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Ultimate care plan

The best care I ever recieved

By Alan barkerPublished 3 years ago 17 min read
Image taken from Pixabay

About 3 years ago I had a motorbike accident, I broke both my wrists, my left forearm, dislocated my shoulder, broke a leg and 3 ribs. I spent about 5 days in the hospital before being sent home to recover because they needed the bed space, I was still in a lot of pain and couldn't use my hands so I need to have careers come in 3 times a day. They would come in the morning and help me get washed and breakfast sorted out, they would come at around midday and sort out some lunch for me and then they would come in the even and help me get washed and ready for bed.

After about 2 weeks of this one of the careers, Alice came in during a morning visit and noticed my moods had gone right down, I put it down to the fact that I was no able to do much for myself, she said that was understandable but didn't want me getting depressed and doing anything stupid because before long I would be up and about back to my old self. I reassured her that I would do anything stupid, I was just feeling a little down.

That evening she was back to help me get ready for bed, I did the usual routine of hobbling my way to the bathroom and sitting on the edge of the bath while the career removed my trousers and boxers, at first this was a little embarrassing but by now I had kind of got used to it, they never seemed to stare, they just did what they had to do and got on with it.

Alice ran a bowl of water, grabbed a flannel and started washing my feet then making her way up my legs until she reached my private area, which I was trying to cover as best I could but it was no good, she could see everything.

“There's no need to be embarrassed,” she told me.

“Trust me I've seen it all before, you're normal, nothing to worry about” she reassured me and I moved my hand out of the way so she could give me a good wash down there.

She gently lifted my penis with her gloved fingers and gave it a gentle wash all around it and round my balls and just underneath.

“Is everything ok down there?” she asked looking up at me.

“Erm… yes I think so, why?” I replied.

“It's just your balls seem quite swollen, do they hurt at all?” she asked

“They ache a little bit but don't hurt,” I told her wondering what she was getting at.

She leaned back and as she did I couldn't help but look right down her shirt. I had not been able to watch porn because I couldn't change the channels on the tv, let alone browse the net.

“Oh, I see,” she said with a grin.

She had caught me trying to sneak a peek, I hadn't meant to but I just couldn't help myself.

“When was the last time you ejaculated,” she asked.

I was shocked, I had no idea what to say but I thought I would just tell the truth.

“I don't know,” I told her honestly because I couldn't, I hadn't been able to do it since I'd had my accident and I had nobody to help me with that kind of problem.

She looked back down at my penis and put her hand around it and began slowly jerking it up and down, and it felt amazing. I wasn't expecting this, there was nothing about this in my care plan.

She cupped her other hand under my balls and began gently massaging them while stroking up and down the shaft of my cock. It didn't take long before I was completely hard. she was wanking my cock faster and pointing it towards herself.

“I'm…. going to…” I tried to say before shooting a huge load straight at her. thick cum like you only ever see in porn movies spurted out of my cock,

it was lucky she had one of those plastic aprons on or it would have gone all over her work uniform. She carried on slowly jerking my dick until my balls were completely drained.

When I was finished she ripped off the plastic apron, scrunched it and chucked it into the waste bin, she then carried on getting me ready for bed.

The next morning a different career arrived it was Helen, she liked to get things done quickly, no messing around so I couldn't expect the same kind of treatment I had gotten the night before and I said nothing because after jerking me off Alice had told me not to say a word because she could lose her job over it, I agreed to keep my mouth shut about it.

After Helen had got me up and helped me to my usual chair in front of the tv and asked me if I was ok, she left. I watched the tv but I couldn't stop thinking about the night before, if I had been able to I probably would have jerked myself off thinking about it, but I couldn't, so I just sat there with a hard-on and no way of doing anything about it.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was woken up by the sound of my front door opening.

“Hello?” called a voice and Alice walked into the living room.

“How are we feeling today?” she asked with a smile on her face.

“Yeah, I'm good, you?” I asked her

“Well you certainly seem a lot happier today, your mood seems a lot better” she looked pleased with herself.

I hadn't noticed, but now she said it I realised that I wasn't feeling as down as I was. Maybe that was my problem after all.

“You hungry? What do you want for lunch?” she asked, waking through to the kitchen and putting her plastic apron on.

