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AQUARIUS: The Thinker's Star Sign

A Conversation about the Stars

By Travis BerketaPublished 3 years ago 12 min read
Credit: www.fromoldbooks.org

“There are billions of people in the world, how can they all fit under twelve star signs.” You say.

Being an Aquarius, I think differently. There are billions of people in the world and we all do fit under the twelve star signs; however we also endure different things in our lives, grow up with different families and friends, grow up in different countries and environments, which ultimately alter the basic traits set out in the star signs we are born under.

“But star signs are so vague – we could all see ourselves like that! I mean, those born under Taurus are not the only stubborn people in the world; just as people born under Libra aren’t the only ones who are trying to live a balanced life.” You stress.

True. I can be stubborn in certain circumstances and I do try to balance life to make it less stressful. However the traits laid out in star signs are traits that each sign magnifies to some degree; therefore, although all people can be stubborn, the theory is that most Taureans can become so obstinate that that is the way they react in situations most of the time. Other star signs in the same situation would probably give a little or manoeuvre around a situation differently. Added to this, as we grow up, we mirror traits we see in role models we take on; so if a parent, sibling or other person we admire demonstrates stubbornness in a situation, we may mirror this until it becomes part of who we are – even if we are not born under Taurus.

“Alright, so what do you think makes you an Aquarius?” You ask.

That’s an easy one – I was born on 28th January.

You roll your eyes at my response and say, “I mean Aquarian traits!”

I smile knowingly.

So what makes me an Aquarius?


By Nathan John on Unsplash

I love having my time to myself, so I can work on things, such as this – my writing. I once had a naturopath say to me: “You would be happy and healthy if you had no one else to worry about in your life.” And it’s probably true. That’s not to say that I do not love my wife and our two beautiful daughters – it just means that I can be independent of most people and still be happy.

I think a lot of people could learn from this trait, as too many people appear to be dependent on others for their happiness (just something to think about).


By Dan Cook on Unsplash

I enjoy a laugh and am quick witted; always having a witty rebuke, whether it’s needed or not. Apparently, many astrology books and sites claim that one of the negative attributes of Aquarius is our sarcasm… Sarcasm is fun and never negative! I use sarcasm a lot in life, as it makes people think… Is he being serious or not? And because I can keep a straight face, sometimes they never know.

I once convinced many of my Grade Prep/1 students that I used to look after sick and injured tigers in my backyard. How did this come about? I was showing my students a photo of myself patting a tiger in Dreamworld (a theme park in Queensland, Australia) and explaining about my holiday there. Then a student, who obviously wasn’t paying much attention, raised his hand and asked “Is that your tiger? I mean, do you have it at home.” I said “Yes” – sarcastically, of course. And the story grew from there. Kids have such great imaginations!


By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I am very friendly. Many times I say “Hi” to people I pass on the streets and my girls ask "Who was that?” and I say “I don’t know, but it never hurts to say hi.” I know it sounds dangerous in this day and age to teach my girls that a friendly hello never goes astray, but I do explain to them when it’s okay to do and when it’s not.

That said, my friendliness has more boundaries now than it did when I was younger (once again, because of events that happened in my life, adjusting my innate trait of friendliness and trust). I can say that I really do not have a lot of time for most people. I make up my mind about whether they are someone I want to pursue a friendship with quite quickly – which may be seen as a bad thing; because I’ll never get to know the real person if I just shut them out straight away; although, as I will never know it, it will never concern me, as I do not get hung up on that stuff.

However, if you do happen to get through my castle walls, you will find a friend for life (unless of course, you break my trust). Contrary to what is written about Aquarius, I do not have a large circle of friends (nor do I want one) – I am happy with my handful of friends that I love and trust. That’s not to say there isn’t any room for more… I have a castle to fill – but you need to be someone I can trust, though you should also know that sometimes I want my castle to myself.


By Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Even though I try my hardest to show I don’t care about people, I actually do (even those that I haven’t let into my castle). With a strong sense of right and wrong, and a need to see fairness and justice in the world, I have often stood up for those that felt they were not strong enough to stand up for themselves. As a teacher (yes – surprise, surprise – I’m in a humanitarian occupation), I have been a voice for students when teachers/principals have pigeon-holed them and decided to blame them for things when I know that they have been innocent of the wrong-doing (even if I really didn’t like the student/s).

They say that one of the traps that we Aquarians fall into is that we think too abstractly about creating a better world, but seldom make them a reality. I can relate to that. It’s possibly why I find myself getting caught up in my writing world. If you have ever read my Dark Heart series (yes, a shameless plug), you would see the changes I think should be made in the world – even if it is a bit on the dark side.


By Thea M. on Unsplash

Being an Air Sign, I am a good communicator. My home is filled with discussions about many and varied things. The television is not always on, as the noise that fills our house is the sound of talk; whether it’s mucking around nonsense or heart-to-heart one-to-one or family parleys; we communicate heavily.

“Ha! Well, if you’re the only Aquarius in your home, then why are all four of you so big into communication?” You exclaim in the hope of victory.

I grin – we’re all Air Signs; my wife and youngest are Geminis and my eldest is a Libra. So there’s always some form of talking emanating through the house.

