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Adventures with Ethan

A magical life with my son.. part one

By April LiaoPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
Adventures with Ethan
Photo by Chris Abney on Unsplash

I opened my eyes , slowly waking and readjusting from my slumber . I cried at the thought of getting up . But my alarm said otherwise. It was screaming , “wake up!” , while I was thinking please let me sleep one more moment . I gentle circled my feet and rolled out of my bed. I didn’t want to go to work! Why I’m so tired of this job ! When will all my hard work with everything else pay off ? I keep hearing it’s right around the corner . Adjust your mind and keep a positive state of being . Then I start to think of how they found out the earth core is actually ionic. So much interesting news about space , so many interesting facts of dinosaurs; I could never be bored .

I breathe in and I breathe out I cry and then I wake up my beautiful son. “Ethan dear , please wake up it’s time to get ready for school.” He grovels , won’t get up and asks to stay home . I think in my head I wish I could go to another world . I’m so tired of this reality. Then I remember if I did yoga I would remember how blissful life is . “Ethan wake up we need to leave in 10 minutes.” “You need to get up and brush your teeth.” Can I sleep one more minute . So I let him. Then we both get up put on our coats and shoes. And head to the school. This year has been tough . A lot of change . A lot of exhaustion. A hard but beautifully exhausting experience where god blessed us more frequently than I could comprehend . Where beautiful, kind women , like my case worker exists. A world where love reigns and peace is the objective . Thank you god . Thank you for my gifts. Thank you for my soul and thank you for my renewed hope. I slowly go to get my cup and make a cup of coffee while we slowly walk down the streets in our new town for school. I sigh; leaving my son at school is my least favorite type of day . In my perfect world Ethan would be with me everyday. We would go play at universal and Disney. We would drink Starbucks everyday and live our beautiful life out. We would never be without and always able to help others in need. I spend my days dreaming of Chanel bags and love and lemons clothing . I dream of my dream body which I’m sure I’ll cultivate through blogilates and hiit workouts . I’ll shine through yoga and have peace and bliss everyday .

I dream of rainy days and is having matching rain coats and stomping in muddy puddles with Ethan smiling . This beautiful boy this beautifully, wonderfully, amazing child who doesn’t even realize how beautiful he is . How kind he is and how magical he is . I’m so excited for the day when he see’s his own magic . When he see’s what I mean when I tell him Harry Potter is real. We went from a family to homeless. From homeless to transitional housing and our future mansions in California and Orlando . Hopefully one in T town too. A home in New York too . Thank you god for my creativity . Thank you god for who I am . I love you . I love me too .

I put on the sugar plum fairy and dream of being a ballerina . I point my toes and plié . I spin and smile and gracefully twirl . Then I get to work missing Ethan isn’t easy I always cry when I drop him off . I dream of days where I homeschool am too rich to worry and me and him are pinky out smiling and are living our best life . “Dear god , please send me some inspiration .” I say it like guido in life is beautiful while calling myself princepessa and then take a shower . I read some of the news on space and then it’s time to do my podcast and learn to do new things . Eight income streams how about 10 or 12 .

How about I add professional ballerina and artist to the list and curtesy while I’m painting a photo on maya angalou. God bless her in this life and the long lasting impressions of her and her beauty . The Beauty of Martin Luther king to have a dream . And for Harriet Tubman to risk her life to take slaves to safety. The bravery to stand up for what is right even when everything was telling her not to . The beauty of the pure spirit not being able to be told what to do . Good bless people and their struggles and pain and hope and the fight to do what had to be done to make a change .

“God bless this girl I’m going to be a millionaire , Billionaire , And Trillionaire.” God give me the strength to keep going please . “God I need you to heal and renew me so I can make it .” Help me make it to my dream life I pray and cry . I listen to londrelle in my blue skull candy headphones . And try and get back to a state of gratitude . I write a story and watch a webinar on affilate marketing and cry some more . Thinking about the life that was and how distant it is . How it’s been seven months since I lived in my pink two story home . And ate fruits all morning . Thinking of my cats and my dogs . And remember where they aren’t . I think of the hairs that would stick up on my nanos head and how he’d say mom when he was looking for me .

How is it 1:40 already I grab all my things and go walk to pick up Ethan. The only time my smile is as big as the sky . I’m sad when my soul misses him. I look at his cute little glasses and beautiful face . His cute hair and birth mark right above his mouth . Almost as tall as me at nine and there couldn’t be a more precious human . Wanting to go to Starbucks I almost cry but know soon it will happen. Me and Ethan merrily getting a venti peach green tea and my beverage of choice six extra shots of espresso .

