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After the explosion of xinjiang tourism "higher level"

Xinjiang tourism on fire this summer

By Trimble WorkmanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Wang Xiangdong, who has run a special line for tourism for many years, did not expect that xinjiang tourism "fire out of the sky" this summer. On the morning of The 23rd, after seeing off a wave of tourists, he drove to the airport to meet the next wave of tourists. He said: "I hope that after the fire in Xinjiang tourism 'higher'."

"I run a customized tour for small groups, providing 'personal customization' for tourists to experience in-depth Tours." Wang xiangdong said that today's group of four tourists from Jiangsu province are planning to go to Yili, which is at its most beautiful time.

Every year from June to October for the peak tourism season in Xinjiang, but this year the peak tourism season in Xinjiang is more violent. "From July 9 to 13, the Eid al-Adha holiday coincides with the overlapping demands of foreign tourists and local tourists in Xinjiang, which makes people feel that xinjiang is overwhelmed by tourists." Wang Xiangdong told reporters that he received the last wave of tourists, just to catch up with the Eid holiday, people really many.

It is reported that during the five days of Eid al-Adha this year, Xinjiang received a total of 8.8578 million tourists, up 9.84% on a comparable basis. Tourism revenue reached 6.881 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 14.86% on a comparable basis. The latest statistics show that since July, xinjiang has received more than 25 million tourists.

"Group Tours have been hot since last month, and now many guides are too busy to take a rest." A tour guide in Xinjiang said that the railway, civil aviation and highway in Xinjiang have recently opened special tourism lines, attracting tourists from all over the country "to Xinjiang", hotels and b&BS near the popular scenic spots have been booked until mid-August.

Kang Yongxin, operator of The Salimu Lake RV camp, said that since May, salimu Lake has been flooded with guests from Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangdong and other places. The Dragon Boat Festival in June ushered in the first peak, did not expect to enter The Momentum of July, "leaving the guests to leave, new passengers to arrive, until August is full."

"More people is good for us and we want to do our best to provide the best service to our visitors so that they can enjoy, stay and eat better at Lake Salim." Kang yongxin said he hoped xinjiang's tourism would get better and better after the fire.

Industry analysis pointed out that this xinjiang tourism "brush screen type" fire, is both an opportunity and a challenge, but also for the long-term plan. In fact, Over the years, Xinjiang has been committed to building the cultural tourism brand of "Xinjiang is a good place", and constantly improving the tourism infrastructure, and building a supporting service system to meet the needs of the whole region tourism.

Asset-heavy investment in remote areas is really difficult, but asset-light luxury camps have a lot of interest." Zhang Chunming revealed that the rapid recovery of this year's tourism peak, resulting in the explosion of asset-light homestays and camps such investment, its construction is fast, basically invested in that year, then there is a profit. The government encouraged the development of yurts and winter camps, which led to the doubling of the price of courtyard land for farmers and herdsmen.

For example, transportation, once upon a time, xinjiang people's first reaction is how far away. Xinjiang now has 24 civil airports, ranking first among all provinces and cities in China. The length of expressways has exceeded 10,000 kilometers. In terms of railways, the north-south Xinjiang ring line has been formed in the past two years, making it easier to travel in and out of Xinjiang by train.

In this, Wang Xiangdong felt deeply, he said, at the end of last year S21 Urumqi to Altay expressway opened, the two places to shorten the travel time of about 4 hours, so that can leave more time for tourists to play.


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