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Room 125

A Girl & A Key

By Feisty BitesPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Like 125...that sounds familiar", she chuckled to herself. As she turned the key over and over in her hand, she couldn't help but to wonder the affect he would have on her this time. I mean it has been...a moment since her gaze met his. Lord knows the last time they crossed paths, he ignited a fire she didn't know she had, unfortunately now that flame will not blow out.


She plopped down on the floor, facing her coffee table in her living room and opened her email, as she slipped the room key into the back pocket of her green shorts.

Back to work I go-, her thought process was cut short as she felt a vibration on the table. Sighing, she reached for the phone , and to her surprise it was Him.

Unconsciously, she started to drum her fingers on the table, before answering, "Hello?"

"What are you up to little one?", a deep and sensual voice said into her ear. He had a voice that could soothe a storm and start one at the same time, and it made her melt. She smiled, "Oh, you know, reviewing some work emails, you?"

"Just got in actually, and figured I would check in on you. Did you get the key I left in your mailbox?"

"I did, what exactly are you up to mister?", she wondered what he had planned. Maybe blindfolds? Maybe. Definitely rope-

"address, hello?, he chuckled, "come back little one...focus", pulling her from her thoughts.

"Huh? What did you say", she asked.

He chuckled again before saying, " I said, I will send you the address in a bit. Yeah...I can definitely tell it has been one of those weeks for you. I mean you zoned completely out."

She laughed, "sorry, it has been chaotic, but that plan works for me. I'm going shower and prep, I will see you shortly."


As she looked up into the sky outside of the hotel, she couldn't help but notice the dark storm clouds moving in. Even better...let it storm, she thought and smirked silently to herself. Grabbing her bag from the trunk, she locked the car and casually walked into the lobby of the hotel.

Glancing around, she noticed the decor reminded her of an ancient civilization that had been lost and rediscovered. Beautifully carved designs depicting ancient gods adorned the walls. Flowers, and vines dripped gently down or across the halls. It created the feeling of walking through a jungle in one's backyard. Feels like home, yet an adventure. It was safe...and still unnerving, but she loved it.

Following the signs, she found her way to the correct hall, and after in what seemed to be a maze, she found the door.

"Room 125...", she said as she took a deep breathe and unlocked the door. Hesitating for a brief moment with her hand on the door knob, she felt a chill course through her body. Relax girl, its just a damn room, then she twisted the door knob and entered.

Upon entering, she couldn't help but notice how spacious, yet homey the room appeared. A beautiful large window with a view of the forest beyond, cast a natural light across the half of the room. The light almost perfectly divided the bed into a ying & yang symbol.

Coming closer to the window, she peered outside and noticed that on this side of the hotel, every other room was further out into the field in contrast to the suites next door. The architect who designed this hotel, ensured the perfect amount of privacy by doing so, and the fact that He found a place like this was intriguing for her.

As she stood in awe of the view she couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching her. Though she saw no one outside, Oh well, it's just nerves, guess I can unpack.

Taking a step back, she bumped into a solid force, and froze, "Oh shit", was all she could muster before the instinct to run took over.

To Be Continued...


About the Creator

Feisty Bites

I enjoy writing, and I finally worked up the courage to share the stories I keep in my head! I hope you all enjoy!

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