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Astrological Insight

Your Guide Through the Stars for June 3rd, 2020.

By Caitlin HalladayPublished 4 years ago 8 min read
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Unlike other third-party websites, I won't bore you with an introduction to astrology and keep leading you on for views. So, without further ado, here's my Astrological Forecast for June 3rd, 2020!

The Sun

The Sun on the 3rd of this month will be in the sign of Gemini alongside Venus, which is now in retrograde until the 25th, but will stay in Gemini until early August. You should expect this energy, vitality, and 'umph' to boost your pleasure in daily activities or passion projects that are important to you. The Sun brings us love, luxury, and beauty while enhancing your communication and ability to keep things positive. Your surge in charisma today is going to be your friend. You may notice an interest in art and culture arising today, but with Venus in retrograde, be careful not to overindulge or make a hasty appearance change.

The Moon

On this day, the moon is in Scorpio, but the other planets have something to contribute today, too. In opposition to the moon is Uranus, which is currently direct in the sign Taurus. During this time it is important to remember that your innovations, changes, and quirkiness, and original expression of self are still being influenced by the fixed, stubborn, yet sensual and kick-ass bull, but in opposition to the moon, it is likely that Uranus in Taurus is draining you of your emotions or causing emotional turmoil that broods inside the Scorpio.

The moon (Scorpio) trine Mars (Pisces) tells us that it is time to speak up. This is the positive energy that strengthens both aspects of our lives. With the moon, Scorpio, and Pisces at play, you can be certain that you will intuitively know how to get exactly what you want, and you will have the emotional energy ready to exploit at any second. Mars in Pisces perpetuates your ability to act on your instincts, letting even your anger and assertiveness work to your benefit this morning. In the evening, the moon trine Neptune (also in Pisces) further strengthens your intuition, filling your cup to the brim with creativity, inspiration, emotional clarity, and all that good stuff. Neptune is also related to film, indicating that perhaps the answer to your break-away from your creator's block lies in media, photography, and other visual media similar to film.

Relationships are more likely to blossom sensually, and you'll likely experience a change that allows you to express yourself and allow yourself to be emotionally stable by the end of the night.

Other Planetary Bodies

As of May 28th, Mercury will be spending a great deal of time in the sign Cancer, so don't be surprised when you find yourself hearing the universe's messages and your own intuition a little more clearly. This will be a great time for talking with your loved ones or having those difficult heart-to-heart conversations. You should also expect your communication to revolve around your emotions, so I would not suggest getting into debates at this time, for it will be much harder to conjure up logic and reasoning with "Always Trust Your Gut" Cancer at the wheel.

Mars is still in Pisces, so intuition will come as naturally as your intense emotions. It may seem crazy outside without any sound judgment or voices of reason, for the planet Mars really edges us on to be dominant and aggressive, but sometimes just assertive.

Jupiter is still in Capricorn, so within this year, your best bet on achieving your goals and growing as a person lies in a hearty work ethic, sensible nature, and a get-down-to-business attitude.

Pluto is still retrograding in Capricorn for a few years, which is still helping us to acquire and expand upon our deeper and personal desires, whether they're material, emotional, or sexual. This planet is known for its intensity, given it is the ruler of Scorpio, but Capricorn will not back down. This can cause some turbulence among family and loved ones whose opinions and contributions may get swept under the carpet by this domineering force.


For this segment, what I do is pull a tarot card telling me how each sun sign will be affected by the planets, and what they should each expect for the day.


The reversed Sun card suggests that you should let go and let yourself be a kid for the day. You may be struggling to see the enjoyment in life, and you may be too caught up with work or serious obligations; this card suggests that it's time to leave it behind for a day, go out and play! Just remember not to let your ego get the better of you.


The Tower is a card about upheaval and change. You may be brought out of your comfort zone or forced to take action in some way or another, experiencing an awakening or revelation. It is all going to seem chaotic because it is chaotic. Likely, you will not know who to trust, and just when you think you're safe and settled, life is going to rip the carpet out from under your feet today. At least it will be a learning experience, right?


