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An exception

Thinking outside of the astrological box

By Cody DunningtonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
An exception
Photo by Patrick Carr on Unsplash

Astrology is such a fascinating thing. It ascribes to you, from the moment of birth, some traits that are yours simply because of when and where you're born! Some people write it off as nonsense. Others let it dictate their every move. Regardless of where you fall in that spectrum, chances are you've done at least some research into what your sign is supposed to say about you. I know I have. My research has led me to several conclusions, but I'll get to those in a minute. First, let's talk about what being a Virgo is supposed to say about me.

To begin, I'm going to discuss the part of being a Virgo, that while I've never liked, I can at least say it applies to me. There are four elemental signs that each of the various astrology signs fit into. Fire, Earth, Air, and Water to be specific. Now Virgo falls into the Earth category, so that's what I'll talk about. Earth signs are meant to be the grounded ones. The ones that speak the truth and keep it real. I'm exactly half of those things. I will keep it real with you, probably to the point of it being a fault. I am not, however, grounded. I have big unrealistic dreams that would make a grounded person balk. I make many decisions that are far from sensible, even though they make perfect sense to me. So maybe I am grounded in my own way.

Now, the other thing about Earth signs is they tend to be a little materialistic. They like to collect things. They'll use these as rewards for themselves. I read all of this and I go me. Just sitting at my desk, I can see some of my numerous collections. Five, if you were curious. Along with this is the persistence to finish projects. This one, is iffy for me. I start a lot of projects, and I'd be a liar if I said that most didn't just sit there collecting dust, completely unfinished. Though I do intend to go back to them, I know the likelihood of that happening is slim to none. So where does that leave me on just one aspect of being a Virgo? Fifty fifty so far, so not great, but not bad.

So, where does that go when I get into the specifics of being a Virgo? Well, it goes all over the place. Virgos are known to be logical. I guess I can say I tend to be logical. Again, this is subjective. I know I do things that others find illogical, but it makes sense to me and gets me to where I need to be. Therefore, I'll claim that one. They are also meant to be practical. Now I know this one doesn't apply to me. I do many many impractical things. Does that mean I'm a bad Virgo?

Another things where I question whether or not I'm a good Virgo is when it comes to being sensible and reasonable. I'll be the first to say that I'll have arguments with my friends where I know I'm losing or in the wrong, but I will not accept reason. I will keep going with it. I guess this is another missed checkmark for being a Virgo for me.

Now one part of being a Virgo that absolutely speaks to me is being a perfectionist. That is something that I am to an almost unfortunate degree. I have so many projects that friends and family have praised that I will never share with the world simply because they aren't good enough. This, however, I will use to highlight one of my conclusions of all of my research. I know, in my heart, that these projects are good and should be shared with the world. It's unreasonable (a not very Virgo-like trait) not to! But here we are, with the perfectionism standing in its way. A paradox of sorts existing within the realm of being a Virgo.

Finally, I'll go into one other aspect of being a Virgo that I know was written about me. You cannot convince me otherwise. That is the need to help. Virgos tend to be helpful, and in practical ways. We want to get up in your business and help in a viewable way. That's so very true. I love helping. I love being recognized for helping people. Maybe it's a little selfish of me, but that's not what this is about.

Where does that leave me? Well, I'm right back at fifty fifty. How strange! It leads me to my biggest conclusion about astrology. I've never been one to like labeling myself, but it's kind of human nature. We like to categorize and label whatever we can. However, I think, when it comes to people, we've bitten off way too much. There are too many things that make up individuals. I think it would be nearly impossible to compartmentalize people with something like astrology. In the grand scheme of things, its twelve categories. That's not a lot of categories for nearly eight billion people on the planet.

I think I like the idea of it as a middle ground to get to find commonalities between one another, but being me, I don't like being boxed in. Just because I'm a Virgo doesn't mean that you, someone who doesn't know me, can feel like you know everything about me. I have aspects from most, if not all of the Zodiac Signs. So while I may have some fun with astrology, I definitely won't let it define me. I'll do that for myself.


About the Creator

Cody Dunnington

Just a 20 something year old with big dreams and access to word processing software.

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