“Er...just a sandwich please” I called back to her.

A few moments passed and she came back into the room with a ham sandwich she made for me. She knelt in front of me and began feeding me the sandwich. She must have gotten uncomfortable because she moved closer and was kneeling in between my legs. I wasn't thinking about the sandwich anymore, I was thinking about what had happened the night before, wondering if it was just a one-off because she felt bad for me or if it was going to be a recurring thing.

After I had finished the sandwich she put the plate aside.

“Now, is there anything else you need?” she asked, looking up at me.

There certainly was but I had no idea if it was the right thing to say, I didn't want to scare her off, she had been good to me last night.

“Anything you need me to take care of before I leave?” she asked again.

“I don't think so” I replied, my bottle had gone, I couldn't just flat out say it.

“Are you sure, I still have 20 mins before I officially have to leave?” she asked again.

I was certain I knew what she was implying but I didn't want to be pushy or presumptuous.

“Would you like a handjob?” she said bluntly.

She said it, I couldn't believe she did, but she said it.

“Erm that would be nice,” I said politely.

She leaned forward more and undid the flies of my trousers and pulled out my floppy cock, this time she took off her gloves so I could feel her warm hand around my cock which instantly made me hard. She began stroking down the shaft of my cock, slowly at first and then began to gain momentum. I felt my head go back with pleasure. Surely I must be dreaming.

“Now I know you won't be as quick as yesterday but I am on a time limit remember,” she said sternly.

I nodded and slid slightly back into the chair, which released more of my cock from my trousers and gave her more to work with. I looked down at her and noticed she was staring up at me, she smiled at me and carried on wanking my cock like it was part of her job description.

“Nearly there?” she asked me

“Not quite,” I told her, it felt good but I wasn't in as desperate need of it as I was last night so she would have to work at it a bit more this time.

“It feels so good though, thank you,” I tell her trying to reassure her that I wanted this.

All of a sudden she stopped, she leant back slightly ripping her plastic apron off and undoing her work overalls, revealing a beautiful bouncy set of tits inside a bra that looked like it was barely keeping her contained. It was a front fastening bra and she quickly unclipped it and her tits burst our revealing the most beautiful pert tits with the pinkest nipples I would have just loved to suck on.

She leant up slightly so my cock was brushing up against her tits as she quickly tugged me off.

I would have loved to touch them, to give them a nice squeeze but in my current broken state, I couldn't do that at all. It wasn't long before I burst all over her beautiful tits, my cum squirted right over the top of them and ran right down the middle as she squeezed them together. Again she carried on until I was drained of my very last drop. She wiped the tip of my cock on a dry part of her tits and gently eased my cock back into my trousers and zipped up my flies.

“Well, that was messy” she laughed as she got up to get cleaned off in the bathroom.

When she was done and was about to leave she came back into the living room where I was still sat, relaxed and drained of energy.

“I will be back this evening but I will be with a new girl that I'm supposed to be training,” she told me as she finished cleaning up anything that would suggest the deeds that had been done here today.

“I don't know her so I'm sorry but I won't be able to do anything like this for you this evening,” she said in a very apologetic tone.

“It's fine, don't worry about it, I appreciate everything you have done for me,” I tell her. She nods, says her goodbyes and leaves.

Later that evening she arrived like she said she would, this time with another colleague, a petite girl with long dark black hair, she must have only been about 19. I had to remind myself not to say anything or let on what we had been doing here.

“Good evening,” she said.

“This is Jessica, she’s new” she added.

“Hi,” I said to both of them.

I was both happy to see her but a bit disappointed that we wouldn't be able to do anything with Jessica around but I thought I had been very lucky so far so I shouldn't push my luck, I should just accept the care that was being given to me, I was sure that another time when my career was on her own she would give me the real care that I needed but for tonight it would not be that way.

“I will go and make you some dinner, while Jessica sits with you,” Alice said walking into the kitchen.

“How are you feeling,” Jessica asked. I could see she was a little nervous.

“I am ok, a little bit of pain here and there but feeling much better by the day,” I tell her with a smile on my face trying to be as friendly and calming as I could.

“That's good then,” Jessica said with a smile on her face and starting noting something down in her book.

