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An Intuitive Look at the Sun Signs in Astrology

Air signs: Free, happy, intelligent, and analytical

By Jocelyn Joy ThomasPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

For as long as I can remember I have been an astrology geek. My parents were hippies who fully embraced astrology. My parents used astrology speak regarding all things astrology, sun signs, moon signs, rising signs, charts, relationship compatibility. It was no surprise they had my natal chart framed and proudly hanging on my wall as a child, a gift from one of their friends.

I have been an intuitive reader for many years, not an astrology reader oddly enough. Yet, I love astrology and I noticed that much of the mainstream information out there on zodiac signs is very, basic. Using intuitive abilities, I took a look at each sign, for a more in-depth look at the signs.

Air Signs

Air signs as a whole are thought to be less emotional than they really are. Air signs are actually very heart-centered for the most part. Yes, they have a connection to intellect and analysis but this doesn’t mean they don’t also have a strong heart connection. They usually get along well with other air signs, Libra and Aquarius having a particularly strong match.

There are twelve zodiac signs, for this article I am only focusing on air signs. The water, earth, and fire signs will all be in different articles. When readings sun signs, take into consideration that you have a lot more than one sign. Such as your moon and rising sign. Start by reading about your sun sign but follow up by reading about your moon sign and rising signs.

Gemini the butterfly

Gemini, the sign of the twins, has an angel and devil thing going on. Geminis truly have a deeply caring and altruistic side, but also a more self-interested side. Gemini floats from one thing to another gathering information like a butterfly lands on flowers. That is why I connect them with butterflies, energetically they feel the same. Moving from one person, project, idea, to another.

Geminis likes to delve deep into topics that interest them but when they are satisfied, they are on to something else. They are natural communicators, some do it verbally, others through the written word. They make great observers; they watch and take in people and places better than most.

Geminis have a lot of depth. Astrology books and sites seem to miss that at times. Gemini, like all air signs, has feelings and while they may not wear them on their sleeve like other signs, if a Gem goes quiet it’s either because their feelings are hurt or you haven’t caught their interest long enough for them to stay and talk.

Gemini in love

In love, Geminis might seem fickle. They can wander, they might not communicate how they feel, ironic since they are very good communicators. Many times, they aren’t sure themselves. They like to keep their options open. Gemini’s can be loyal, if you hold their interest and if they are able to have enough space to be themselves.

What might surprise you about Geminis

Far more emotional than people think they are, they run deeper than they let on.

Aquarius the rebel

Never one to take to conformity, and always looking for a different way to do things. There are two types of Aquarius’. The one commonly discussed the gregarious Aquarius type who is the life of the party. Then there is the quieter Aquarius who is less interested in large groups of people and more motivated by connections and insights.

Aquarius, the water bearer is thought of having few emotions, being cold and detached with an analytical mind. There is a drive to help the world at large but people one on one are not as interesting.

While some of this may hold true, I do feel Aquarius’ in general like to help the world or make a difference but the average Aquarius is hardly cold. The same as Gemini, and all the air signs, it is a misconception that air signs don’t run deep. Aquarius spend a lot of time observing, analyzing, and considering things which is why they often like to use the phrase, “I know”.

Aquarius in love

In love, Aquarius’ tend to look too often for someone to fix or care for. There is a strong desire to help make the world a better place and for some Aquarius’ this is channeled through connections with others. No one is more heartbroken than an Aquarius who has given their all to a relationship and found they got little or nothing in return.

Aquarius is stubborn and will be their partner's biggest supporter far longer than most. Yet, after a time if the partner isn’t returning their efforts, Aquarius gets insulted and turns away, for good.

What might surprise you about Aquarius

The devotion, belief, care, and love that they put into those they care for.

Libra the beautiful

Libras are always being told they care about having everything aesthetically pleasing. While Libra absolutely cares about looking good and having nice surroundings this is in no way what they are all about. They have a famous blank stare but don’t be fooled, there’s a lot going on behind their checked-out expression. They may have tuned out from the conversation but they are thinking of things that matter to them.

Libra has a side that is indulgent and even lazy. Not quite as bad as Taurus but close. They have a characteristic laid-back component but they can get wound up. They have a temper, so do tread lightly if a Libra is on a rant. They take a long time to make up their mind but once Libra does, they are very loyal to their decision.

It is well-known that Libra likes fairness but the reason behind this is that they dislike discord even more. Being the sign of the scales of justice, they want balance. They need things to feel safe, measured, reliable. In fact, if a situation is getting tense, Libra will often vacate the premises. They dislike discord that much.

Libra in love

In love, Libra will pull out their classic fence-sitting card a lot of the time. A potential partner might not know where they stand with them and it can be frustrating. To make things worse Libra’s love to flirt so that potential partner might feel as if they are getting sent mixed signals. If a Libra has decided to let someone into their heart, they will know. Libra’s are loyal, affectionate, and kind of velcro when they settle on a partner.

What might surprise you about Libra

They ghost when they are put into a corner, don’t pressure a Libra. They like to do things in Libra time.

This is one story in a series of four, the other three are to come.


About the Creator

Jocelyn Joy Thomas

Writer, spiritual teacher, and travel enthusiast. Enjoying the journey! Join my mailing list and receive a free guide on How to Meet Your Guides in Three Steps!


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