As I am good at communication, whether vocally or through writing, I am often asked my opinion on various matters. I never seek people out to give advice, but I will always listen and try to help. If I see or sense that someone is in trouble, I will ask if they are OK (and if I sense that someone is in trouble, but do not ask, I will stew on it for some time, before resolving the issue in my mind).

Apparently, a negative Aquarian trait is that we come off tactless and rude, although we never mean to hurt people, we sometimes do with the way we vocalise them. After thinking about this, I don’t see it as negative. I believe in saying things the way they are, as tip-toeing around things or trying to fluff them up to make the other person feel better doesn’t help them in the long run. That said, it’d also depend on the situation, as I adjust my “tactless” commentary for those that deserve a good dose of reality. For example, if you were just starting out in a job and your inability to do it was based on you just trying to find your feet, I would bend towards my humanitarian side and assist you in finding them, encouraging you to realise your ability to do whatever needs to be done. However, if you were just starting out in a job and your inability to do it was based on your laziness or your stuffing around, then I would bend towards my “tactless, dose of reality” side and tell you how it is. It just makes sense.


By Philipp Berndt on Unsplash

My wife kindly puts it as – I’m practical. If I need to go to the shop, it’s because I need something and I go in and buy it, then come home. It’s why I’m in charge of the grocery shopping. I buy what we need and nothing more. The same goes with “things”. Sure, “things” are nice and some of them allow for a bit more comfort, but do we really need them? Usually – no. That’s not to say I’m tight with money, because I’m not. I’m a saver, because I’d rather spend money of holidays, events or various activities – those things are a lot more fun than having to clean up new “things” at home.

I went into teaching, because I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives and I believe I have – it has never been for the overwhelming amounts of money found in education (see that money thing – that’s sarcasm!)


By Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

I get pretty tired of reading about Aquarians being “aloof”. It seems that people that write about Aquarians are probably too boring or unlikeable to be allowed into our friendship circles – so they call us “aloof” because they’re ignored (Only joking… or am I?).

I think this “aloof” tag has come up because we like to be in our own world. I often disappear into my own world in order to write. My wife or children can be talking to me and I won’t answer, simply because my characters are at the forefront of my world at that point in time. I had a lot of problems at the start of my relationship because of this, but almost 24 years later, we’re still happily together, because I am (usually) allowed my time and space to work on my own hobbies (I say usually, because my girls haven’t totally realised that yet). So if that’s me being aloof, then ‘yes’ I’ll accept it – but just know, sometimes it’s not aloof, it’s just I don’t really like someone and I’d rather not waste my energy on them.


By Josh Riemer on Unsplash

Just like anyone, when I put my mind to things, I can do anything. I will claim the intelligence tag, but whether it’s from being an Aquarius or simply because I read a lot and look to learn more, I’m not sure. But, for the purpose of this piece, let’s just say it’s the Aquarius in me, because that puts forward my point of view a lot better.

When I was completing my VCE (aka Year 12, Victorian Certificate of Education or finishing Secondary Schooling), I received an E+ for Mathematics (well, a score equivalent to it). I was never really taken in by Mathematics, because I enjoyed writing, drawing and football (Australian Rules, of course!). However, when I decided to become a teacher, I needed to pass a Mathematics test in order to get into the University course. There was nothing to study, I just had to go in and do it. So I did and I found that I was in the top 2% of people completing the test – there were about three hundred at the place that I was taking the test and probably more around Victoria at the time. I think that might show some sign of intelligence.

But it is not just Mathematical and Literacy intelligence that my Aquarian-enhance brain has mutated – I am quite inventive when the need arises. I cannot say that I’ll build you a rocket that you can take to Mars or wherever in space you want to go nor will I build you a stylish table (unless it’s flat-packed and ready to assemble). However, I have manufactured many a band-aid solution for things that have gone wrong around the home, simply by using my Aquarian intellect and a bit of logic. When part of my muffler fell out from under the car, I strapped it up with cable ties and was able to drive it to the mechanics without any drama. And I’m a big believer that occy-straps (aka bungee straps/cords) can solve most dilemmas; at least for a little while.

About four years back, our refrigerator had broken down, so we called in the repairman to take a look. He told us that the part that we needed would cost as much as a new fridge, so we would be better off buying a new one. Taking the word of our highly trained refrigerator repairer, we went off and bought a new one (we needed it because it was my daughter’s birthday and the cake would disintegrate, not to mention all of the other food in the fridge and freezer). Anyway, as it happened, my logical mind looked at the fridge; as I had to get it ready for the delivery drivers to take away the next day, once they brought in the new fridge; and I thought “it’s pretty dusty back there, maybe I’ll give it a good clean and see if it works”. Let’s just say, our fridge is still working and we now have a second one in the garage to hold any overflow. I know, I didn’t invent anything here, but I demonstrated my logical thinking when it comes to working on things and did better than the highly trained repairman.

Credit: space.com

So, there you have it – my argument for star sign traits actually being something that can be somewhat relied upon, when trying to figure out a person.

“Gee! That’s a lot of thinking,” You say.

What can I tell you? I’m an Aquarius.


About the Creator

Travis Berketa

I am a father. I am a teacher. I am a writer.

I love reading fictional stories and I love writing fictional stories.

I hope you enjoy my contribution to Vocal.

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