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The Weekend Pt 1

One weekend. From Friday at 6PM until Sunday at 4PM. $1,000,000. But what is going to happen to her in that time?

By Jo. SchmidtPublished 4 years ago 8 min read

One weekend. From Friday at 6PM until Sunday at 4PM. $1,000,000. That was all Rachel knew as she got into the black town car on Friday evening.

She had been an escort in Las Vegas for 2 years now as a way of putting herself through medical school. She had 4 different clients that she met with a few times a month. She was lucky enough that she was making enough money from these gentlemen that she only had to work 7 or 8 times in a month to pay all her bills. She wasn’t totally proud of the work she did, but she was a single girl, trying to pay rent, tution, and everyday bills and this provided that as well as free time to study. She could be busing tables or bar tending, working every night and only making a fraction of what she was making now.

Two weeks ago, she was at a party with one of her clients, a hotel tycoon that needed a pretty girl on his arm at a high class party at a club in the Planet Hollywood hotel, when she was approached by a man in a suit at the bar while she was alone for a moment.

“Good evening,” the man told her.

“Hey,” she responded.

“I am here to inquire about your services.”

Rachel nearly choked on her drink. “Excuse me, my what?”

“I work for a multi-billionaire who is interested in your services,” the man explained.

“I don’t know who you are, or who your boss is, but I think you have the wrong girl.” She began to turn away from him but he spoke again.

“I know you are here with Elliot Bross,” he began. “Elliot would never hire someone cheap so I know you aren't a prostitute.”

Rachel turned back to the man and stared at him.

“My boss is extremely interested in you, he would like to hire you for a weekend.”

“I don’t do weekends,” Rachel explained.

“Price is no object,” he told her. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a business card and handed it to her. “My name is Bill, here is my number. Please call me if you are interested and I will have everything arranged.”

With that, he turned away. Rachel looked down at the expensive looking card. When she looked back up, the man had disappeared into the crowds of people.

The following day, Rachel tried to google the man’s name which led her nowhere. After thinking about the offer for a couple days, she decided to give Bill a call and hear what they were offering.

“Bill speaking,” he answered.

“Hello, this is Rachel from the Planet Hollywood club.”

“I’m glad you called,” he replied. She was surprised he immediately knew who she was considering she had never told him her name. “Like I explained to you briefly in the club, my employer is interested in hiring you for a full weekend. Price is not an issue.”

“Well,” Rachel began, “I don’t usually do weekends but I can maybe make an exception. My rate starts at $3,000 for an evening date that doesn’t include sex. If sex is included, it goes up to $5,000, but that only includes standard intercourse. If anything kinky, bondage or toys, are involved, the price will go up. Price also goes up if I spend the night. Some men like certain outfits, which they will usually provide a credit card, or gift card for me to obtain that. Then I have a couple restrictions, I don’t do anal or group sex.”

She heard scratches as if Bill was writing down everything Rachel said.

“So your base is $3,000, but that goes up depending on sex, spending the night as well as the type of sex that occurs duirng the evening?” Bill asked her.


As Bill continued to write out his notes on the other line, Rachel made a guess in her head how much they would offer her given everything.

“We are ready to make you an offer, Ms. Tale.”

It took Rachel a moment to respond after he had called her by her last name. “Okay.”

Bill began. “One weekend. From Friday at 6PM until Sunday at 4PM. $1,000,000.”

Rachel nearly dropped her phone. Calculating the cost in her head for the whole weekend and a crazy amount of sex, she hadn’t come anywhere near that number.

“I’m sorry,” she said after a moment of silence. “I don’t think I heard you right. Could you please repeat that?”

“My employer wants you to be exclusive to him. He is willing to pay you $1,000,000 to hold you for a trial period. At the end of the weekend, the decision will be up to you. You may choose to go back to your other clients, or you can be his exclusively. If you choose to only cater to him and no other men, he is willing to pay $10,000 for every date and $15,000 for every weekend you spend with him. He is also willing to set a price with you if you are willing to travel with him, but know, no matter what you decide, you will still walk away with $1,000,000 on Sunday evening.

Rachel couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This man hadn’t even seen her yet and he was willing to pay her to be his exclusive escort and he was going to give her $1,000,000 for their first weekend. She had no idea what to think or say.

