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Trina and the Caramel Professor

Old songs building new memories

By Rhea Rose Published 3 years ago 9 min read
Scene from Netflix's She's Gotta Have It

“This is dangerous,” she interrupted.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

“No,” she moaned. “You feel so good.” And they continued.


Trina had a habit of leaving work when it was dark, and everyone had gone home. She spent a lot of time in the halls of Calver, the School of Sociology and Anthropology. As a Research Assistant, she is often buried in work that she prefers to do on campus. Sometimes it's work for her job, and sometimes it’s work toward her graduate degree.

Part of her go-home routine is singing tunes loudly as they boom through her earphones.

If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start

But I would rather you let me give my heart 'To Sir, With Love'

Her heavenly melody paraded the halls as she performed 'To Sir, With Love' to her imaginary audience. She spent the day listening to old songs from old movies like Sounds of Music, Lean on Me, and To Sir, With Love -- it was just one of those days.

As she sang and danced to the exit, Reggie heard her singing while he grabbed his suitcase to head home. It was late, and he was eager to leave. But the sound of her voice captivated him. He rushed towards the door to follow the voice and the familiar tune; he loved the movie: To Sir, With Love.

When he opened the door, he scared her. Trina jumped and screamed at the sound of the door behind her. It was late, so she didn’t expect anyone to be around.

“Sorry to scare you,” he said. “ I just wanted to see who was singing that song. It brought up some fond memories for me.”

“You scared the shit outta me,” she admitted.

“Sorry,” he laughed. “I was just excited.”

“You know the song?” she asked.

“Yes, it’s from ‘To Sir, With Love,” the movie that inspired me to work in Education.”

“Really? That’s dope,” Trina responded. She was touched.

“Yeah, and you sing the song so beautifully,” he said. “Not to be cheesy,” he added worried that he was coming off strong.

“Thanks,” she blushed. She was accustomed to getting compliments for her voice, but he was cute so she welcomed it.

“My name is Reggie,” he reached his arm out for a handshake.

As they shook hands, she introduced herself: “I’m Trina.”


He walked her to her car as they talked about different and similar movies with songs that became just as famous. Reggie and Trina had a lot in common, including their mutual attraction.

Reggie’s skin mimicked caramel; his button-shaped eyes told tales of an enigmatic man, and his bright smile beamed charisma. He was tall enough for Trina, and his body was as solid as a gold statue.

It was no surprise that when he asked for her number, she said “yes.”


They texted back and forth all that week talking about everything there was to talk about: Movies, music, food, culture, history, their families, their friends, their fears, their guilty pleasures. Everything. It was like they were making up for lost times, diving into every subject that surfaced in their minds.

It was only natural that they made plans to meet up that weekend, four days later.

The day came, and Reggie drove to Trina for their picnic date on her side of town. When he left his apartment to meet Trina at her place, the sun was beaming down on him, and there was a gentle breeze that caressed his skin. He was excited for a warm and sunny day out with her. But as he pulled up to her apartment, his disappointment overwhelmed him as the rain poured down on his windshield.

He texted her. “I’m outside, but it’s raining.”

She replied, “I know. Do you want to postpone? Or do you want to come inside?”

He was ecstatic by her suggestion and even more excited that she felt comfortable enough to invite him in. “I’d love to come in,” he texted.


“Hi Reggie,” she gleamed. Her face bore a tender and undeniable beauty that captivated him irrevocably.

“Trina, hi,” he smiled as he motioned to hug her.

She invited him in.

Trina’s apartment was cozy and clean, and smelled fresh and airy. “Nice apartment,” he said.

“Thanks!” She was so happy to see his smiling face that she hoped he couldn’t hear the butterflies in her stomach. She liked him. She liked him a lot.

Trina gave him a quick tour of her one-bedroom apartment for which he was glad. Glad to see where she laid her head at night, where she cooks her meals, where she walks around naked.

“So what do you want to do?” she asked. “We have an entire picnic basket, but nowhere to go.”

“We can have our picnic here,” he suggested looking around her living space. “Ok,” she smiled.

They made camp with a blanket between her sofa and TV. The overclouded sky made her apartment dark, but instead of turning on the lights, she lit some candles. The basket that she had prepared for their picnic sat beside them as they talked and laughed.

