how you present yourself, communicate, and keep the conversation flowing.

June 16th, 2020

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A Busy, Busy Moon

In the dark hours after midnight, the Moon transitions from Aries to Venus-driven Taurus. You may notice after this point that some pieces of your life are shifting towards a more reasonable and durable state. You might notice this for things such as your reactions to the world around you, your personal needs and emotions, and your habits or uncontrolled thoughts. Taurus is a sign of foundations, the home, and the ability to build up from what one already has. Don't be surprised when you're craving a comfy and cozy atmosphere this Tuesday.

Appreciative of beauty and aesthetic, the fixed-earth sign Taurus may soften the edges of our underlying thoughts, but they will be no less stubborn or hard-to-sway. This will be a convenient time to stand your ground and start moving forward with changes and improvements. Surround yourself and your safe spaces with objects, people, or even kinds of music that are beautiful to you, and watch how quickly it boosts your mood!

The Moon and Saturn

However, the Taurus Moon will be square the retrograding Saturn in Aquarius within a few hours of the moon moving to Taurus.

Let's break down Saturn retrograding in Aquarius, first.

Saturn is a planet of social order, civilization, and agriculture. It's the ruling planet of Capricorn that typifies civility, limitations, diplomacy, and domestication.

Aquarius, on the other hand, is usually the complete opposite of that: eccentric, bold, intelligent, and unafraid to stand out. It's a rebellious sign that is now at the helm of a planet that affects our ability to be civil and live among each other. Not to mention, this planet is going backward.

With that in mind, this planet is also square with the Moon, which means there will be conflict and tension between this lack of social order and a stubborn desire to prosper while enjoying our surroundings. There will be a conflict between wanting normalcy again and needing better from our civilization.

Our desire to create and maintain something functioning and beautiful is likely conflicting with just wanting to say "fuck it" and rebel against social order—whether there's a good reason to or not.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

The Moon and Uranus

Finally, later at night on the 16th, the Moon will be conjunct with rebellious Uranus, working together under the sign, Taurus. Our drive for stability and comfort are paired like a fine wine with the stubborn yet mild bull's brand slapped on the innovative and change-focused Uranus.

It's safe to expect that things are not going to settle down until the bull is appeased. Taurus has the patience of a saint, and Uranus brings the obvious need for change and renewal to the table.

On a smaller scale, maybe there's something that needs to be drastically changed at home, where Taurus is comfortable. It may be picking and digging at you under the surface, but your patience is wearing thin. This will be the time to sit down and go through what needs to be changed with a fine comb. It could also be an opportune time for us to work on ourselves and our own personal improvement.

June 17th

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The Moon

In the morning, The Taurus Moon will be sextile with Mercury in Cancer. The ability to communicate about our emotions will be helped by sturdy Taurus giving us confidence in our own stances. In the same sense, the ability to have confidence in our own stances will be aided by effectively communicating it! Today is the day to /talk about it/. It will do nothing but good in the long run, whatever the topic may be, and it will only bring you and your people closer.

At night, the Moon will be sextile with Neptune in Pisces. Whether this is from the planets or from talking things out with your friends, family, or loved ones, everything's going to get a little wishy-washy.

You'll likely be drawn to those who comfort you at this time, and the allure to your intuition and creativity will be strong.

Other Planetary Bodies

Mercury is still in Cancer, but it is switching to retrograde. For the West Coast, this will be very late on the 17th, but for the East Coast, this will be in the early hours after midnight on the 18th. To sum it up, we'll say across the board it's closer to midnight.

During this time, it's better to be extra sure about texts or other communications that might end up being misconstrued. Plenty of people are over-emotional right now, and feelings are going to get hurt much easier. If you're often offended or upset, be careful to not take things too personally while Mercury is in retrograde, for it's harder now for people to convey what they really mean.

Tridaily Tarot - What You Can Expect From 6/15/2020 to 6/17/2020 (Based on your Sun Sign)


You should expect some kind of opportunity or project centered around your passions and what inspires you. The upright Ace of Wands is an indicator of pure potential and energy; it shows up when something's about to begin, or when you're going to feel a sense of power in your life. Whatever might show up for you, expect it to come in like a blazing ball of fire. It will hold a great deal of potential for you, and it will only be just the beginning if you can find it.


According to the upright Four of Pentacles, these few days will be filled with parsimony and conservatism for you, Taurus. You or someone you know may be holding on to what you have in fear of losing it or it being taken away. Or, you may be so focused on having control and security that you end up valuing your possessions, money, and career above every other aspect of your life. This could also be a warning to be a little more moderate with what you're spending.


Oddly enough, you'll be more inclined to hearing intuitive messages or receiving news from either friends, family, or professionals. The upright Page of Cups is a messenger, and with him, he brings creative beginnings and opportunities. You may be hit with a new idea out of the blue, or you may notice your curiosity is going through the roof for these few days. You should remember to be open to new concepts and perspectives as well as signs from nature. Keep your eyes out for synchronicities—things that seem like they are significantly related yet have no causal connection between them. Sometimes they are just occurrences or events that seem a little too coincidental.


You may be all talk and no action, or you're dealing with someone that fits that description. There will be a lack of self-expression in your life, and it's likely your actions are going to be haphazard. Your haste to get your ducks in a row is only leading to undelivered promises and dissatisfaction with what you've accomplished. During this time it's important to refrain from making promises that you can't keep and to manage your time wisely. You can't be everywhere at once, so slow down and take a breather. Your questions may be annoying people right now, and you should really be careful how you word things, especially with Mercury going into retrograde by the 18th. The reversed Page of Swords shows up when you're not acting tactfully or can't seem to express yourself the way you would like to.


