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16 details of what a company must do in its work

Details make the difference between success and failure

By Clemmens CroftonPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
16 details of what a company must do in its work
Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

1, punctuality, not late

This is the basic quality of young people who are starting in the workplace, and it is a red line that should not be crossed easily. Some people don't take tardiness seriously when they are in school, and they are used to being rambunctious, so they also have the same style after they go to work. It's not that bad to be late for a few minutes even if you are busy or have something to do, but the main thing is that you don't make a habit of it and you don't take it seriously. From the perspective of being a human being, punctuality is a virtue, and not being punctual is disrespectful and a waste of other people's time; from the perspective of doing something, punctuality is a proper working attitude, and people who are not punctual can hardly be trusted by their leaders and teams.

2、Report in person

When you need to ask the leader for advice, you must report in person if you can, and not on the phone as much as possible. Especially when the leader is in the office, but you do not even move, fuck the phone on the call, and the other party will resent it. Face-to-face reporting can have face-to-face communication, to facilitate the communication of views, the leadership to make decisions also need time to think, the phone can not carry this task unless it is a question-and-answer type.

3、Private leave should be in advance

Because of personal matters to the superior time off, as far as possible to advance, special circumstances also need to make a phone call. "Leave" itself means "request, give leave" with two meanings, you ask, others give, and the procedure can not be wrong. Never, do not send a text message to simply inform, and do not preempt, such as "I have to go out tomorrow" such as leaving a text message, this is not left, this is a notice. The leader does not agree to it, people have bought the tickets, and the leader agrees to it, honestly, there is a feeling of being kidnapped, not to mention that sometimes the work really can not be arranged. Some people do not realize that they do not do it properly, when the leader does not give leave he will feel that the leader is not humane, play power, and feel persecuted.

The right working environment

4, keep the phone off or vibrate during the meeting

5、Hang up the phone after

When you are on the phone with a leader, wait a little bit before hanging up the phone, let the other party hang up first, and then you hang up. Do not hang up the phone immediately and quickly, it is a kind of courtesy. If you don't believe it, you can experience it yourself, after others and you talk, and so on your last word just fall sound, and the phone immediately hangs up, that feeling is particularly uncomfortable.

6、Close the door gently

Don't slam the door hard when you come out of the office or meeting room, but use your hand to gently cover the door. This is small can not be a small thing, but there are really a lot of people who ignore it, sometimes this side of the meeting, some people out on the phone, on the toilet, do not know the door, but casually so a fling, bang, people side-eye. When you leave someone's office, you should also be careful to close the door lightly, especially in summer when the windows are open and there is a breeze, you think you are not making an effort, but when the wind is blowing, the force is great. People's cultivation is more reflected in the tiny details, reflected in the modesty of the people around and care.

7、Be light on your feet

In a quiet environment, such as a meeting or during office hours, female colleagues must be careful not to make too much noise from their high heels when walking. If the shoes are loud, it is best to consciously lighten your steps and walk on tiptoe a little. Some young people are so inattentive that they walk in silence with their heads held high and their heels making a clicking sound. In addition, the meeting in the middle of the exit, late or early exit from the back door, try not to shake in front of people target a lot.

8, newcomers to adapt quickly

Newcomers to the workplace identity, need to have a degree of psychological adaptation, from their own identity as a student, the identity of the manager, to a position with the social attributes of independent adults. Some fresh graduates are used to being good children, good boys, and girls, with their parents taking care of everything, and they work with the same attitude, always waiting for others to urge them on, not being good at arranging their plans and lacking a sense of initiative. You should always remind yourself that you are an independent person and should complete your part of the work independently and be responsible for the results, don't always expect others to understand you, take you as a child and give you special treatment, the consequence of that is the loss of the opportunity to be valued.

9. Admit your mistakes first, explain later

In the workplace, make a mistake is found, admit it first, and then tell the reason. Some young people, once they are found to have made a mistake at work, always keep emphasizing their reasons, objective reasons, and the mistakes of others, I understand their feelings, mistakes, fear of criticism, and fear of leaving a bad impression on the leadership. But the problem is that such an attitude is precisely what the leaders resent most, think you are shirking your responsibilities and avoiding them.

