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Absolute Success is Luck.

How a Relative Success is Hard Work

By Well BucksPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-celebrating-at-the-office-7793999/

Absolute Success is Luck. Relative Success is Hard Work

How A Relative Success is Hard Work

The relationship between success, luck, and hard work is a complex and debated topic. While it is true that luck can play a role in achieving absolute success, it is not the sole determining factor. Similarly, while hard work is crucial for relative success, other factors can also contribute to it. Let's explore these concepts further.

Absolute success refers to achieving the highest level of accomplishment in a particular field or endeavor. Luck can indeed play a part in absolute success. Some individuals may stumble upon favorable circumstances or opportunities that propel them to great heights. They may be at the right place at the right time or encounter influential people who open doors for them. These serendipitous events can undeniably contribute to absolute success.

However, it would be inaccurate to claim that absolute success is solely dependent on luck. Even when luck plays a role, it is often the culmination of various factors, including preparation, skill, and perseverance. Individuals who are well-prepared and possess the necessary skills have a greater chance of capitalizing on lucky breaks when they come their way. Moreover, they are more likely to recognize and seize opportunities, turning them into successes.

On the other hand, relative success refers to achieving success in comparison to others or within a specific context. Hard work is a fundamental aspect of relative success. It involves dedicating oneself to continuous improvement, honing skills, and putting in sustained effort. Those who work hard tend to develop expertise and increase their chances of achieving their goals.

While hard work is vital, relative success also depends on factors beyond individual effort. Social and economic circumstances, access to resources and opportunities, and the support network available can significantly influence one's relative success. Two individuals with similar levels of hard work may experience different outcomes due to disparities in these external factors.

Photo by Kampus Production: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cheerful-multiethnic-students-having-high-five-with-teacher-5940841/

It is important to recognize that the concepts of absolute and relative success are not mutually exclusive. Both luck and hard work can contribute to success, and their influence can intertwine in various ways. Some individuals may attribute their success primarily to hard work, overlooking the role of luck, while others may overstate the importance of luck and downplay the significance of hard work.

While this statement may hold some truth in certain cases, it oversimplifies the complex factors that contribute to success. Success is typically influenced by a combination of various elements, including luck, hard work, talent, opportunities, perseverance, and external circumstances.

1. Luck: Luck can certainly play a role in success. Chance encounters, fortunate circumstances, or being in the right place at the right time can sometimes provide opportunities that lead to success. However, relying solely on luck without any effort or preparation is unlikely to lead to sustainable success.

2. Hard work: Hard work and dedication are essential components of achieving success. Putting in the necessary effort, investing time and energy, setting goals, and consistently working towards them are important factors that contribute to both absolute and relative success.

Talent and skills: Natural abilities, talents, and acquired skills also play a significant role in success. While some individuals may have innate talents that give them an initial advantage, honing those skills through practice and continuous improvement is crucial to achieving success.

3. Opportunities and external factors: Success is influenced by external factors such as access to resources, educational opportunities, supportive networks, mentors, and socio-economic conditions. These factors can impact an individual's ability to succeed and should be taken into account when considering success.

It is important to recognize that success is subjective and can vary from person to person. What may be considered success for one individual might differ for another. Furthermore, the definition of success can evolve and change over time as personal goals and aspirations evolve.

In conclusion, while luck and hard work both contribute to success, it is overly simplistic to assert that absolute success is solely a result of luck, and relative success is solely a result of hard work. Success is a multifaceted outcome influenced by a combination of factors, and individuals often need a blend of luck, hard work, talent, and favorable circumstances to achieve their goals.

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About the Creator

Well Bucks

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