Thank god for Starbucks thank god for espresso. Over 1k words in my story and I felt like today was a pretty fruitful day. I look on chuu and Korea and dream of owning everything. Dreaming of my Asian boutique and my vegan buffet . And putting so many beautiful things together and helping so many people . I can’t wait to make other people who are struggling feel happy. I see it already tables with all my friends we are all hanging out and handing out free food . Handing out toys for kids and making people gain hope in their trying times. I looked to the side perplexed . “Ethan my dear do you see this ?” His eyes grew huge he saw what I saw too . Stomping down the street with pink polka dots was a dinosaur . I couldn’t believe it that really surprised me . Then I saw two teradactyles fly by . Then a long necked dinosaur poked its head out through the trees . What could be next . I was so excited I didn’t know what to think . “Ethan did we really just see that?” We walked to the Burger King to get two impossible whoppers and were muching on the fries . While slowly galavanting down the street . “Can you imagine us living in a fancy hotel at the theme parks and getting endless vegan food free.” “Yes Ethan like sandwiches and burritos and vegan cheese rolls .” “That sounds perfect to me too.” What a day and what a life . What an amazing abundance . When we get back we would go to the vegan market . We will get some of everything they have . What a world to live in . I just can’t stop smiling anymore . Dinosaurs walking around with people I have officially stepped into a new world . Little baby raptors were cuddling with their moms . They weren’t violent like we were told .

I am so excited for what else will come . We got the Uber and took it to the black radish grocer. We got banana bread and cookies with delicious deli sandwiches . We also got four doughnuts . I was so excited they had the vegan pizza rolls . I got the new impossible sausages and we got the burgers and fancy vegan cheese . We got cupcakes and happiness all I had to do was just believe . Thank you so much god for the opportunity to get this abundance . We spent five hundred dollars on groceries and ubered it back . The wait was so worth it . Then we went to sprouts and got vegan luncheon meat and pizza pockets and delicious homemade bread . We watched so many movies we laughed and laughed . Then we went outside for a adventure and that’s when our life changed . There was a man who was lanky but kind in nature. He gave us a smile. He handed me a envelope and said with the biggest smile, “You deserve this.” It was a envelope full of money . I said “Wait sir .” He ran off . Still smiling so big . Just when I was so excited about my food stamps he gave me this huge gift . He was smiling still he had huge blue eyes and wavey blonde hair . He ran so fast I said ,”Thank you so much.” The money added up so quick I didn’t want to count. So I put it in my backpack and we kept walking. We went to target and got backpacks and filled the backpacks with everything you could need and handed them out . We bought food and handed it out outside . Everyone was so happy they gave us a wave . A surprise was in the back pack a target gift card with 100 $ in each . There were kids riding on the dinosaurs by now without any fear . We walked by a tree and saw a giant egg . It had to be for a dinosaur I wonder which one it held . It was so big I could only guess the dinosaur would be huge too. It had a really thick shell with green dots and it was baby blue . I couldn’t wait to see what hatches . Ethan was excited too. There were cute cats everywhere and dogs too . We gave them air kisses and one let me hold them . We saw so many we decided to get treats and food with some little water bowls . Then I saw something dart past . It was so beautiful it was pink with purple stars on its body and it had big horn with glitter on it . It was a real unicorn I saw one pink, one white , one mint , and one magenta . “I knew it was real I said so loud .” Ethans grin was the best smile I ever saw . We got some vegan ice cream and Taco Bell the Taco Bell is the best here . The restaurants here always get our order right. We ate it outside on the sidewalk . Then we saw a huge body of water and inside it were mermaids the water had a feeling I knew something special was inside . They were beautiful . The energy I could see it coming out of their chest to mine . It was a pink light for one and it went directly to my chest. The mermaid was blue haired and she had green eyes like a emerald . And they glowed too . I started to feel dizzy and needed to sit down what a magical thing to see so we walked home . I couldn’t wait to see them again maybe next time I would talk. We walked and the clouds turned to that of cotton candy . Purple pink and orange the road turned pink and glittered too . Everyone was smiling and looked so happy. There were people with food trucks selling vegan food and a new little Tokyo too. I couldn’t wait to go and look through but Ethan was tired so we kept walking home. I could smell vegan bao and realized there was a China town too . It made me so happy all my dreams were coming true .

There were lanterns hanging down and beautiful cherry blossoms I could smell them in the air. Soap suds and fresh laudry coming from homes . It smelled like tide and snuggle. The sun was especially bright this day . Just like ethan it made my soul sing . It was a lot to see but very exciting I wonder what other new things we will see . We made it home to our shetler apartment . Lit a brand new candle . I bleached and cleaned and wrote some in a story . Then cuddled my son . We ate vegan food we got at the store it was so delicious we decided to eat more . We had tiramisu cheesecake and beyond mini calzones . Then we worked out together we built a new routine together . We did hiit and taebo we did Pilates too and yoga . Then I realized we had money so the next day we would go out and get clothes . We painted our toes and nails put on nice cuticle oil. We went out because we decided we deserved some new pajamas . I order cable and a brand new phone at Verizon . With unlimited everything one for me and one for ethan. We pranced and smiled and waved at everyone we saw . There was a ktown too and a Vietnam too . After we ate again we had more energy too. I saw vegan jian bing and delicious vegan soup bao. We got some of each . Ethan picked out a vegan spaghetti and vegan cheese rolls like at Taco Bell. We kept jumping and dancing and having some fun . It was so happy and a fun time . We walked home happily and then we decided it was time for a rest . We held eachother and held hands and then we closed our eyes .


About the Creator

April Liao

Greetings and salutations ,

I am April I’m 31 years old , and I have a wide array of interests .

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