10, dare to show their true self

Some people just set foot in the workplace, the workplace interpersonal relationships are complex, there will be a fear of their timid mentality, may behave cautiously. This is also true, but it is not good to always try to do everything right, to always want others to see the good and not the bad. Psychologically speaking, those who are overly oily and very guarded in front of themselves all the time are not enough people to trust. It is not good to be too perfect, but too fake. Young people will make mistakes, and as long as they are serious and honest, mistakes are also the beginning of progress.

11、Results are the most important thing

Many young people are new to the workplace and are prone to make a type of mistake: they are not responsible for the result of a job or thing assigned by their superiors, but for the process. For example, in tomorrow's meeting, the leader put you in charge of notification, but the next day people are not together, he asked you what happened, but you do not know, "anyway, all sent a text message", he asked again, you said the other party did not return the text message, that is, in the case of unclear each other is not received or something can not come you will not pursue. This "you let me do, I will do, as for the results and I have nothing to do" misconception must be noted to overcome, behind this or an immature state of mind, think work is done for others, they are a passive commitment. Doing something is not the goal, doing it well and doing it best is the goal.

This point is easy to ignore for many people, for example, sometimes the leadership to a document forwarded to you to implement, you receive the document after a long time without a letter, and he does not know if you can implement it, how to implement, there is no difficulty, the leadership will have to go to you to ask yourself. Some things are implemented down the layers, the big leaders arrange for small leaders, small leaders arrange for specific staff, and in turn, are also responsible for the layers, the big leaders will look for small leaders to ask for the results, and will not directly look for specific personnel to ask, so timely feedback, grasp the progress is very important. Urgent work to immediate feedback, not urgent work to choose the appropriate time node on the feedback.

12、People can not replace the principle of work

Pay attention to the division of labor and personal responsibilities of the department, and do not use favors to replace the principles of work. For example, you are transferred from department A to department B, department A organization meeting busy, looking for your help, you are thinking that we get along well, the department should cooperate, and went. Although the leader of department B did not say anything, if you are using your spare time to help, no problem, but working hours, and you are no longer in that department, you should go through the formal channels of communication between the department and the department, rather than you take the initiative yourself. As a person in the workplace, the work time, can not be completed by feelings and preferences, the boundaries must be there.

Some young people just go to work, see who are seniors, who are bigger than their officials, so who instructed himself to go, who arranged work are dry, completely without the boundaries of proportion. Such a result is not pleasing to the eye, you should know that people attached to different departments have different leadership and division of labor, you are this department, should be under the management of this department, the implementation of the work of this department, other leaders and then big, public affairs should also be and your direct leadership to say hello.

14、Everything cannot be taken for granted

It must be personally checked and corroborated by yourself. This point is easily overlooked because people have thinking inertia, "I think it should be so". There are many mistakes caused by taking things for granted at work, especially among young people who are new to the workplace, and many things are complicated and complicated, so it is easy to run out of rules and regulations and rely on one's very limited experience to deal with them, neglecting to check and test them.

15, work must be careful, pay attention to the distinction of responsibility

For example, the leader felt that there was data quite right, and asked to fill out the form, For the original data you did not have time to find a specification person in charge, so they made up a. This kind of thing in the key core departments is firmly not allowed, once the problem is, the responsibility is all on you. You might even feel aggrieved and say that if you ask them, they might have made it up too. Even if they makeup, you have to let the specific responsible business sector they makeup, you are only responsible for the submission, the real problem is not your responsibility.

16, positive conversation

Treat leaders and colleagues, develop the habit of positive conversation and answer questions, and do not often use rhetorical questions or set up questions, which have the meaning of aggression and resistance, especially likely to attract resentment. For example, if the leader asks you, "Did you inform so-and-so of the meeting?" You say, "I informed the head of his office, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?" This answer is particularly called a blockage, you mean you did not notify me, or ninformedthe office director, you are right, but the leader's question is to ask this matter, and not blame you, you so clear yourself, but played a counterproductive role.

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About the Creator

Clemmens Crofton

An eye for an eye thought for an obsession.

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