“How do you feel your care team has been assisting you?” Jessica asked

I could see what was going on here, she was making official notes, he hadn't had much of this but I guess the new girl had to make a good impression.

“Erm….” I think to myself for a moment trying to find the right words.

“It's been great, some of the staff have been helpful,” I tell Jessica.

“Especially Alice, she is always willing to lend a hand,” I say knowing that Jessica would take that in the professional meaning and not the sexual innuendo that I had meant.

Alice walked back into the room with a bowl of lasagna that had been made for me by a family member ready to be heated up when I was ready for it. She allowed it to cool for a little while before feeding me a spoonful at a time. When I had finished she allowed me to settle for a little while before asking me if I was ready to go up and get washed ready for bed. I had a tv in my room that was also given to me by a family member so I could get ready for bed and watch tv while I laid in bed, the only problem is that I couldn't turn it off so it had to stay on all night.

“You ready then?” Alice asked.

“Yeah, I guess so” I replied thinking to myself how much better it would be if this new girl Jessica wasn't here as well.

Alice and Jessica helped me up out of the chair, I was more able to get up by now but it was still a little painful and I was still quite stiff.

They helped me upstairs and to the bathroom.

“You good to do this jess?” Alice asked her colleague.

Jess nodded as she helped me sit on the side of the bath and began to remove my trousers.

“Are you sure?” I asked her, I felt a bit bad because she seemed very young, too young to be doing something like this, but I guess it was her job and she had to get used to it so I just let it happen.

As she removed my boxers I tried to cover myself as I had always done, Jessica reached behind her for the flannel in the sink that Alice had just run. Jessica said nothing as she began to wash my feet and legs. I looked up at Alice who was leaning on the bathroom door watching what Jessica was doing.

“You doing great Jess” Alice reassured her ad she scrubbed my upper thigh.

I felt a bit nervous as she went higher, lifting my balls gently and washing underneath. Then she lifted my penis with her fingers just the way Alice had done before and I couldn't help myself. I started to get hard in her hand as she gently washed the shaft of my cock. Then I noticed she didn't flinch, or even blush as she was now clutching my semi-hard cock in her hand.

“We need to make sure you are completely clean Mr Barker,” Jessica said looking up at me.

She rolled down my foreskin and gently dapped it with the warm moist cloth.

Then to my surprise she quickly moved herself forward and took my cock in her mouth.

Shocked, I looked up at Alice who was still standing in the doorway, she gave me a wink and a smile. I looked back down at Jessica, all I could see was the top of her head bobbing up and down as she sucked my cock, putting it deep into her warm mouth, caressing up and down the shaft with her hand. After a couple of minutes of this she released my cock from her mouth and looked up at me.

“How would you rate your care out of 10 Mr Barker?” she asked me in a very formal, professional tone.

“Ten” is all I could manage to say while still trying to get over the shock and get my breath back.

She went down again, this time she went deep, her mouth almost reaching the base of my cock, she let out a gag before removing my cock again.

“How about now?” she asked

“Ok that's enough teasing the poor guy” Alice said to Jessica with a sly look on her face.

“Shall we get you to the bedroom then?” she asked me. I was a little disappointed, was that all I was getting? It felt so good I really didn't want her to stop.

Jessica stood up and ripped off her plastic apron and unbuttoned her work overall and let it fall to the ground revealing the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear, her petite sexy body, stunning and flawless she stood there in front of me, Alice did the same and the began helping me to the bedroom.

They laid me on the bed and both got on with me. Alice began wanking my cock as Jessica knelt over me with her perfect pussy almost touching my face. She looked down at me and with her own fingers she parted her pussy lips exposing her pink wetness.

“As part of your care plan and rehabilitation I'm going to need you to lick here,” she told me.

I heard Alice let out a muffled laugh as by now she had my cock in her mouth. Jessica couldn't contain the act anymore and started giggling.

“Just lick it,” she laughed.

