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SINDAY ; ) Day 2 Short Erotic Stories

One day out of the year you can sin without fear

By LB Harpdog Creator Of BampiresPublished 4 years ago 11 min read
SINDAY ; ) Day 2 Short Erotic Stories

These stories are sexy and will get your imagination running. Be sure to check back every week for another story. Or just Search LB Harpdog to see more of my short erotic Sinday ; )stories. Endulge

DAY 2 Short Erotic Stories

Chapter 2 Breakdown

I’m driving down the road. It’s pouring down rain and I see this car over on the side with its hood up. I pull over to help and as I got out of the car, the chill of the air hit me. I put my coat’s hood up and pull my coat together to keep out the cold. I approached the car and asked you if you needed help. You responded by shaking her head yes. So inspected the engine and saw your car’s problem and you were alone.

We were 15 miles outside of town and I offered you a ride. I couldn’t see your face or tell how old you were, I just needed to help. You were nervous at first, but after I told you I will sit with you until you got help, you realized I was not a crazy man and got in the car and we started to drive. You were shivering and cold and your lips were bright red with lips stick which made them stand out to me. I asked a few questions in the car but you were too shy to answer. So I remained quiet for the rest of the time


We pull into town and up to the hardware store. It was closed. So I told you we will have to wait until tomorrow to get a part to fix your car. You rolled your eyes in frustration and buried your face in your hands. I felt bad and you were soaking wet. So I drove you to a nice hotel and rented myself a room. I offered to pay for your room and then you dropped your hood to your coat and spoke. “No thank you I can pay for my own room and thank you for a ride I can take care of things from here.”

I was stunned by your beauty, and your soft brown eyes, with your beautiful tan skin and dark hair. The color of your lips which were a bright red, that really help to magnify how beautiful you are. Wow she is gorgeous I thought to myself.

Then I respond. “I want to, I insist”

I spoke with a clear sharp tone. You didn’t speak another word. You just handed the hotel personnel the money and collected your key and walked away. As you walked away I felt aroused. Usually I would just stare and be on my way. But there was something about you that made my heart skip a beat.

So I went to my room with my luggage and realized that you didn’t have any. So I ran back down to the person at the front desk asking what room you were in and he told me. I gathered a few things from the store across the street. I put all of the items I bought for you in a bag, I went to you floor and knocked on your door and left them sitting at your door alone with a note that says, “Please have dinner with me, and I won’t take no for an answer meet me downstairs in 30 minutes”. The note had a Rose with it. 

You called to the front desk in a panic asking who was at your door. He told you It was me and you relaxed and went to shower and change out of those wet clothes. I was waiting at the entrance of the restaurant in some black dress pants a nice blue dress shirt.

As the elevator opened up… you came out dressed like a model. In my mind I thought “Damn she is gorgeous” forgetting to close my mouth. You smiled and said, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

I just stared into your eyes and say, “No, just the most beautiful thing that walk up to me.”

Not believing me you ask me. “Do you say that to all the girls?” 

I speak up with my heart and say, “No, only to my future that is standing right in front of me.”

I smiled and gestured for you to go into restaurant first and I followed. I had a serious problem, all I can think about is holding you in my arms and never letting go. Plus my pants were so tight from be aroused by your presence.

We sat down and ate I was having such a wonderful time with you. Watching you smile, laugh, and giggle made me so happy. As you relaxed and enjoyed the night, I knew I had to have you. But thinking of you sitting with another man made my heart ache. My desire for you was like a flame that was too hot to go near it.

I ask to excuse myself for one moment, and left the table and returned shortly. I softly said, ”God you are gorgeous. Why are you not married?”

The mood changed.... suddenly your eyes begin to fill up with hurt, your head drops into your hands and covers your face. And then I reached out and touched your hands and whispered. “Hey it’s ok, don’t speak. Can I have a dance with you? Please… and I never beg.”

I raised my hand and the music started playing a song called, Lady in Red. I reached out for your hand and helped you to your feet. And pulled you close. Our bodies start to sway, slow and gentle. Then I begin to whisper in your ear words from my heart.

I placed my head beside yours and said. “From the moment I saw your face my heart skipped a beat. There is something about you that draws me to you. Yes at first it was your beauty, but it feels like it was another life, another time. Call it what you will… but if you ever walk away from me, my world, my life will lose all meaning. So please, tell me your name so I can etch it into my heart?”

As the song was ending you whispered, Lunalu… 

Your eyes met mine and in that moment, my heart reach out for yours as our lips touched ever so softly. I closed my eyes and my lips begin to hunger for more of you. My hands slid down your back and waist. I pulled you close to me and caressed your face, knowing that I can’t wait to get you up to the room.

I left money on the table. I grabbed you by the hand and led you to the elevator. And stood waiting for the door to close. After it closed… I pushed you back into the corner of the elevator. Breathing heavy and rubbing every inch of your body that I just can’t get enough of.

I slammed on the stop button, and get on my knees and under your dress. I removed your panties that were wet from our kiss. I lifted you up on my shoulders with my head facing your sweet sex. You were sitting on my arms with your legs apart. Leaning back with your arms spread wide as I begin to devour, you. I licked all around the outer part of your pussy. Feeling my warm tongue sliding up and down your folds, making you breathe very heavy.

I dive deeper into your sex, my tongue exploring your body for the first time and loving the sounds you make, moaning and gasping. I make my way parting your sex lips and up to that pleasure button you play with all the time. Thinking about how wet your fingers must have been and rub around your clit as you imagine a man pounding you. That thought was too much to handle. I pull you off the wall out of the corner with my head still under your dress and spin around and gently lay you on the floor. 

