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A Capricorn Christmas

"It is what it is and it ain't nothin' else."

By Maureen Kellar-KirbyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
A Capricorn Christmas
Photo by Lynda Hinton on Unsplash

You can spot a Capricorn a mile away and you'll remember them by what they say. Quotes like "It is what it is" which means, take whatever life throws at you, accept it and make the best of it because "it ain't nothing else" . You don't have to be born under the Sun in Capricorn to have a combo of planets in that sign. They'll still make their influence felt with their matter of fact, practical, earthy outlook.

They admire and are the workaholics, the honest nine to fivers who ride the sardine can train commuting home day by day, paying bills, shouldering responsibility, working their way up the ladder. My brother, a Capricorn, took notice when I once secured a good job at City Hall and offered to help me "dress for success". That's so typical of Capricorn. It's all about success or the lack of it which is the stuff of their nightmares. God forbid if life finds you down and out on the streets for lack of "a work ethic or self-indulgent habits which could have been corrected". Accidental misfortunes are another story. They aren't without a heart or sympathy if the situation warrants it. If you don't mind their eternally pessimistic outlook on life you'll do well to have one in your life because they can ground you.

It's the real world they're after and they're not much interested in anything beyond it. It's the toys and luxuries they like - the trips to Mexico, the RV in the driveway, the hot tub in the backyard. They don't miss a detail when they visit you, searching for indications that you've prospered in the past year or haven't. Not that they're snobs - just realists. They like to display their success because, damn it, they worked long hours to get it and if they did it why can't you?

Christmas on December 25th is always reborn under the Sun in Capricorn every year. While Scrooge represents the qualities of selfishness, miserliness and desire for position, Elvis Presley, who was also a Capricorn, exuded some of the best qualities of ambition, charisma and success. Who doesn't love a winner? A lot of them spend a lifetime in the spotlight involved in their careers and wouldn't have it any other way.

Yes it's a Capricorn Christmas and this Christmas Sun in Capricorn is mildly satisfied and even a little interesting. Both Sun and Mercury are harmonious to Uranus (trine) and step into the limelight willingly. A baby born at this time might even inherit position through family or have the talent to build a business up from the ground. These are pretty good vibes to be born under or for the rest of us to live through. The Moon in Virgo on that day is comfortable with the Sun so there's bound to be conversation about work, health, jobs and future ambitions.

Moon- Mercury-Venus-Jupiter in Capricorn

Moon - your mother was ambitious for you. Mercury - besides being a bit depressed, you'll learn what you need to if it means keeping your job - Venus - if you're going to love, how about an older man or someone going places, preferably successful with money in the bank? Here is Daddy's little girl and the son who finds favor with Dad. Jupiter? You're an ambitious workaholic who makes a habit of long hours and career related training so job opportunities abound for you. Problem is, you're never home!

Mars - Saturn- Uranus in Capricorn - Neptune - Pluto

Mars - think before you act and act if it means money in the bank and leads to success eventually. Mars in Capricorn can be really ambitious if they think it's worth the effort. Saturn - you don't have what it takes or there are obstacles on the way to success, sometimes even hardships and the lack of a father figure. On the plus side, father stands by and guides you all the way and you have a really strong relationship. Uranus - You have these really nifty business ideas that pan out because your're a natural born entrepreneur. Neptune - well who doesn't dream of becoming rich and famous? - Pluto - be careful not to use power to your advantage. The business world can make or break you. Make sure everything you do is ethical and satisfies your conscience.

But this Christmas with that tight square (negative) between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius, is surrounded by an air of uncertainty. This configuration gives high tension and sometimes accidents and unpleasant surprises. When your security is swept away there's not much left to depend on.

It's okay to feel nervous under these vibrations. Later, in 2022 this influence will have passed. Yes, it's due to Covid but also to a lot of other things - this instability - climate change, floods, fires, tornadoes, all sorts of situations. Under these vibrations material things, money and assets, can disappear. It will teach us how to plan for emergencies and rebuild in a better way as well as respect for the environment. Those born at this time will have a rebellious side that turns everything upside down even when things are going smoothly. Maybe they attract disasters in order to learn how to successfully emerge from them. Others, without this configuration, shake their heads and go about their uneventful mundane lives. Uranus is never boring.

Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius will mean that a lot of people will be on the move, despite Covid restrictions. Travel will be in the news and the airports will be crowded. With a nice sextile to Saturn and Jupiter things move along quickly, well organized for the most part. This won't be the way when Mars squares Neptune later in January.

With Jupiter and Saturn both in Aquarius right now, it's all about friends, or the lack of them. You've got a lot of aquaintances but just a few that you might trust and it's crucial that you pick the right ones because "a friend in need is a friend indeed". Karma will bring people into your life that either save your life or could destroy it. People and politics, science and technology entice. You may make a living out of them.

What there will be this Christmas is a feeling of faith, deep love and trust (Venus conjunct Pluto sextile Neptune) and a feel for the spiritual. It's a bit of magic despite the shifting sands. We come away feeling that angels really do exist!


About the Creator

Maureen Kellar-Kirby

Maureen Kellar-Kirby, author of "Go Back Jack" and "The Leprechaun Who Was Not a Mouse" - Total Recall Press - movie scripts "Go Back Jack", "Jimi's Last Poem" and "Idiot House" with music soundtracks. https://www.maureenkellar.com.

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