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What Are Hump Sex Toys?

Hump toys 101

By DingfooPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Hump Sex

For many of us, especially individuals with vulvas, humping and grinding often served as our initial encounter with sexual pleasure and orgasm. Activities like grinding and dry humping frequently played a central role in the early stages of many people's exploration of partnered sex. These activities pose no risk of pregnancy, have a reduced risk of STI transmission, and don't necessarily require removing clothes.

Unfortunately, as we grow older and engage in a broader range of sexual activities, the simplicity of grinding and humping may fade into the background. However, forward-thinking sex toy manufacturers like Dingfoo are on a mission to revive this underappreciated form of sexual expression.

What is “Humping?”

"Humping" involves rubbing your genitals against something, be it a pillow, the arm of a sofa, or a part of your partner's body. It can provide intense pleasure and, for many individuals, is a reliable path to orgasm. Some use humping as foreplay, a warm-up, or as a prelude to other forms of sexual activity and masturbation, while for others, it takes center stage.

Despite its versatility and erotic appeal, why has this wonderful act been historically overlooked in the realm of sex toys? This is where hump toys come into play.

What Are Hump Toys?

Hump toys, also referred to as grinding toys or hump and grind toys, are external sex toys crafted for the purpose of rubbing against your genitals. While they are usually designed with pleasure for vulvas and clitorises in mind, many of them can also be enjoyed by individuals with a penis.

Types of Hump Toys

Hump toys come in various forms. Some feature a hole, allowing them to be worn around a penis or dildo during penetrative sex, providing additional clitoral stimulation—often essential for many individuals with vulvas to reach orgasm.

Other hump toys are equipped with straps for attachment to surfaces or body parts, offering diverse possibilities. This ranges from adding extra stimulation while grinding against a partner to transforming a regular household surface into a makeshift sex toy.

Many hump toys boast different textures, offering a variety of sensations and intensity levels. They may include ridges, bumps, waves, bubbles, soft spikes, and more. Additionally, some hump toys incorporate vibration, either through internal motors or space for removable bullet vibrators.

How Can I Use Hump Toys?

Sex toys possess the delightful quality of flexibility—while designed with a particular purpose in mind, there's no strict rulebook. As long as you prioritize safety and have consent from all parties involved, feel free to use your toys in any way that brings pleasure!

Hump toys, with their wonderful versatility, provide a vast array of options for individuals, whether single or in a partnership, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The possibilities extend across the spectrum of gender and sexual diversity.

Here are just a few enjoyable ways to explore the use of hump toys and get you started on your journey.

Masturbate with them

Exploring various ways to masturbate with a hump toy is an exciting journey—whether lying face-down on your bed with it beneath you, attaching it to a surface like a pillow, or simply holding it in your hand and using it for stimulation.

Experiment, try different approaches, and pay attention to what feels pleasurable. Let your body guide the experience.

Incorporate Them into Cybersex, Sexting, Camming, or Erotica Writing

Hump toys prove ideal for positioning underneath you while sitting at your computer. Whether you're immersed in writing (or reading) erotica or partaking in a bit of digital sensual chat, utilizing a hump toy allows for self-stimulation through rhythmic body movements against the toy.

If you engage in online sex work like camming (or simply enjoy it for fun), your hump toy can also serve to arouse and entertain your audience while keeping your hands free for other activities.

Strap One to Your Partner's Thigh

Experiencing the intense pleasure of grinding against your partner's leg during kisses or make-out sessions can be incredibly erotic. To elevate the sensation, consider strapping a Grind Pad to their thigh. This allows you to enjoy the closeness of your bodies, heightening arousal and satisfaction, while both partners have their hands free for touching, holding, stroking, teasing, or tickling.

Unleash Your Creativity!

When it comes to using hump toys, your desires and imagination are the only limits. If you have a fantastic idea for using one that we haven't covered, go ahead and explore!


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