“Reggie, I have a question: do you love your job? Do you like being a Professor?”

“Yeah! I love my job,” he said. “I love working with students, especially the ones that care. And I love teaching Anthropology. It never gets boring.” As he talked, she took the opportunity to revel in the curve of his smile. He was handsome, and she couldn’t help but wonder why she’d never seen him before. He works in the same building where she takes classes and conducts her research, so why had they never met?

“Dope!” she replied. “I hope I’ll be able to enjoy my job the same way.”

“I hope you will too.”

“Reggie, I have another question,” she poised.

“Before you ask me, I have to tell you that I love the way you say my name.” He had to interrupt her, she said his name like it belonged on her tongue.

Trina blushed, feeling a lust awaken inside of her. But she continued: “Are we even allowed to be doing this?” She was alluding to the fact that he is a Professor, and she is still a student -- a graduate student, and not his student, but a student nonetheless.

“I don’t care what we’re allowed to do,” he said reaching for her face before adding: “All I know is that this feels right, and I hope it feels the same way for you.”

“It does,” she said looking into his eyes. He melted his lips onto hers for a succulent and passionate kiss; the kiss that they had been fantasizing about all week. Their lips were cold from the chilled wine they had been drinking, but they became warm as Reggie and Trina became more entranced by each others’ lips.

“This is dangerous,” she interrupted.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No,” she moaned. “You feel so good.” And they continued.

The butterflies in their bellies danced and their hearts filled with passion and desire. Reggie pulled her closer to feel the warmth of her body against his. As the lust intensified between them, Trina was compelled to sit on his lap and saddle him. With time, their bodies got closer, the kiss got deeper and it became obvious that there was only one way to quell the desire between them.

Reggie caressed her body with his hands, and his lips kissed hers. He wanted to move his hands beneath her skirt, but he didn’t want to rush her. He allowed her to go at her own pace. When she was ready, Trina lifted her sundress above her head and exposed her bare breasts. They were right before Reggie’s face, urging him to kiss them. And he kissed them as passionately as he kissed her lips. Trina’s nipples were sensitive to his tongue. Reggie galvanized her entire body by swirling his tongue around her areolas and nipples. She could feel her pussy and her appetite open up for him.

The rain beat down on the windows as she moaned and as their bodies made shadows against the walls in her apartment. Her body twisted against Reggie's, succumbing to his sprightly hands and tongue. She was ready.

Trina nipped his bottom lip once more before getting off her saddle. They stood to face each other; Reggie slowly undressed as Trina adored the glory of his body. When he was naked, she removed her last piece of clothing: her thong. Then they just looked at each other like art connoisseurs at an exhibit.

After their exhibition, Reggie picked her up and walked toward her bedroom. She didn’t resist; she didn’t assist; she just let him. He laid her onto the bed and further admired her body before he crawled on top of her. The rain made love-making music against the window, and he kissed her tender lips again as he slid his hard dick into her. Her pussy was slippery and wet, making it a smooth entry. Reggie made a home inside of her as he got to know her body and what she liked.

Sliding in and out of her, he enjoyed the crescendo of her moan and the raindrops crashing onto the bedroom window. Her face grimaced in pleasure, and it sent a surge of climax up his spine. He wasn’t ready to cum, so he stopped and kissed her again.

“Don’t move, if you move, I’m gonna buss right now.”

When that moment passed, Reggie fucked her harder and deeper, all while savoring the quality of her tight, wet pussy. He got off the bed and picked her up again. Trina wrapped her legs around his waist while he thrust his dick inside of her. He unleashed all the desire he had for her as she bounced on his dick.

Before long, Reggie braced her body against the wall as he continued to fuck her unceasingly wet pussy. He felt there was an endless supply of pleasure between her legs, and if he could, he would have spent all day between her thighs. But he couldn’t.

Trina caressed his back and called his name in pleasure: “Reggie, baby, that feels so good!”

The sound of her voice calling his name with such zest made him cum. Without warning, he exploded his lust-filled milk inside her pussy.



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You might also enjoy this story: My Big Dick Coworker.


About the Creator

Rhea Rose

Sex stories that explore every desire and inspire sexual confidence.

*This is an adult space for adult consumption.*

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