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She had had lovers

Resistance is futile...

By LouLouPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
She had had lovers
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

She had had lovers. Brief, hot and passionate affairs, that were so much fun, and perfect for fulfilling immediate needs. Certainly part of her loved that excitement of being so intimate with a relative stranger, to feel them touching her body and enjoying the new sensations of an unknown lover. No doubt it was a huge turn on, a buzz she loved and she knew how to get what she wanted.

Who needed the complications of a relationship? Life was very busy and perfect just the way it was. In the last few months, she had not even thought about him that much at all. Was it really so long ago? It had been a very strange situation, not one she was used to dealing with. To finally meet her match, someone able to meet her halfway in all things. Interests, intellect, perceptions, beliefs it had been a stimulating meeting of minds, with a heady, dizzy few months of roller-coaster emotions. Foolishly she had fleetingly believed there may have been a chance, but with some many things against it, that had soon turned around.

Afterward, it had taken some time to get over, unusual to get so attached and so quickly. He had never expressed any interest, but there were many contradictions in that, she was never sure if that was her own wishful thinking or there had been more to it. But anyway it was past. Remaining friends with such a kaleidoscope of emotions in play had been impossible and was doomed to failure. Too many assumptions and complications.

She enjoyed the fresh, raw, attraction, of the one- night stands, uncomplicated and simple, they both knew what they wanted, and there was no worry about, the long term or meaning of things it was just sex. Uninhibited and self-indulgent.

To begin with, it had been hard to break the connection. Even though brief she had grown used to the regular emails dropping in her inbox, dripping with innuendoes and stimulation. Never able to resist, a quick-witted reply to any challenge they had both enjoyed the banter she was sure. Had he struggled with the same temptation, to begin with? She would never know, but imagined perhaps...

She missed her friend, because they had become friends, unfortunately for her, she wanted more and he did not, which could have worked, but for his ability to confuse the boundaries. They had kissed once and it had been amazing, a sensual kiss full of promise, which had caused more confusion on her part. There was some chemistry between them, of that she was sure, but he had his reasons for holding back and there was no point in going any further.

Surprisingly, considering a mutual group of friends she had not seen him at all, since they agreed to stop. She was out with a group of friends for a birthday party, it was lively and loud. A few drinks in, it was very enjoyable.

She looked up from her conversation and he was standing there. Her stomach skipped as she caught his eyes. Everything seemed to fade into the background, and slowed, as they held each other's gaze. Wanting to break away, she couldn’t and he smiled. ‘This is not good’ she thought, ‘I have dealt with this and I do not want to go back there again now. Don’t come to sit here, go somewhere else... I will have to leave. I can’t bear to do this all night. But I am so enjoying seeing you again. I have missed you.’

She swallowed her throat dry, taking another large drink, to focus on something else. She breathed in sharply, as he slid into the empty barstool next to her. Even without looking she was conscious of the energy of him next to her like a radiant heat source warming her skin. ‘This really is bad, I can’t do this’ thoughts jarred her senses, as she tried to find a way to gain some distance. It’s just going to be the same thing all over again she reasoned 'leave now' while you still have some sense left in your brain. All these sensible thoughts hammered uselessly against her traitorous body’s strong desire to take any opportunity to be close again. He turned, his eyes flickered over her face, a slight frown across his brow. ‘What was this?’ a sign of some doubt or annoyance she had never seen that before. He reached up and brushed the hair from her eyes, his finger briefly kissing her cheek.

She jerked away, suddenly very aware, and afraid, of what would happen to her feelings, if she stayed here. This could not happen again; she had been hurt before, dealt with it, and would not enter this game again. She turned and headed for the exit, not looking back or caring what he thought about her sudden departure. This was good, OK, she had done it, get outside, get some fresh air, forget inside, go home, back to normal. That was what she was going to do, that felt right and the only option.

Outside the air was cool, and the darkness surrounded her, taking the heat from her face. She breathed deeply, slowing her heart rate. Moving away from the door and into the shadows, she leant against the wall, to get some composure back. With eyes closed, she began to feel a little more back to normal, and back in control. ‘Oh Boy! that was something, got to keep your distance’, she now knew. What is it about this guy that does that to you? in such an immediate and shocking way, she wondered. It’s like turning on a switch, to a place in her mind she did not want to go again.

Suddenly aware of a presence, she opened her eyes and he was standing right there. How come she hadn’t heard him, but never mind that... he came close putting his hands on either side of her head, not waiting to say anything, his lips hot, sudden, and demanding crushed down onto hers. His hands in her hair pulling her closer. His tongue pushed into her mouth, his breath in hers, as the kiss deepened. She had no chance to do anything. His body against hers. ‘Oh god, I can’t help this’ he murmured against her lips ‘I tried to stay away but I can’t, I’ve missed you, I want you’. Her body traitorously reacted to his kiss, his touch, and his words. ‘I want to feel, your body against mine, I want to run my hands all over you, I want to feel your nipples harden under my fingers, push my fingers into your wet pussy, I want you’ His kiss becoming more wild, with each claim, she was rapidly losing sense of anything but him.

Kissing him back, more urgently, her mouth wide as he claimed her. She touched his chest and pushed her hands up inside his shirt, feeling his tense muscles contract under her nails as they grazed his smooth hard chest. Her hands moved up his back, pulling him closer. Wild kisses, his hand undoing her blouse squeezing her breasts, felt like heaven, the nipples already hard and erect. His hands were all over her, as he crushed her lips, and demanded her body respond to his attention.

His hands squeezed her breasts, causing her to moan against his lips, she arched her back. Hands inside her blouse. Hands against her skin. Fingers touching hard nipples. Lips hard against hers. Wet tongue exploring her mouth. Touching and tasting each other. Her hands inside his shirt. Hands against his trembling stomach. Fingers running down inside his jeans. Hot kisses, too much to stop now. Fingers trailing across her stomach. Pushing down inside her panties. Her fingers find his hardness throbbing. Her palm rubbing him, pulling him close to her. His fingers finding her open and wet. His cock hard and wanting. Her pussy slick and hot.

Pushing her against the wall, hands lifting her legs. His hips move in close, he enters her, hard. Pushing until they have closed the gap between them. He looks into her eyes and they know what this is. Pulling back slowly and entering her again, never breaking eye contact, the intimacy of the moment is overwhelming. Beyond sensation and imagination, there is a deep connection that goes farther than the physical. Moving together, each time holding the moment at its deepest. Wanting it to last forever, yet craving the pleasure they cannot stop moving together. Faster until their bodies tense, one last thrust he holds himself deep in her, she feels him pulse in her as they come together. She wants to look away, yet he holds her gaze, watching each other as waves of pleasure overcome them both.


About the Creator


Erotic Musings.. Temptation, Passion we all need more of that

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    LWritten by LouLou

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