You should expect not to reap what you've been sowing, Leo. Despite your efforts, you're lacking a long-term vision during this time, and progress is not being made as fast as you would like. The Seven of Pentacles in the reversed position can warn us that not everything is going to fit our standards. You're not as likely to get back the reward or benefits from your hard work at this time. This would be a good time for you to assess whether or not your energy is being put in the right place, or determine where you can place your energy to begin seeing benefits.


It may be advantageous for you to prepare yourself for a time of loneliness at the beginning of the week, for the cards predict some form of isolation or financial loss for that time. You may feel "put out" and left to your own devices, seeing no sign of help or guidance. The upright Five of Pentacles urges you to be adaptable and keep moving. No matter how much you wish someone would help, getting hung up on it won't do you any favors. Even if you don't experience this as densely, this card suggests that it is a worry on your mind, regardless.


The card I pulled for Libras for these three days is the reversed Two of Swords. What this means is you'll be facing a bit of indecision and confusion. Either you have too many other perspectives and factors running through your noggin, or you don't have enough information to make an informed decision. The fact is, you're going to be in a stalemate. With this card reversed, the depicted moon is on the left, which could mean the answer must come from your intuition and from the past. You're likely trying to be the peacemaker, as that is your signature move, but you're going to be stuck in the middle no matter what. I also noticed that Pisces is the reversed Ace of Swords, so you might need to make your decision after talking to a Pisces in your life.


Good news, this time, Scorpio! You should be expecting a renewal of some sorts, and even a sense of balance and serenity. Being a major arcana card, The Star indicates a powerful hope or faith in something, possibly even yourself. You may be dealing with something spiritual for a few days, or even something generous and giving. Maybe you'll be doing some volunteer work or finally delegating time to dive below the surface of your mind with some meditation or healing. Either way, it will be an inspiring time and likely be the breath of fresh air you've been needing.


Even better news, Sagittarius! The major arcana card The Sun indicates that you'll run into a great deal of positivity and warm energy. It will be a time of optimism and radiance as much as it will be a time of innocence, fun, and purity. You might feel like showing off or horsing around, and that's okay! Your inner kid is peeking out and looking to have a good time. Either someone in your life is going to be bringing about this constant flow of optimism, or you'll become this for someone else! Feel the sun's warmth and comfort on your skin and enjoy it!


While you can be known for being a bit macabre and somber, you'll really be feeling melancholy for a few days. Perhaps you've lost someone you cared about, but your grieving is causing you to only look at the negative side of things when there are, in fact, aspects of your life that are still good! In the upright position, the Five of Cups shows someone grieving over three spilled cups while ignoring the two cups that are still standing. There is also a bridge in the distance that leads into what looks like a small town. You have the support and somewhere to go! Your vexation on your troubles is not going to do you any good. This card suggests that you move on and stop focusing on only the bad things. Put your regrets behind you, even if that's easier said than done. With Pluto and Jupiter in your court, now is as good a time as ever.


It's your turn this time to see the Death card. In a reversed position, this card tells me that you're resisting change and are unable to move on from something. Typically, this is a card that tells us to get rid of what's no longer serving us good and to bring positive and constructive changes into our lives. However, in this scenario, something is keeping you from moving forward so that you can leave behind what has been doing you harm. I would recommend that you assess what aspects of your life you need to reboot and aspects that need to get booted. Change is your friend, Aquarius! Let the Taurus energy and influence on Uranus help you stand your ground in making necessary changes.


During this time you may experience confusion and a lack of clarity, as shown by the reversed Ace of Swords. You may be experiencing defeats or losses, and it's taking its toll on you. Your energy will likely be much lower, and your mental clarity will be lacking. The next step in regaining that mental clarity may be to find a Libra in your life who would be able to help, for their card is the next part of the sword suit's journey, the Two of Swords. Everything seems chaotic right now, and it's hard to focus with so much brain fog. It might be best to either take a rest from your strenuous activities and give your brain time to recharge, or it might be time to try to sharpen your mental skills if quarantine has been leaving you out of practice.

Let's Wrap This Up

Wow, that took several hours to write with breaks in between, but I'm overall optimistic about breaking up these articles into a couple days at a time. I appreciate all and any shares, likes, and tips. Thanks to the pandemic, I'm trying to fall on my tarot skills, passion for astrology, and writing experience to make a small bit of income.

Admittedly, folks, it's not been incredibly profitable so far, but I enjoy writing these up for everyone with or without pay. What matters is helping people how I can. If you're looking for tarot readings, though, feel free to visit my Facebook page, Challaruby Tarot.

You can also contact me on social media. My Instagram username is challaruby.

Thank you, again, for reading, and as always, keep spreading positive vibes.

~ Challaruby Tarot ~


Below are links to the sources I use. Each one has links to either change the date or switch planetary body. I cross-reference each of them to make sure my information is accurate. If there are any confusions, I will do additional research to ensure I know what I'm talking about.

https://www.astrosofa.com/horoscope/aspects/2020/6/15 http://www.siddhantika.com/ephemeris/mercury-sign-table https://www.astrology.com/us/astrology-calendar-2020.aspx https://www.moontracks.com/venus_ingress.html


About the Creator

Caitlin Halladay

Just an Irish girl from Upstate NY with a passion for writing and a little too much free time at the time being.

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