I stuck my tongue out and began gently moving the tip of my tongue around her clit and down towards her pussy hole, she let out a gasp. I began moving my tongue a bit faster letting it explore the whole of her pussy occasionally poking it just slightly inside her. As i did this she began moving her hips ever so slightly, i could hear her gasp get quicker and more shallow until i felt a slight warm gush hit my tongue and jess began to squirm. She quickly pushed my head back away from her and looked down at me, her once pale complexion now rosy red. She smiled. I was fighting to hold myself back as Alice was sucking on my cock, her mouth going all the way down my shaft and back up again. Alice stopped and jess moved her body down mine until I could feel my cock pressing against the entrance of her soft, wet pussy. She slowly slid herself down the shaft of my cock until the whole thing was inside her. She looked down at me with a smile while biting her lip as she lifted herself back up my shaft, I could feel her tight pussy grasping my dick, it felt so good. I no longer felt the pain from my injuries, all I could think while this sexy young 19 year old girl was riding my cock was how I wished i didn't have these injuries, how I would love grab hold of her hips and guided them as she was bouncing up and down on my cock, I thought how I would love to be able feel her perfect looking tits and suck on those beautiful pink nipples, I thought how I would love to have take her from behind and fuck her hard, pressing her face down into the covers as she screams while I drive my cock deep inside her.

“We've got 2 mins until we have to leave,” Alice said to Jessica.

“...ok….” Jessica breathed as she began to ride my cock quicker.

She tried to cover her mouth but the squeals still made it through as she bounced up and down on my dick and then it happened, I couldn't hold it any longer, I blasted my load inside her.

“Im sorry… was that ok” I asked her, I hadn't asked her if it was ok to cum inside her or not, i wasn't thinking.

“It's fine” she gasped, still bouncing on my hard cock until she finally attained the ending she was looking for. She flopped forward, her hair in my face, she lifted her head up to face me, our lips were just centimetres away and I don't know if it was because of the orgasm we had both just had but she kissed me on the lips.

“Im sorry,” she said, quickly pulling away from me and slowly hoisting herself up off of my cock. As she did there was a pop and a mixture of both our cum fell out onto the bed.

“Shit” Alice said, rushing to the bathroom to grab something to clean up with.

Jessica quickly jumped up off the bed holding her pussy in her hand so no more cum would fall out from inside her and she rushed to the bathroom.

It took a little while but Alice finally made the place look as though nothing had ever taken place. They both straightened themselves out, said their goodbyes. Jessica for some reason kissed me on the lips again as she left and said goodbye.

For the next few weeks when this became a regular thing, sometimes I would fuck Alice and sometimes Jess. There was never really much time in their schedule for much else but I think we all enjoyed the short amount of time we had.

Sometimes Alice would come alone and sometimes Jessica would come on her own, but no matter which one came, it was always the same kind of turn out, they were my favorite careers during my recovery.

Sometimes Jessica would come round even though she wasn't on shift, Alice never did though……

One day I heard the door open, expecting it to be either Alice or Jessica but a strange face entered the room instead.

“Hi there, my name is Paige,” the new carer said. I felt a little disappointed, I was looking forward to seeing either Alice or Jessica.

'`You hungry” Paige asked and made her way to the kitchen.

“Yeah” I replied, feeling a little deflated.

Paige came back in the room with a ham sandwich.

“Alice said you like ham sandwiches for lunch” Paige said sitting down on a little stool beside me and began cutting the sandwich up into little manageable mouthfuls.

“You know Alice,” I asked, but then thought, well of course, she does work for the same care team.

“Yeah, she's my sister. '' Paige said, feeding me the little bits of ham sandwich, I nearly choked when she put a piece in my mouth as she told me this.

“I'll let you in on a little secret, cos Alice said you’re a really nice guy” paige began

“I've been ill for a while and couldn't afford to take time off so I asked my sister Alice and my daughter Jessica to cover my rounds for me” Paige explained, still feeding me the sandwich.

Alice was her sister and Jessica was her daughter, my heart started beating faster, wondering what else might have been discussed.

“They did a really good job,” I mumbled, not knowing what else to say.

“Aww thanks, Jess really liked you, she was always so eager to take the shifts that you were on when she wasn't busy with her college work” Paige said, still feeding me the sandwich.

“That's...nice” I say as gulped down the food.

“So….. is there anything else you need a hand with?” Paige said as she stood up.

“Erm i think im good” i replied

“Are you sure? Or would you like me to send Jess around to handle any of your special needs? ``Paige looked at me with a grin on her face and winked.

Fuck it, i thought to myslef.

“Yeah, that would be nice,” I told her.


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