Not noticing we pushed the elevator button. Your body in on the floor with you flat on your back. Legs spread wide, and my desire goes wild. I use my tongue to circle around your clit making sure to not touch it. You cover your mouth and scream once I finally give full attention to your clit. Your hips are grinding against my tongue, at first slow…. then you get the tingles down your back and you close your eyes and announce, “I’m cuming…. Oh. Fuck…. Ohhh babby …. Yessssss.”

While your orgasm hits its peak the elevator doors open up. A couple is standing right there as you are grabbing my head and holding it away from your clit so you can enjoy your orgasm. I turn around and see them. While blushing, I pull your dress down and move from between your legs. Then you open your eyes and see the couple. You turn a bright red as I help you up off the elevator floor and we exit the elevator as calm as we can. The woman smiles at you, and then as the door closes they begin to kiss and grope wildly and the elevator doors close. 

We laugh so hard, but being watched felt soooo wrong but turned us on even more. We take the stairs down one floor my room. And we kiss heavy while trying to open the room door. Finally we are in. I shut the door and you drop to your knees right in front of my pants. You free my very hard and hungry cock, and press it up against my stomach… and lick the bottom side of my cock. It’s so sensitive. Then as you lick up to the tip, you swallow me whole… making me breathe short breaths like I’ve been hit in the stomach.

I place my hands on both sides of your head and pull you away, because I couldn’t speak from all of the pleasure you were giving me. Now, I get a little rough, I stand you up and grab your dress and quickly pull it up and over your head. I see your gorgeous body, a body that has a little weight around your tummy, and stretch marks that say you lost weight. Every inch of your body you may not like, but I’m passionately in love with.

I pick you up under your armpits, and carry you to the bed, and with the room being a little warm. I pull myself from you long enough pull back the curtain to open the window. Since it’s a nice breeze out… we keep the curtain open. I breathe heavy telling you, “I want you soooo bad it hurts.”

You smile as I make my way onto the bed and hover over you. Nibbling your neck, and then your earlobe and over to those soft thick lips. I place my rod at the entrance of your sex. I put just the tip in… ‘oh wow… your sooo wet,’ I thought. I stroke a few times shallow watching you squirm and enjoying my body. Then I pull all the way out. I look into your eyes, and I thrust deep. One long hard quick thrust all the way in


It feels damn good as I hold pressure down as I’m deep inside you. I take my hand a caress your cheek softly, while continuing to stare into your beautiful eyes. I start to move, slowly in and out, making sure my manhood is so nice and wet from your body. I growl a deep growl as I move in and out of you trying to maintain control.

With a roll of my hips, your hands grasp my ass pushing me inside you deeper and deeper hitting a spot inside that starts to build your passion. You start to whine. “Faster, faster, oh please go faster!”

Those words were like music to my ears. I let the Animal inside me take over. My body starts to speed up. My hips are moving in rhythm with your thrusts. No longer making love but turning more primitive. I rise up off you, for more leverage. I lift your legs up over my shoulders. Now my thrust is sliding along your G-Spot… and you are moaning, and getting louder with each passing second. 

Grabbing the sheets and forgetting to breathe as you’re building up to your second orgasm. You start to say, “I’m cuming…ohhh .. yesss …. Right there… aaaugh right there.”

Your eyes roll in the back of your head your body tenses up, and then I pound your sweet pussy harder and faster. Until you utter no words, but the sound,  “Ughhhhh. Yaaawwwweee……. FUCK!”

Watching your sexy face while you orgasm, I stop and pull out to let you enjoy the waves of pleasure that race through your body. And I lay on the bed and after you recover, I roll you on top of me… and you look down at me you kiss me so sweet, but I’m hungry, for release. 

I place both my hands on your face and you lower your red swollen pussy down on my body never losing eye contact. I feel your pussy pulsing. It was making my cock want to move, to feel your slippery wet delicious pussy covering my hard member. Once I feel me bottom out inside you, you slide back and forth on my abs that rubbed your clit as you ride me.

I release your face with my hands and put my hands on your hips. From this view, I see your face, cringe with pleasure right before you explode, you lose control, your hips are moving on its own, and your whine the words, “OhOHOhOh!”

Then your body stops. You hunch over me weak and twitching. I pause for a second so you can catch your breath. But I’m getting close. I began to move… Slow for the first few strokes.. My thick hands dig into your flesh to make sure you can’t escape. I thrust my hips up, off the bed, making sure I drive deep up into you.

Then I put my feet on the bed and just fuck with no mercy. My abs were tight, my shoulders tense, my hips strong, and just fucking so fast that I start to erupt. As soon as you’re almost to another orgasm, you look out the window making eye contact with another man who is fucking you with his eyes, and his hands on his shaft for you to see.

I was stroking very short quick strokes, with that same pain of pleasure look on his face. Then you see it, he shoots his load over the balcony. I pull out, and shoot my seed all over both of us. And you rub your clit, and finish 10 seconds after me. Then we both go limp. I pull you into my chest, and hold you close so you can hear my heartbeat. And ask for you to stay with me forever, but you just smile and hold me tight and say. “If you can love my heart like you love my body, I will gladly stay with you forever.”

If you like this story, there are more to come. Just search LB Harpdog and see all of my short erotic stories. Some are wild and others are simply insane. Search for my other ebooks in online stores like, TIME TO PLAY Series, also MIND NIGHT BLUE Series. Check out SPORT OF ROMANCE, The guide to Romantic ideas to make love to her heart.

Sinday ; ) Day 3 is next. Lunalu's adventure continue.


About the Creator

LB Harpdog Creator Of Bampires

When you want to escape this world by reading. I have created a world that will suck you in and give you a taste of what Bampires have everyday. 33 days of SINDAY will spin your desires. Enjoy your free reads.


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    LB Harpdog Creator Of BampiresWritten by LB Harpdog Creator Of Bampires

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