“I will call you back in a few days,” Bill finally said, breaking the silence between the two of them. “Let you have some time to think this through. But when I do call back, we will need an answer.”

With that, he hung up.

Bill gave Rachel 4 days to think before he called her back, then 3 days later, she was picked up in front of her condo by a new person she hadn’t seen before driving a black town car.

Rachel’s condo complex was located twenty minutes from the Las Vegas strip. She wasn’t surprised when the car drove onto the highway leading up to Sin City. Rachel stared out the window at the bright colours and lights of the Vegas strip. No matter how many times she was on the strip, she was still fascinated by the whole environment of it all. Growing up in a small town in Kentucky will do that to a girl.

The car drove up to the Cosmopolitan and pulled into the valet parking. Without shutting off the car, the driver got out of the front seat, and spoke to the valet before coming around and opening the back door for Rachel.

Rachel took his hand, which he held out for her. He then led her through the grand hotel doors.

“What’s your name?” she asked him, after they walked silently for a minute.

“Anthony,” he told her. “I am Mr. Harris’ personal driver.

Mr. Harris, Rachel thought. This was the first and only information she had received about this mystery man since the moment she met Bill in the club.

Rachel had been in this hotel a few times with other men she had been with, so she knew where she was going as she began walking towards the main elevators. But Anthony stopped her.

“We are going this way, Ms. Tale,” he said, pointing further into the casino. “Mr. Harris has a villa in the hotel and it has a seperate entrance than the standard rooms.”

“Oh,” Rachel said, changing her direction and following Anthony into the casino. She had never seen the villas at any of the hotels before. Though all the men she escorted for were wealthy, most often stayed in the suites or penthouses, which were already very high-end and expensive. She knew this man must have been different than the rest from the moment she was offered a million dollars for their first evening together, but she also knew the villas started at $35,000 an evening. Who was this man?

Rachel and Anthony walked through the casino, passing by all the tourists gambling away, and made their way to a doorway that looked as if it was the entrance to a very exclusive club. A bouncer stood in front of the glass double doors, when he saw Anthony approaching, he immediately stepped to the side, opening one of the doors for him. Anthony stepped into a hallway that matched the decor of the casino and Rachel saw two elevator doors on each side of the hall. As Rachel looked around the secret room, Anthony pressed one of the buttons, calling for an elevator.

“This elevator will take you directly to Mr. Harris’ villa,” Anthony explained. “He will be waiting for you on the veranda. When you arrive there, go down the hall and when you come to the great room, the doors behind the dining room table will lead you out. Don’t keep him waiting.”

Before Rachel could ask Anthony anything more, the elevator dinged and the chrome doors opened. The elevator itself was large enough for 10 people, had a small chandelier hanging from the roof of it, and a bench along the back. Rachel stepped inside, noticing there were only 2 buttons. 1 for the villa and 1 for the lobby.

The doors began to close, and she held out her arm to stop them, realizing Anthony had not gotten in yet. “Are you not coming?” she asked him.

“Mr. Harris has other business he needs me to attend to this evening. I will return Sunday at 4 to bring you home. Mr. Harris will call on me if he needs me or if you request to leave early,” Antony explained.

“Oh,” Rachel said, suddenly feeling scared. “Well, thank you, Anthony,” she said smiling. She pulled her arm back and allowed the doors to close, trapping her inside.

The elevator climbed quickly. There was no screen displaying what level they were on, so Rachel wasn’t sure where to look. So she just stared forward at the doors. The journey took less than a minute. The elevator dinged again, and the doors opened to a modern looking hallway. The floor was laid with grey tile and the walls were covered in a white textured wallpaper. As she stepped out onto the floor, the heels she was wearing clicked on the tile. She walked through the hallway, passing 3 sets of doors on either side of her. Glancing in them, she saw a gym, a game room, a den, a guest bathroom and two bedrooms. At the end of the hall, the room opened up into a huge open concept kitchen, dining room and living room. Rachel stared in amazement at the large appliances, a dining table big enough for 10 people, and an equally large couch that faced a floor to ceiling projector screen.

Behind the dining table, right beside the kitchen cabinets, Rachel saw an open glass door, leading out to the veranda Anthony had told her about. She smoothed out her dress, and fluffed her curled hair, then proceeded towards the door and out onto the private patio.


About the Creator

Jo. Schmidt

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    Jo. SchmidtWritten by Jo. Schmidt

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