Don't be surprised if your emotions are getting the better of you today, avoiding it is almost impossible. The reversed Queen of Swords indicates that you may be resisting your urge to contribute to the conversation, whether it's because of a lack of good judgment or fear of wanting to rock the boat right now. You may be becoming less receptive to other's point of view, or just plain cold. It could go either of two ways, just be careful and remember to keep your balance with reason.


Today will be the day to expect the unexpected! Things may get a little wonky, but the Universe asks you to really focus and listen to those intuitive messages it's trying to gift to you. Your creative juices are OVERFLOWING today, and it will be a good time for some soul-searching! The Page of Cups asks you to trust yourself and expect surprises.


The King of Swords reversed reveals that you may be a bit less social than usual, Leo. You're likely going to go through a period of indecisiveness and fogginess compared to the clarity you usually feel when going about things civilly. Associated with Aquarius, the King of Swords reversed can also show parts of yourself or someone else who may be boastful about their intelligence and abuse their accumulated power for fear of losing control. If this is not the case, you may experience an inner, 'quiet power' that allows you to stand firm with your beliefs and connect to what truly matters to you.


The Queen of Cups (a card typically associated with Cancer) indicates that today will be an emotional endeavor for you as well. This card calls on your intuitive and nurturing nature to really shine in your relationships and self-expression, allowing you to 'feel' your way through your endeavors and flourish in creative projects. While emotions may not be your forte, now is the time to really trust your gut and lead with your heart instead of your head. The world needs your compassion!


Now is the time to pursue that passion project that you've been eyeballing lately. The Ace of Wands is a representation of energy, potential, and passion; it's a "YES, DO IT," card, but it cannot promise any guaranteed results—only potential.


The Two of Pentacles suggest that on June 3rd you will be in the midst of what feels like a juggling act. Maybe you have too many projects going on at work, working several jobs, or just have a lot on your plate right now. Either way, you have it under control for right now, but don't let yourself get carried away, slip up, and drop everything.


Good News, this day will be the day of emotional contentment and appreciation of all you have acquired! Sit back and enjoy yourself, for, on this day, you'll likely have more balance and overall happiness in work, relationships, and even your own well-being. Your long-term and short-term desires are more likely to come true. Today is the day to splurge in life's pleasures, whatever that may be for you! Just remember, the figure in the nine of cups sits upon a wooden bench, so what you have is not going to be comfortable forever.


Overwhelmed by choices, it's hard to choose just one today. It would be beneficial to you to ground yourself and really comb through which choices are feasible and realistic, and which ones are a little too good to be true or implemented in the real world. You don't need to keep searching for that big idea, it's already at your fingertips, you just have to move forward with it. Don't be surprised if you need to use your inner wisdom today to make that decision.


Slow down and give yourself a break. You've been extremely hard on yourself, and your attention to detail is probably getting in the way of other aspects of your life. You have a certain focus and care that you put into your work, but creating perfection will only lead to you overworking yourself for no reason. It may be leading to you to be resisting to change, or just frustration in general when you're not getting the outcome that you desire. Now's the time to step back and re-evaluate what's important for you to be focusing your energy on, according to the Eight of Pentacles.


Congratulations, Pisces, today will be the day when you feel the benefits of the Nine of Pentacles which indicates a time of financial independence and overall stability and accomplishment. Dissimilar to Aquarius, right now abundance is headed your way, and you'll be able to taste the fruits of your labor. On this day you'll likely be more in tune with the surrounding environment, and able to splurge and indulge like the Sagittarius-es.

Alright, let's wrap it up.

Thank you all for reading, if you enjoyed these tidbits of insight, be sure to let me know! I appreciate any and all shares, and if this gets positive feedback, or not, I still have a few more to upload for June 4th and June 6th.

~ Keep spreading the good vibes, my friends! ~


About the Creator

Caitlin Halladay

Just an Irish girl from Upstate NY with a passion for writing and a little too much free time at the time being.

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