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6 Characters In 'LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga' That Point To 'The Clone Wars' DLC

We May Be Seeing Them Again Real Soon

By Culture SlatePublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Any Star Wars fan with a voracious appetite will have seen 2008's Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. It is also safe to assume you are playing the new LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and wondering where Ahsoka and Ventress are. It has been eleven years since LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars came out and now that The Clone Wars series has ended, it would be a good time for a follow-up installment by way of a new DLC for The Skywalker Saga. These six playable characters in the new LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga all have a larger role in The Clone Wars animated series. Therefore, we can see them appearing in a Clone Wars-focused DLC in the future.

6. Captain Roos Tarpals

In The Phantom Menace, we met captain Tarpals in Otoh Gunga when he confronted Jar Jar about bringing in outsiders. He also made an appearance at the Battle of Naboo, helping Jar Jar survive until the battle was won. In The Clone Wars, he led the Gungan reinforcements at the Battle of Mon Cala in the season four episode “Gungun Attack” and ultimately gave his life to ensure General Grievous’s capture in “Shadow Warrior.”

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5. Poggle The Lesser

The leader of Geonosis during the Clone Wars appeared in both Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. He was both a major fixture and a background character in The Clone Wars. Beginning with the season 2 episode "Senate Spy," he is seen in the background talking with Senators Rush Clovis and Lott Dodd about a loan. He would have a much bigger part in the Second Battle of Geonosis and when he fled into the ancient Progate Temple to the Geonosian queen’s secret chamber. After his capture, he was interrogated by Anakin using less-than-Jedi-approved techniques. 

4. Shaak Ti

Despite her brief appearances in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, and her two deleted scenes involving different circumstances surrounding her death, Shaak Ti was quite the important Jedi in the Clone Wars era. During most of the animated series’ run, she was seen working alongside the cloners of Kamino. She took a special interest in Domino Squad, which included fan-favorite Echo and Fives. Later on, she would play a central part in the final days of Fives’ life, helping him figure out why his friend and brother Tupp had gone rogue and killed a Jedi Master on the battlefield. 

3. Commander Gree

We first met CC-1004 or Commander Gree when Padme and Jar Jar captured Nute Gunray on Rodia. He was tasked with escorting the viceroy back to Coruscant for trial. Sadly, there was a mole aboard the escort ship and Nute Gunray escaped. Gree also made another appearance in the Second Battle of Geonosis under the command of the combined Jedi Forces. This would be the last time we see the commander in Star Wars. In the final hours of the Clone Wars and Order 66, he would try to kill Master Yoda, which was no small task.

2. Barriss Offee

Like many other entries on this list, Barriss’s appearance on film was during the arena sequence in Attack of the Clones. However, she had quite the story in The Clone Wars. She befriended Ahsoka Tano during the Second Battle of Geonosis when they were both sent to infiltrate the new droid foundry Later in the season 2 episode "Brain Invaders," Ahsoka was forced to choose whether to defend herself by killing Barriss when she was possessed by the Geonosian brain worms. Instead, Ahsoka did what she did best and searched for a way to save her friend’s life. Sadly, during the final arc of the fifth season, Barriss was no longer the same young Jedi we met earlier. She now believed that the Jedi Order had lost its way, and tried to bomb the Jedi Temple, framing the act on Ahsoka. Were it not for Anakin's keen intuition and belief in his Padawan Barriss might have gotten away with it. Lucky for fans, Anakin uncovered Barriss’s plot and turned her in, saving Ahsoka from wrongful imprisonment. 

1. Mama The Hutt

In the number one spot, we have what I am calling the strongest argument towards more Clone Wars content in the latest LEGO Star Wars video game. Mama the Hutt only had one appearance in the season 3 episode titled "The Hunt For Ziro." She was the mother of Ziro the Hutt and the grandmother of Jabba the Hutt. Mama was one of the largest Hutts we have seen yet. A native of the beautiful jewel Nal Hutta, Mama gave her son her starship after famously remarking, "Figures you don't call for years and turn up in the middle of dinner." She did not seem to have much love for her son, immediately revealing Ziro’s whereabouts to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quilan Vos.

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Written By James E. Cockrum

Source(s): GamesRadar+, Wookieepedia

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